Metatron Johnson
The thing is—
—the House GOP is already extraordinarily stressed.
That's what's going on; it's not that Speaker Johnson just got too churchy for the party of Christian conservatism, but, rather, it's not working out.
The government continues to operate; House Republicans, despite their lamentations in recent weeks, still have nothing to show their voters; their reasons for not legislating have grown from self-denigration to flaming catastrophe. This isn't a suicide mission to accomplish a task regardless of the cost, but, rather, a slowburning masochism keeps erupting into searing hellflame.
For instance, not only has their hunt for Hunter been shown to be fraudulent to the point that their key witness is claiming to be a Russian disinformation agent, but consider that Special Counsel David Weiss, given the job because he is a Republican-appointed U.S. Attorney, apparently cannot tell the difference between sawdust and cocaine.
The question of when who knew what↗ presses more heavily as Rep. Comer's (R-KY01) Oversight investigation now appears to be based on foreign disinformation. For the House Republicans who spoke out about their party's congressional failure, the prospect that they did it all as tools of a foreign government stings all the more.
Speaker Johnson (R-LA04) is, moreover, graceless and incompetent about it all. And that's what is going on. Conservatives have been running increasingly risky political schemes in recent years, trading out actual substantial work for spectacle and melodrama. And for all these Republicans have hurt themselves in exchange for some grand victory even they could never describe, the Speaker's embarrassing mix of failure and unconvincing clodhoppery not only wastes the effort, but lays bare the bad faith that will haunt all their names.
Meanwhile, the economy is getting better, Trump is getting worse, and not only do Republicans not have anything to show their voters, their own demands have brought about a result in which their reason for making sure government doesn't work turns out to look like poodling for a foreign adversary. Speaker Johnson's tenure is a disaster only mitigated by the Republican desire for dysfunction, i.e., making sure that government just doesn't work. It isn't much for solace.
Speaker Johnson doesn't have anything to offer, so of course he falls back to preaching and prayer; some House Republicans who are weary of the stooge they made Speaker will take the occasion to mark the divisions. It's almost like a corporate recall calculation: Will it hurt the party more to leave Johnson in place or overturn the Speakership again?
Even that is a complex question, though, because this isn't really how things are supposed to go. Conservatives had to work hard to so badly screw up screwing things up so badly.
In that context, then, remember that the problem isn't the Christian nationalism. "I'm not at church," said the one, and maybe the GOP leadership retreat was "horrible", but House Republicans will do their partisan duty and vote for the agenda whenever they have a chance. Any grumbling, at this point, has to do with how poorly Speaker Johnson does his part.
That is to say, not only do they get nothing out of it, the Speaker is so clumsy about it all as to increase the damage Republicans take in a devilish coin toss by which they are either sinister or retarded. And, yes, they really did do this to themselves.
And with the Alabama Supreme Court having just inflicted another Christian nationalist blow, I can only reiterate↗ that general denunciations of religion, Christianity, and scripture will not be sufficient for the task.
Matthews, Troy. "Republicans Furious as Speaker Johnson Turns GOP Leadership Meeting Into Religious Revival". Meidas Touch Network. 21 February 2024. 22 February 2024.
The thing is—
Members of House Republican leadership expressed frustration at Speaker Mike Johnson after a GOP leadership retreat over the weekend, organized to outline plans for keeping the majority, quickly turned into a religious service.
"I'm not at church," an anonymous attendee said in response to Johnson leading the group in prayers and Christian sermonizing. According to two people in the room the sermon was not well received, with one Rep. calling the session "horrible."
Johnson was reportedly railing against government, saying that without God in their lives people will turn to the government for guidance. The sermon lasted for a full third of the meeting according to the anonymous members.
"I'm not at church," an anonymous attendee said in response to Johnson leading the group in prayers and Christian sermonizing. According to two people in the room the sermon was not well received, with one Rep. calling the session "horrible."
Johnson was reportedly railing against government, saying that without God in their lives people will turn to the government for guidance. The sermon lasted for a full third of the meeting according to the anonymous members.
—the House GOP is already extraordinarily stressed.
That's what's going on; it's not that Speaker Johnson just got too churchy for the party of Christian conservatism, but, rather, it's not working out.
The government continues to operate; House Republicans, despite their lamentations in recent weeks, still have nothing to show their voters; their reasons for not legislating have grown from self-denigration to flaming catastrophe. This isn't a suicide mission to accomplish a task regardless of the cost, but, rather, a slowburning masochism keeps erupting into searing hellflame.
For instance, not only has their hunt for Hunter been shown to be fraudulent to the point that their key witness is claiming to be a Russian disinformation agent, but consider that Special Counsel David Weiss, given the job because he is a Republican-appointed U.S. Attorney, apparently cannot tell the difference between sawdust and cocaine.
The question of when who knew what↗ presses more heavily as Rep. Comer's (R-KY01) Oversight investigation now appears to be based on foreign disinformation. For the House Republicans who spoke out about their party's congressional failure, the prospect that they did it all as tools of a foreign government stings all the more.
Speaker Johnson (R-LA04) is, moreover, graceless and incompetent about it all. And that's what is going on. Conservatives have been running increasingly risky political schemes in recent years, trading out actual substantial work for spectacle and melodrama. And for all these Republicans have hurt themselves in exchange for some grand victory even they could never describe, the Speaker's embarrassing mix of failure and unconvincing clodhoppery not only wastes the effort, but lays bare the bad faith that will haunt all their names.
Meanwhile, the economy is getting better, Trump is getting worse, and not only do Republicans not have anything to show their voters, their own demands have brought about a result in which their reason for making sure government doesn't work turns out to look like poodling for a foreign adversary. Speaker Johnson's tenure is a disaster only mitigated by the Republican desire for dysfunction, i.e., making sure that government just doesn't work. It isn't much for solace.
Speaker Johnson doesn't have anything to offer, so of course he falls back to preaching and prayer; some House Republicans who are weary of the stooge they made Speaker will take the occasion to mark the divisions. It's almost like a corporate recall calculation: Will it hurt the party more to leave Johnson in place or overturn the Speakership again?
Even that is a complex question, though, because this isn't really how things are supposed to go. Conservatives had to work hard to so badly screw up screwing things up so badly.
In that context, then, remember that the problem isn't the Christian nationalism. "I'm not at church," said the one, and maybe the GOP leadership retreat was "horrible", but House Republicans will do their partisan duty and vote for the agenda whenever they have a chance. Any grumbling, at this point, has to do with how poorly Speaker Johnson does his part.
That is to say, not only do they get nothing out of it, the Speaker is so clumsy about it all as to increase the damage Republicans take in a devilish coin toss by which they are either sinister or retarded. And, yes, they really did do this to themselves.
And with the Alabama Supreme Court having just inflicted another Christian nationalist blow, I can only reiterate↗ that general denunciations of religion, Christianity, and scripture will not be sufficient for the task.
Matthews, Troy. "Republicans Furious as Speaker Johnson Turns GOP Leadership Meeting Into Religious Revival". Meidas Touch Network. 21 February 2024. 22 February 2024.