Race is Real?

You're the one introducing vague "environmental variables" to explain a consistent pattern which is parsimoniously explained by genetics. You tell me which combination of "environmental variables" are responsible in each case.

I already named several environmental variables and provided genetic data showing that your genetic hypothesis is wrong so I've supported my case with facts.
Why don't you post it to real geneticists for comment? Because you're a liar, a hypocrite, a troll, and a fraud?

I consider Graves to be a credible source. He provided his credentials to do genetics research. If you doubt his credibility and want an opinion of a geneticist then by all means email one yourself and post the response.
Are you being hostile to me because I said races aren't equal and that twangs your sensibility? Are you trying to insinuate I'm stupid?
You do seem to have a penchant for pithy and insubstantial remarks, not to mention cheap insults (which I have already reported, by the way). Not to mention that you dismissed EgalitarianJay's last response out of hand without even bothering to read past the first letter. All he said was that you can contact another geneticist for feedback on Graves's credibility. That can't be too hard for you, can it?
Are you being hostile to me because I said races aren't equal and that twangs your sensibility? Are you trying to insinuate I'm stupid?

Let us know which geneticist you decide to email for your critique of the article of Graves. Also please share your email to them along with their reply. I doubt you will even attempt this as most geneticists don't believe in Scientific Racism but we'll see what you are capable of.
Let us know which geneticist you decide to email for your critique of the article of Graves. Also please share your email to them along with their reply. I doubt you will even attempt this as most geneticists don't believe in Scientific Racism but we'll see what you are capable of.

Most geneticists are afraid to say anything because they'll be hauled over the coals by a mob of Marxist psychopaths. Sure I'll email a couple and ask them whether Graves applying "Wright's threshold" to GWAS is a regular method or some ad hoc garbage from a race-hustling pseudoscientific clown.
Most geneticists are afraid to say anything because they'll be hauled over the coals by a mob of Marxist psychopaths. Sure I'll email a couple and ask them whether Graves applying "Wright's threshold" to GWAS is a regular method or some ad hoc garbage from a race-hustling pseudoscientific clown.

By all means email as many as you want so we have several opinions from experts. Most geneticists who have commented on the subject from what I've seen reject Scientific Racism. It's simply not taken seriously by academia.
Well at least you agree some people are stupid. I guess IQ is valid after all.

I think it is really pathetic that some people spend their time trying to scientifically prove that other people are stupid. Don't you have anything better to do with your time? Are you that insecure.?This reminds me of a joke.....

So a White Supremacist goes to an African country and has a conversation with an African leader trying to promote the idea that Blacks are mentally inferior. After hearing his arguments the African leader speaks up and the conversation goes like this.....

African leader: Sir, do you have a pet?

White Supremacist: Yes, I have a dog.

African leader: Do you spend all day telling your dog that you are superior to him?

White Supremacist: No, what would be the point? Everyone knows that I am superior to the dog.

African leader: Thank you for proving that you have an inferiority complex!

White Supremacists are some of the most insecure people on the planet. Their ideology mandates that they believe that other groups of people are lesser than they are and present all kinds of pseudoscience to try to prove their point. For what? All they are doing is trying to promote a racist ideological agenda. Racism is one of the many problems we have in the world and some people are simply committed to spreading this poison while others are trying to do good. My advice to "Dave Ballustrade" is that he gives it a rest and does something more constructive with his life. If he is really going to promote this racist nonsense at least try a bit harder and email some actual geneticists or present genetic research of his own to look at. His character assassination and attempts to discredit Graves was pitiful. You failed miserably, bucko. Come up with something better for Round 3.
The obvious difference being that racial-Marxist Jewish supremacists don't constantly browbeat and degrade whites by telling them they are equal to dogs and to blame for their stupidity and failure.

As a White Supremacist why do you feel the need to put so much time and energy into proving that Blacks are inferior? Why can't you just be secure in your own ability? You seem to want to have someone to pick on like an insecure bully who messes with the shy kid in his class because it boots his own self-esteem to see someone as lesser than himself. Have you ever been personally victimized by a Black person? Why do you hate them so much? I think it is only natural for a person to defend themselves when they are being personally attacked. The anger of Blacks towards White Supremacists is understandable. The obsession of White Supremacists is not so understandable. Someone who goes on Wikipedia and trolls the website with over 100 sockpuppets in order to influence editing on race-related entries in order to prove that Blacks are mentally inferior has a problem. I would go as far as to say they have a mental illness. I do believe that White Supremacists generally have massive psychological problems and the fixation on being racist stems from personal feelings of inadequacy just like a school bully who comes from a broken home and may experience domestic violence and abuse in their home so they react to their problems by causing trouble for other children.
The obvious difference being that racial-Marxist Jewish supremacists don't constantly browbeat and degrade whites by telling them they are equal to dogs and to blame for their stupidity and failure.
A perfect example of an argument from inferiority complex. Enlighten me, what race are Marxist Jewish supremacists who degrade whites by telling them they are equal to dogs?.......:?

I believe dogs are smarter than people...:rolleyes:..... we adore and serve them, don't we?

Ever been to a dog show?
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