Religion Sub-forum....WHOA!!


It is very dry in here today
Valued Senior Member
As I waded my way through the Religion sub-forum for a few days it reminded of a time when I was slated to visit a hospital in a part of the world that wouldn't be a newlywed's honeymoon destination. However the government and the local officials wanted me to check it out. Not wishing to anger anyone, especially the people who contracted me, I naturally said yes. The bus carrying us broke down and we had to walk about 10 km, but that's beside the point.

So we finally get there and I'm taken to see the person in charge. So when I'm introduced to the manager I get the sense that something is wrong. I couldn't help but notice a tag on his wrist indicating he was a patient, not a director. I calmly walked over to the authorities who had accompanied me and told them my suspicions. Anyway to make a long story short, it turns out this guy was a patient. The general manager and all but one of the paid staff had gone home or to places unknown, something they did every day. The only staff member there was sleeping off a hangover in an outbuilding. Needless to say it caused quite a stir. Was it an asylum for the mentally ill? A prison? They could have been patients or inmates for all I knew, but they were running the place.
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As I waded my way through the Religion sub-forum for a few days it reminded of a time when I was slated to visit a hospital in a part of the world that wouldn't be a newlywed's honeymoon destination. However the government and the local officials wanted me to check it out. Not wishing to anger anyone, especially the people who contracted me, I naturally said yes. The bus carrying us broke down and we had to walk about 10 km, but that's beside the point.

So we finally get there and I'm taken to see the person in charge. So when I'm introduced to the manager I get the sense that something is wrong. I couldn't help but notice a tag on his wrist indicating he was a patient, not a director. I calmly walked over to the authorities who had accompanied me and told them my suspicions. Anyway to make a long story short, it turns out this guy was a patient. The general manager and all but one of the paid staff had gone home or to places unknown, something they did every day. The only staff member there was sleeping off a hangover in an outbuilding. Needless to say it caused quite a stir. Was it an asylum for the mentally ill? A prison? They could have been patients or inmates for all knew, but they were running the place.

PsychoticEpisode, you ask : "Was it an asylum for the mentally ill? A prison?"

PsychoticEpisode, it is your story, evidently you were there, so please enlighten the rest of us.
What exactly was it?

Do we have to Post Photos of our wrists before you will finish the story?

If that is the case, who do you suppose should lead by example?
DMOE: it isn't important as to what it really was. It might as well have been the Costa Concordia, a ship without a rudder, aimlessly navigating through dangerous waters until disaster strikes.
I didn't feel comfortable in there, thus i'm out.
PsychoticEpisode said:
The general manager and all but one of the paid staff had gone home or to places unknown, something they did every day. The only staff member there was sleeping off a hangover in an outbuilding. Needless to say it caused quite a stir. Was it an asylum for the mentally ill? A prison? They could have been patients or inmates for all knew, but they were running the place.

Did it look like this?

DMOE: it isn't important as to what it really was. It might as well have been the Costa Concordia, a ship without a rudder, aimlessly navigating through dangerous waters until disaster strikes.
I didn't feel comfortable in there, thus i'm out.

PsychoticEpisode, if it is not important, why did you start a Thread predicated upon it?
I think his point was that he felt uncomfortable in the Religion subforum... is that an accurate understanding PsychoticEpisode?
As I waded my way through the Religion sub-forum for a few days it reminded of a time when I was slated to visit a hospital in a part of the world that wouldn't be a newlywed's honeymoon destination. However the government and the local officials wanted me to check it out. Not wishing to anger anyone, especially the people who contracted me, I naturally said yes. The bus carrying us broke down and we had to walk about 10 km, but that's beside the point.

So we finally get there and I'm taken to see the person in charge. So when I'm introduced to the manager I get the sense that something is wrong. I couldn't help but notice a tag on his wrist indicating he was a patient, not a director. I calmly walked over to the authorities who had accompanied me and told them my suspicions. Anyway to make a long story short, it turns out this guy was a patient. The general manager and all but one of the paid staff had gone home or to places unknown, something they did every day. The only staff member there was sleeping off a hangover in an outbuilding. Needless to say it caused quite a stir. Was it an asylum for the mentally ill? A prison? They could have been patients or inmates for all I knew, but they were running the place.
No doubt you would feel more comfortable doing yoga, since it wouldn't offend your refined sensibilities
As I waded my way through the Religion sub-forum for a few days it reminded of a time when I was slated to visit a hospital in a part of the world that wouldn't be a newlywed's honeymoon destination. However the government and the local officials wanted me to check it out. Not wishing to anger anyone, especially the people who contracted me, I naturally said yes. The bus carrying us broke down and we had to walk about 10 km, but that's beside the point.

So we finally get there and I'm taken to see the person in charge. So when I'm introduced to the manager I get the sense that something is wrong. I couldn't help but notice a tag on his wrist indicating he was a patient, not a director. I calmly walked over to the authorities who had accompanied me and told them my suspicions. Anyway to make a long story short, it turns out this guy was a patient. The general manager and all but one of the paid staff had gone home or to places unknown, something they did every day. The only staff member there was sleeping off a hangover in an outbuilding. Needless to say it caused quite a stir. Was it an asylum for the mentally ill? A prison? They could have been patients or inmates for all I knew, but they were running the place.

Originally posted by ... - you guessed it! - PSYCHOTIC EPISODE.
And why are you back, Psychotic Episode? A while back, you told us you're done here and that you're leaving for good. But here you are again. How come?
And why are you back, Psychotic Episode? A while back, you told us you're done here and that you're leaving for good. But here you are again. How come?

The Religion subforum?

Anyway, it's like this: say you lived next door to lightgigantic and he insists on playing Ravi Shankar music all day long but so loud that you know its disturbing for many. You ask him to be quiet, you phone the police yet it never stops. Eventually you have to do something. Moving away won't help the next guy and the music keeps on playing. Morally you know what LG is doing is reprehensible, absolutely no consideration for others. No other recourse but to take matters into your own hands. Yes I will piss off Ravi Shankar lovers including LG, but for the sake of sanity, it's a price you have to pay.
The Religion subforum?

Anyway, it's like this: say you lived next door to lightgigantic and he insists on playing Ravi Shankar music all day long but so loud that you know its disturbing for many. You ask him to be quiet, you phone the police yet it never stops. Eventually you have to do something. Moving away won't help the next guy and the music keeps on playing. Morally you know what LG is doing is reprehensible, absolutely no consideration for others. No other recourse but to take matters into your own hands. Yes I will piss off Ravi Shankar lovers including LG, but for the sake of sanity, it's a price you have to pay.

Awww, the bromance! :eek: :eek:

Yes, LG is, despite everything, irresistibly adorable and irresistibly attractive.
He can make the horniest brute sigh with metaphysical exasperation.
The Religion subforum?

Anyway, it's like this: say you lived next door to lightgigantic and he insists on playing Ravi Shankar music all day long but so loud that you know its disturbing for many. You ask him to be quiet, you phone the police yet it never stops. Eventually you have to do something. Moving away won't help the next guy and the music keeps on playing. Morally you know what LG is doing is reprehensible, absolutely no consideration for others. No other recourse but to take matters into your own hands. Yes I will piss off Ravi Shankar lovers including LG, but for the sake of sanity, it's a price you have to pay.

PsychoticEpisode, at least YOU "know its disturbing for many" - so being self-centered could not be the reason for taking "matters into your own hands" ! "Good lookin' out", for everyone else!

PsychoticEpisode, " Oh, the love, the luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuv! " for your fellow man.