Religious Nonsense

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Religion is nonsense because evidence from science shows that humans are just very complex biological machines.
You will have to pad out your thinking. It's not clear what you are specifically referencing in biology to evidence religion as nonsense.

We are really no different than other animals when it comes to biology and our brain works the same way as the other primates.

Many people think we have a soul, a spirit or a personality but I think that's a myth made up by religious people in order to control people and tell them what to do and how to behave.
If it's all about control of the masses, you would be better off arguing against the soul on the strength of the manipulation of social media ....

The afterlife is also a myth in my opinion. There is clearly no afterlife because all we really are is animals. Will a chimp or a gorilla go to heaven when he/she dies? If your answer no then why should humans be any different?
Then I take it you have no problem with models of religious thought that conceive of all life possessing the same qualitative essence, ie reincarnation.

Throughout history religious beliefs and behaviors have been the source of incredible human suffering and misery and I think that's because religion is not actually true but is based on ancient myths and lies.
The rise of secularism under the umbrella of the industrial revolution hasn't exactly ushered in an era of peace ... just in case you weren't familiar with modern history.
Even if you want to isolate conflict to the ideological, the reigning champions are communists, kind of the opposite spectrum of the religious .... which in itself is quite a remarkable feat since to win that award they even had to beat the rule of averages, given that the world's population predominantly identifies with some sort of religion or other.
The rise of secularism under the umbrella of the industrial revolution hasn't exactly ushered in an era of peace ...
If that was supposed to be a sequitur, it isn't. Saying that secularism didn't prevent all conflict is like saying medicine doesn't prevent all disease. It's the improvement that matters.
If that was supposed to be a sequitur, it isn't. Saying that secularism didn't prevent all conflict is like saying medicine doesn't prevent all disease. It's the improvement that matters.
WW1, WW2 and the prospect of WW3 are improvements?
If one is plying a cure, one would at least expect the symptoms of the disease to slacken.
Have you had any wars in your backyard this week? Would you rather have the Protestants charging through one week and the Catholics the next?
What nonsence.
Its hard to see the forest for the trees.
My list...the dress up is nonsence.
The waffer is nonsence and rather suggestive of canabalism.
The assertion that the NT is a fresh covenant that wipes away the earlier nonsence in the OT is nonsence.
Hating Gay folk is nonsence.
After life is nonsence.
A young Earth is nonsence.
A flat Earth is nonsence.
Divine intervention is nonsence.
Ten percent of your income offerred up like demanded by an extortionist is nonsence.
That JC was God is nonsence.
That the flood happened is nonsence.
That Noah was 600 odd years old when he built the ark is nonsence.
Ken Hams ark is nonsence.

But above all to make a claim without support such as there is a God with no evidence and then to call upon those who ask for evidence to prove there is no God is nonsence.
To pretend religion trumps science is nonsence.

I will rest and continue the list later.

According to your source, modern wars correlate with theistic religion - with the US simultaneously the most warlike and most religiously theistic of the Western powers, slaughters and conflicts associated with strong theistic religion everywhere on the planet.
Now you just have throw "secular" in there to make a point, although it may difficult if the USA is at the centre of your thesis (or maybe I should say "memesis" ... the notion of attributing a single, memeable lable to conflict tends to be the pursuit of simpletons trying to make runs rather than critical thinkers trying to make points).
What exactly do you mean by this statement...its a compliment right?
If there is a complimentary manner to label provincialism ("my backyard is good so the world is good") as an ideal position to survey a universal position, it is neither within my understanding nor intentions.
If there is a complimentary manner to label provincialism ("my backyard is good so the world is good") as an ideal position to survey a universal position, it is neither within my understanding nor intentions.
I love your expression.
It sounds as if you have said something profound.
I need to read it a few times to dismiss my original impression that you are laying it on.
Come on now tell me about what you really think.
I love your expression.
It sounds as if you have said something profound.
I need to read it a few times to dismiss my original impression that you are laying it on.
Come on now tell me about what you really think.
I thought it was pretty obvious - noting that there are no minefields or unexploded ordinance growing amongst one's petunias in no way says anything about those who do, and it also says nothing about the unprecedented hypervigiliance of the world's standing armies and their arsenals on the beck and call of nervous politicians poised to coat the planet in expensive dog poo.
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