Recovered Formula Answers From Old Notebook

Nathaniel Moikabi

Registered Member
I do not know what exactly I was working on back then as a child, but the following are the answers to the complex formula I found in the old notebook from my childhood.

C8H2O, 2C4H10S and CN8H2n+4
I do not know what exactly I was working on back then as a child, but the following are the answers to the complex formula I found in the old notebook from my childhood.
Answers to what question?

and CN8H2n+4
For what values of n?
I rather like the first one. Although all the carbon-carbon bond angles apart from those at 4 and 7 are obviously strained, Hückel's Rule would predict that this ring should be aromatic! Which might help a bit to offset the resulting instability. Though perhaps not enough to make it stable.

I presume nobody has actually made this molecule, have they?