Reality is...

It's amazing what coincidence and selection bias can convince one to believe. :rolleyes:
I have now, as of this week, counted ~14 times that the light in the living room related back to me.
Now it seems the CTMU is testable.
The garden gnomes on next door's front lawn told me that it's not.
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I have now, as of this week, counted ~14 times that the light in the living room related back to me. I vomited out some bad water and felt extremely healthy due to having better stomach contents and this universal mind responded with light. Its timing was perfect.

Now it seems the CTMU is testable.
You seem to have some pretty big issues, I hope you can work them out. Good luck.
No one here but me is qualified to determine the reality of the events of that day. Hence, it is not me that is ignorant or delusional.
Spellbound, they have devoted a thread to your insights. You should be impressed. I can't quite understand your take on reality, so i can't comment on them, but more power to you. I just dropped in on this thread because I was bored.
Spellbound, they have devoted a thread to your insights. You should be impressed. I can't quite understand your take on reality, so i can't comment on them, but more power to you. I just dropped in on this thread because I was bored.

Thank you for your kind words.
As a young man I went on a quest to find the answer to "what is reality".

For many years I searched and asked everyone if they knew the answer, but was always met with a no or a shrug.

Then, at last I met someone who told me, "I don't know, but if anyone knows it could be the hermit in the mountains. But it is said he never talks. Finally, after all these years of fruitless searching I seemed to have found a possible source.

Much encouraged I set off to find this hermit and after days of climbing up the steep rocks I arrived at a cave. I peeked inside and saw an old man sitting on a stone. He had a beard about 3 ft long, obviously a very learned and wise man.

I kneeled at the entrance and waited for him to invite me. After another day of silently waiting, finally, the old man motioned for me to come closer and when I was directly in front of him he told me, "You have one question"

I offered my respects and asked him, "Do you know the meaning of reality?"
He closed his eyes and sat in silence for yet another hour, then finally he looked up and in a clear decisive voice told me, 'Reality is like a dark deep cave"

I could not help but exclaim "Reality is a dark deep cave"??

Again the old man closed his eyes and yet another hour passed, in which I almost fell asleep from exhaustion.

Then, opening his eyes wide, the old man stood up and in a clear loud voice announced,
"well, it is for me"!
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I have read little of this thread, but will state the obvious:
We all have experiences some of which we think / assume / presume are not entirely self generated. I.e. we infer that some eternal "reality" exists without us, but can never be 100% sure. Bishop Berkeley, may have been right more than 300 years ago when he concluded there was no such external reality.
I have read little of this thread, but will state the obvious:
We all have experiences some of which we think / assume / presume are not entirely self generated. I.e. we infer that some eternal "reality" exists without us, but can never be 100% sure. Bishop Berkeley, may have been right more than 300 years ago when he concluded there was no such external reality.

This may sound simplistic but even if we are part of reality, would reality miss us if we disappeared. My reality would be gone, but would all reality cease without my reality?
Reality is quite unconcerned what happens to us the way I see it.

If you or I died right now, reality as a whole wouldn't change except for the dead and the immediate circle of friends and family.
Furthermore, just posting a link to another forum discussion is, I'm pretty sure, yet again against the rules.
I'm pretty sure you were told to keep all your CTMU stuff to your 'Reality is...' thread?

The CTMU covers a broad amount of topics including "universal algorithms", "Telos" and God. And note I wrote "among Professionals". And as you possess no expertise in anything, nor ability, nor any particular insight into anything, you are not one to say where and in what subforum this thread belongs. Hence, you should continue on your merry way of being the forums' most pathetic chump.