Jan Ardena:
You’re full of baseless accusations. You write all this crap, yet you still cannot give even a reasonable explanation. You’re the one who is angry. Not me.
As you are well aware, I have previously given extensive reasonable explanations. I have even tried to help you, Jan. See just a small selection of my posts, above.
You still haven’t explained why i hate women.
Jan, you do not get to repeat that lie without consequences. Knowingly telling lies is a breach of our site rules, and you are a repeat offender.
I have not claimed that you hate women, though you might, for all I know. That is totally beside the point. I have pointed out your sexism and how it is rooted in misogyny (not necessarily yours). That is the point. Your attempts to conflate the two things and to put words in my mouth are just further dishonesty from you.
I will continue to badger you on that until you give at least a reasonable explanation.
I have already given many reasonable explanations, as you are aware. See above. You will not continue to badger me, or continue to repeat your lie to anybody else here - not for much longer, anyway. If you want to leave us permanently because telling your lie (to others and perhaps to yourself as well) is that important to you, so be it. The choice is yours, of course, and always has been.
What have I said that’s not true?
What I wrote was "Observe the desperate gymnastics. This man will do anything to make excuses for his scriptures. Frankly, it's disturbing how religion makes reason fly out the window."
Try responding to what I wrote, instead of responding to what you wish I'd written.
Your aversion to truth is your problem, not mine
I have no aversion to truth. Your silly
ad hominems are just a poor attempt to get a rise out of me. How do you think that's going for you, Jan?
You would need to create a new thread so we could properly look into the idiocy, and lunacy of the woke . But a good example is in this thread. Accusations, and banning, because you can’t tolerate others views .
Jan, you're seriously misunderstanding the crux of our current interactions.
We're long past the point where this was about your sexist views. My capacity or lack thereof for tolerating your views is, at this point in our interaction, quite beside the point.
What you're dealing with now is this: you're trying to test my capacity for tolerating your dishonest trolling on sciforums. Actually, it turns out that my tolerance for that is extraordinarily high, at least in comparison to my fellow moderators' capacity for the same. If it was up to any of them, you would have been permanently banned from this forum long ago.
I'm an optimist, Jan, but also a realist. I hope for the best in people, but I don't expect it. I believe in the human capacity for redemption, but I understand that some people are not interested in seeking it.
In your time here, I have tried in a gentle, understanding way to lead you towards examining some of your faulty assumptions about the world. Initially, it seemed to me that you were open to thinking about things and having civil discussions about them, but over time it has become clear to me that you are so heavily invested in an entrenched position that you are willing to evade, distract tell deliberate lies to try to convince others - and most likely yourself most of all - that you're inevitably on the side of the Right and Good in all discussions about God. I have tried to take the high road, while you have chosen the low road in our interactions (and in many of your interactions with other members here).
The fact is, Jan, you've lost the respect of many members here. People see how you respond to questions (or, more often, deliberately fail to respond). People see through your evasions and distortions. To an extent, you're good at the game you're trying to play, but you make the mistake of assuming that you're usually the smartest person in the room.
Our system of warnings here is very lenient. It is supposed to nudge you in the direction of appropriate ethical behaviour on sciforums, in accordance with our published posting guidelines. Realise this: my tolerance for your attempts to circumvent our rules is the same as it has always been. It is not me who has changed (not much, anyway); it is actually you.
Your patience with my expectations has worn thin, so now, after several temporary bans, you're angry and resentful at me. You're less careful about disguising your evasions and lies, so now they are more blatant and easier for me to police. If you take this on board, at least two possible solutions suggest themselves. Solution 1 would be for you to blow up completely and try to exit in a self-deluded blaze of glory, thus leaving this forum forever. Solution 2 would be for you to continue the lies and evasions while attempting to dial them back just enough to try to avoid official warnings. Solution 3 would be for you to try being more honest on the forum. Obviously, this is not a comprehensive list. Let me suggest, however, that if you're considering option 2, it may not work for you, because I'm woke to your antics by now. Either of the other two solutions will "work", and there are other possibilities you might consider.