Rape in animals?

I think it is applicable in all living beings including plants. Nature might had not willing to loose a single female chance of mating or due to selection of the strongest.
If it is all programming: Why then are males programmed to mate much more than females?
There seems to be a quite an unequal dispersion of the sexual instinct between the sexes. Why?

Because women having sex while pregnant does no good, but men can have sex til the cows come home... And even then they can keep on going.

Might be interesting to add that that gorilla's have some of the tiniest balls of the primates, while chimp balls are huge. We humans are in between. This is common knowledge, so shouldn't surprise anyone here. I wonder if a chimp saw a man naked if he would laugh at his small balls. What would he think of a gorilla? Do you think chimps eye each others balls to see who's got the biggest?
RosaMagika said:
If it is all programming: Why then are males programmed to mate much more than females?
There seems to be a quite an unequal dispersion of the sexual instinct between the sexes. Why?

Ahh, thats where biology comes in! Females have a more 'expensive' gamete (the egg) which is only produced every now and again while males have millions at any time! The female must therefore choose the most suitable male she can find whereas the males can pretty much do the deed with anyone as long as they're horny! because the males gametes are less valuable, they strive to involve their gametes in as many sexual fusions as they can in their lifetime so that they actually get the same worth (if not more) as the females :)

because the males gametes are less valuable, they strive to involve their gametes in as many sexual fusions as they can in their lifetime so that they actually get the same worth (if not more) as the females

Are you in some way implying that males *compensate* the lesser worth of their gametes (lesser worth in comparison to female gametes) -- by being violent at sex?

This may be an absurd generalization, but still: Males are violent as a result of compensating certain lacks. ??
If voilance is common in all or most animals as well as in humans--- it should be for some natural reasons. I think it can't be other than that: the fittest takes the lead or somewhat for a deep penetration.
John Connellan said:
U asked about the reason that males mate more frequently than females. Thats is what I've answered!

Frequency is one thing, violence another. Or not?
Kumar said:
If voilance is common in all or most animals as well as in humans--- it should be for some natural reasons. I think it can't be other than that: the fittest takes the lead or somewhat for a deep penetration.
Most of the rapists are unfit losers, hitting at weak moments.
When the fittest animal approaches a female there might not be violent protest at all. Ofcourse still it is rape, but with out violence.
What violence has to do with deep penetration ?
There have to be some natural/technical resons for violance since it is common in animals & humans? Is it not like that society has given name of violance as rape and made it a criminal offence causing a feeling of moral offence only in humans? I think animal do not feel it as a moral offence. There can be some natural truths which might have got restricted for social purposes.
RosaMagika said:
Frequency is one thing, violence another. Or not?

Exactly, they're two different things so its got nothing to do with how frequent males mate.

I DO NOT believe violence during sex is a common thing in humans and so i do not think it is the most natural/efficient way of reproducing or indeed being selected for.
I saw this National Geographic where this female camel and her little babie were wandering around the desert because they had lost their herd or something, and came upon a group of adolescent males. The males took turns raping the mother while other ones tried to stomp the baby in order to eliminate future competition.

Luckily the baby survived and the mother got away.
Is it not the same as sexual vigour & sexual violance. Vigour means:an exertion of force; "he plays tennis with great energy" or active strength of body or mind.;)
A possible explanation for it is that animals displaying sexual vigour might be selected for in the long run! We are evolving towards a rapist society. :D
Don't you feel that rape is a word/aspect created/defined by the society but not by the nature? Don't we confuse/hang in between natural & scocial rules? What do you think which are truely correct?
What do u mean by correct? I think some of our morals are based on the idea of equality and protection of individuals. I think it is a good way of living but it is certainly not used by any other species on the planet!
But suppose any practice or way of living eventhough looks better, but is against nature's law/system-- is coorect or not? Can it cause a nuture imbalance at a later date? Violance/vigour/rape/drive/enthusiasm/excitment/force in sex--if can have some technical reasons( may have if natural & common in all species) & if restricted-- may cause some natural imbalances/defects at a later date.
The suggestion that dogs only respond to female chemical releases as a means of achieving an erection and becoming horny, sounds like a city slicker's view of the animal world.

Being a farm boy in my youth and being over 60, I would like to have just $1 for every dog I have seen latch onto my leg or another humans legs (male or female) and display a boner and attempt to have sex. :D
Kumar said:
But suppose any practice or way of living eventhough looks better, but is against nature's law/system-- is coorect or not? Can it cause a nuture imbalance at a later date? Violance/vigour/rape/drive/enthusiasm/excitment/force in sex--if can have some technical reasons( may have if natural & common in all species) & if restricted-- may cause some natural imbalances/defects at a later date.

I do not believe there are any significant "technical" advantages to aggressive sex.
John Connellan said:
I do not believe there are any significant "technical" advantages to aggressive sex.
Does the aggressiveness not encourage better(stronger ones), fast or deep movement of sperms? Does it not somewhat related to 'survival of fittest system of nature? Btw, do the aggressiveness in hunger/eating causes some better secretion of GIT secretions? :) High Stomach acidity may show hypertype temprament & opposite.
Kumar said:
Does the aggressiveness not encourage better(stronger ones), fast or deep movement of sperms?

Being aggressive will not motivate your sperm!

Does it not somewhat related to 'survival of fittest system of nature?

There may be a case that (at least in our past) females were attracted to aggressive males because of their strength and determination.

Btw, do the aggressiveness in hunger/eating causes some better secretion of GIT secretions? :) High Stomach acidity may show hypertype temprament & opposite.

Well, u DO get indigestion when u eat too fast :D