Please explain the "philosophical position" of which you speak.
I mean, come on, I'm hardly one of our neighbor's biggest fans, but ...
Okay, how about we try it this way:
Is 'meaning' arbitrary or systematic?
Now, I'll even tip at the outset: It
cannot be arbitrary, else it is meaningless.
One's philosophical position in this case is akin to where one is on the map of philosophy, much like one's global position would represent where they were on a map of the world.
I will, furthermore, go so far as to suggest this is actually similar to something I've long wondered about. Our neighbor is too general in his language, but I'm not especially worried about an overly general use of the word "atheist" compared to the religious nonsense we find, say, driving the topic post.
It's not that atheists are necessarily not philosophically astute; it's just that the ones he deals with aren't. Kind of like the religionists some atheists go out of their way to deal with, who aren't necessarily the most reasonably representative of anything other than their own human condition. The thing is, that if you knock around enough in this weird "New Atheist" and post-NA marketplace, he's not wrong. The thing is, this particular range of atheism is a superficial bias without regard to function.
Think of it this way: The only difference I find between the "patriot" who dies shooting up the place to free the sheeple and the religious nut who shoots the place up for God is the statistical the "patriot" might be an atheist, and therefore the difference would be that the religious nut thinks he's going to heaven while the atheistic "patriot" is just taking as many as possible out with him. In other words, the only difference is a matter of psychoanalysis and academia; dead is dead, murder is murder, and stupid is stupid.
Meanwhile, there are priorities we might describe as philosophical that, in turn, describe how you assess information and make subjective decisions; if we think of org or flow charts, there you go, a philosophical position. It's not actually so obscure, but you might be focusing on acts of will, such as a political position deliberately adopted.
And like I said, I'm not necessarily one of our neighbor's biggest fans. I don't say this to knock him or expect that he should feel badly; we just don't see eye to eye on a bunch of stuff.
And that is kind of important, at least to me, because you shouldn't be losing this argument to him.
Honestly, if people want to know why I pick on atheists, this is why. How the hell can they keep losing like this? It's because the rationality asserted by rejecting or failing to believe in God does not extend beyond that particular statement, so everything else these evangelical atheists say, about
anything in the Universe, is either as scientific as science (
e.g., "gravitational acceleration at the surface of the Earth equals nine and eight-tenths meters per second, per second"), or subjective as an opinion. In which case, great, "atheism" is just another religious argument.