We've heard things like that for centuries.
Some of my favorites:
1876: “This ‘telephone’ has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication.” William Orton, President of Western Union.
1889: “Fooling around with alternating current is just a waste of time. Nobody will use it, ever.” Thomas Edison.
1899: “Everything that can be invented has been invented.” Attributed to Charles H. Duell, head of the US patent office.
1903: “The horse is here to stay but the automobile is only a novelty - a fad.” President of the Michigan Savings Bank advising Henry Ford’s lawyer, Horace Rackham, not to invest in the Ford Motor Company.
1921: “The wireless music box has no imaginable commercial value. Who would pay for a message sent to no one in particular?” Associates of David Sarnoff.
1926: “While theoretically and technically television may be feasible, commercially and financially it is an impossibility.” Lee DeForest,
1932: “There is not the slightest indication that nuclear energy will ever be obtainable. It would mean that the atom would have to be shattered at will.” Albert Einstein.
1936: “A rocket will never be able to leave the Earth’s atmosphere.” New York Times.
1946: “Television won’t be able to hold on to any market it captures after the first six months. People will soon get tired of staring at a plywood box every night.” Darryl Zanuck, film producer, co-founder of 20th Century Fox.
1961: “There is practically no chance communications space satellites will be used to provide better telephone, telegraph, television or radio service inside the United States.” T.A.M. Craven, FCC commissioner.
1977: “There is no reason for any individual to have a computer in his home.” Ken Olsen, founder of Digital Equipment Corp.
1981: “Cellular phones will absolutely not replace local wire systems.” Marty Cooper, inventor.
1989: “We will never make a 32-bit operating system.” Bill Gates, co-founder and chairman of Microsoft.
1992: “The idea of a personal communicator in every pocket is a pipe dream driven by greed.” Andy Grove, CEO of Intel.
1995: “I predict the Internet will soon go spectacularly supernova and in 1996 catastrophically collapse.” — Robert Metcalfe, founder of 3Com.
I believe in people, that they will (with enough support) do the right thing. That's already happening.
In Norway, 85% of new car sales are EV's. Even in the US, which has become resistant to new technologies, 2% of the cars sold now are EV's - and that is climbing rapidly. In California, which typically leads the nation on this, 8% of new car sales are plug-in.
Solar is expanding like crazy, as is wind. The problem is no longer how to get enough solar or wind energy - the problem is what to do with all the power it produces in the middle of the day.
Coal plants are closing left and right in the US and Europe, and being replaced by gas plants (cleaner) and renewables (much cleaner.)
You can deny those things all you like, and predict nothing will ever work. Just stay out of the way of the people who are making it work.