Valued Senior Member
Haha, now we get the squirt of squid ink.Before you fly too close to the sun young icarus:
you would be well served by contemplating the myriad other cycles which effect climate?
(more on that later)
and, as/re
If you would specify a particular cycle, you would be more likely to get a more specific answer.
Did you mean the Schwabe, Hale, Gleissberg, or Suess-DeVries cycles, or an as yet unnamed cycle of about 2300 years( or, is that confused with the Hallstatt cycle?),
or other not yet well defined longer term cycles
and then
Is the as yet, unnamed 400-405 kyr cycle strictly an orbital cycle, or is there an unidentified solar component?
it seems that the ill informed usually want simple answers to complex questions
just maybe
that too is due to global warming?
speaking of which
anyone have a good recipe for fried brains with mushroom sauce?
The cycles that affect the level of solar activity responsible, according to you, for the record snow and ice in Brazil, of course.