Well, that exists. But male bonobos are just pretty much ignored when it comes to group decisions. For example, when the males want to move the group to another location, they get down out of the trees, start moving, shake branches etc. Nothing happens until the females want to move. They are in charge.
You took it wrong, it happens that bonobos are not like you or me, they are gentlemen.
Nope. When a male bonobo gets aggressive and tries to "take the lead" on sex, the females attack him and drive him off. Per the primatologist that studied a bonobo group, "many females around her collaboratively chase and attack and even bite that male severely. And then that male usually flees while screaming." Their natural instinct is for the females to lead the group, and decide when sex is OK.
That primatologist by bad luck went to a bonobo ghetto in the lower side of the jungle. Over there female bonobos carry guns.
You say females grouping up to beat the male bonobo, as keeping the female away from the lover. I witnessed a different scenario with cats on the roof around my neighbourhood in my younger years. Male cats were to group themselves in order to scare the female cat to stay quiet when one of the cats have sex with her. The grouping of male cats is a must, because if a sole cat manages to have sex with the female cat and no other ones are around, as soon as the male cat takes out his weird lingo lingo, the female cat will attack the male cat and will even kill Romeo right there. It becomes a copy of the black widow in spiders. Who knows such is what happens with those spiders as well. The female cat becomes so furious that her pain after sex make her very brave.
Your hypothesis about bonobos' behaviour is female dominance, but I think there are other explanations. It seems is protection rather than dominion. Dominion is when the female bonobos are the ones who go alone or in group to catch their victim and have sex with him. I don't buy your version, and of course you won't buy mine as well. A further study must be made about it.
Point is that mammals behave that way, and others like birds and reptiles show the same behaviour of male dominance over females. We humans are mammals, and we of course carry the same instinct inside us. It is understood that by culture the grouping of young guys hanging on a street corner and sending kisses to a young beautiful woman passing thru in the street is taken as "offensive", harassment" etc. However, these young men are just giving loose freedom to their instinct as mammals.
I'm not trying to justify their actions but to use science in order to understand why they do it without someone having taught them such a behaviour. It's nature in action. Religion, and many people ignore this aspect of it, goes in accord with nature, at least the biblical religion does it. And our current society has reached the current level of knowledge and progress in great part because men used to follow those religious principles which are in accord with nature.
We can't forget that such is what happened, that our fathers, grandfathers, and etc. were religious people, and were the founders of our current societies. And societies went up even in the middle of injustice, segregation, you name it. Changes in society are supposed to continue, but those changes can't be forced. Also it is understood we are reaching levels of civility where ideals are taken place rather than the former attachment to nature. We have decided to break the former model, to experiment new models for society. Perhaps will be for better, perhaps for worst, but to me, going away from nature is a very bad idea, hmm hmm hmm, bad idea...
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