Q'ran or Bible is more reliable as the word of God?

Discussion in 'Religion Archives' started by Saint, Aug 7, 2009.

  1. Saint Valued Senior Member

    Q'ran or Bible is more reliable as the word of God?
    Why they differs in the same event/story, e.g. Bible says Abraham sacrificed Isaac, but Quran says he sacrificed Ismael.
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  3. swarm Registered Senior Member

    They are equally unreliable.
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  5. (Q) Encephaloid Martini Valued Senior Member

    I have heard from sources right here on sciforums that the Quran is perfect. Does that help?
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  7. fiicere Registered Member

    In terms of historical evidence, the Bible is the most accurate.
  8. jpappl Valued Senior Member

    Nice Saint.

    Nothing left to do but watch the catfight ensue.
  9. swarm Registered Senior Member

    No, it's not.
  10. Cellar_Door Whose Worth's unknown Registered Senior Member

    Stupid question, but I'll answer it anyway.

    Isn't reliability all to do with the reproducibility of results? We could easily find people who have been inspired by God to write the books of a new Bible, but we have so far failed to persuade God to show himself and dictate directly

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  11. scifes In withdrawal. Valued Senior Member

    i know really little of the bible, but what i know is that it went through many alterations and translations throughout history, which also caused a lot of it to be forgotten or lost, also that some men of religion who didn't have much of a conscience altered it on purpose based on the wishes of dukes and other men in power.

    and yes, my POV is heavily biased, as i heard it from an islamic POV.

    on the other hand, the source of the quran is the same for the bible, they had and served the same goal, and they shared the same properties which made them both the word of god. the main two differences are:
    1- when a book comes after the other, the second is to be followed, Christianity was supposed to replace Judaism,and islam was supposed to replace christianity, nothing is supposed to replace islam because it's the last religion with the final book brought by the last prophet.

    am i just saying this to support islam? no, it was mentioned in the bible as well, a prophecy that the final messenger will be revealed, many christians and jews waited for him, some followed him when he came, but a lot were surprised that he actually came from the filthy arabs who christians and jews made fun of a lot, arrogance really.

    2- the reason for 1 is, because previous religons are usually forgotten over time, so a new one is sent, also geographical part of the world plays a role too i guess, i'm no expert. so a religion is lost, it's book if it had one is forgotten, it's prophet dies, ignorance takes over, a new one is sent.

    whyy islam is the final one which is suitable for anytime and anywhere? and if there was a final one suitable for all why wasn't it revealed in the beginning? don't know, but common sense suggests that the world then was more populated and communication is more advanced and knowledge could be easily preserved, but i don't claim to know exactly why, if someone goes on questioning god he will reach the "why did god create us if he doesn't need us for any purpose?" which isn't practical or useful, as we are here..any way seems i'm trailing off.

    for the mean time, i see the quran being more reliable, for the two reasons mentioned above plus because no one was able to prove it wrong, also it being mentioned as a prophecy to come in the bible, but it being indisputable has the most weight, contrary to the bible which seems to have many fallacies and versions, while the quran is still one.

    i'm afraid not.
  12. Michael 歌舞伎 Valued Senior Member

    Well, I'd say the Bible. The only reason why I say this is because it's written in code. You know, the whole Jesus was a "fisher of men" and Pisces was the dominate star configuration, the Archimedian ratio of interlocking circles is 153, the number of "fish" pulled from the sea. Blah blah blah.... yeah, people loved their secrets and numbers were magic back then. The Inner Mysteries and all.

    Mohammad was born a little late to get in on this information as Gnostic Xians were in decline by the 6th century (although there are a group in Iraq that still retain some of this info - what are they called again?) anyway, the Qur'an misses out on all this information - which was the "real" underlying message from the GodHead.
  13. mike47 Banned Banned

    The Qu'oran was written in Arabic and the bible was written in Hebrew . Does God know only two languages ?.

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  14. Michael 歌舞伎 Valued Senior Member

    Opps wrong thread?

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    The Abrahamic God only knows Hebrew as I understand.
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2009
  15. Pipes75 Registered Senior Member

    Since both books are mans perceptions of events that happened a long time ago, it would depend on what your perspectives are, as to which one you find more reliable.

    However since we are talking about primative mans perceptions, neither is very reliable to me, unless I am trying to read between the lines, and explore what could have possibly took place to give our ancestors such wild perceptions,

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    You can't take neither too literally or else neither is accurate, but when you realize that the stories are just what man thought took place, both books, as well as many others could be indeed based on real events.

    Mind you, the beginning of man, and the beginning of everything are completely seperate topics. Religion has no place in a topic about the beginning of everything, as the stories they tell are speaking of the beginning of man as if it were the beginning of everything. Primative mans perceptions did not explore the beginning of everything, they thought they were everything!!!

    Religous versions of God, is simply our creator. Sure some of our ancestors percieved 'God' must of created everything if he created us, but they were talking about a specific creator with extrodinary abilities. That doesn't sound like God to me, sounds like something playing God

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    Last edited: Aug 10, 2009
  16. mike47 Banned Banned

    The Qu'oran was first written and still is in Arabic .
    The bible was first written in Hebrew .
    The Abraham God is your God and that is your problem.
  17. Michael 歌舞伎 Valued Senior Member

    If I had a God, which I don't, She'd be a super hot Goddess, not some dirty whiny shit head God like the one in the Bible and the Qur'an. And she wouldn't give to Fraks if anyone worshiped her or not. Oh, and she'd remove free will from child molesters and murders.

    That aside, I thought the Bible was written in Greek? I think the Torah was also first written in Greek. It was only written in Hebrew after Jews got worried the Xian had written it down (before Xianity, Jews didn't write down their magic book, that kept the power in the Priest class hands, and also allowed them to make modifications as each king saw fit).

    The Qur'an may have been written in Arabic but it wasn't the Arabic people speak today. It's a long dead language. I think it was related closer to ancient Syriac?
  18. mike47 Banned Banned

    I hope you will find a goddess soon and be happy .
    Jesus was Jew.
    Muhammad was Arab .
    You, I and your goddess are ....humans....?.
  19. Michael 歌舞伎 Valued Senior Member

    Why would my Goddess be human? I was thinking she'd be more ... Goddess-like....
  20. scifes In withdrawal. Valued Senior Member

    what if both books could not have been mens' perspective, would that make them miracles?

    an animal with a brain of useless size, thinking with his dick.

    shouldn't you take a stop in free thoughts before going to the cesspool?


    a man of ignorance would like everyone to be of ignorance like him.
    and who'd give a frak about her if she doesn't give a frak about anyone?

    so when they do the molesting and the murdering, it would be your goddess's will?
    mixing low sarcasm with a sick perspective expressed in a way revealing your true colors of misknowledge and bigotry/

    your position in my eye has degraded a couple of notches, michael.

    not only do you not know,
    you actually don't want to know,
    yet still you say you want to know.
  21. swarm Registered Senior Member

    I'm going with the hot goddess, but sorry to say I've already got her and so the rest of you are stuck with grumpy old desert god.
  22. Michael 歌舞伎 Valued Senior Member

    Have you ever been to Egypt? Seen the religion that is a precursor to your belief? That your belief developed from? Egyptian Temples are covered in penises and vagina!

    Second of all, many Goddesses were HOT back in the days before monotheism.

    Thirdly, Japanese still has Goddesses and some are HOT!

    Fourth, India still has Goddesses and some of them are HOT too! Indians sometimes incorporate penises and vagina into their religion.

    So, stop being so self-centric and appreciate other people's cultures

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    Last edited: Aug 10, 2009
  23. Michael 歌舞伎 Valued Senior Member

    Scifes, there was no sarcasm in that last post.

    Much of the Bible was written in Greek. And while I can not remember, I think the Torah was also first written in Greek as it was the Greek Xians writing down that OT that first wrote it. I thought the Torah was written after the Bible?

    I really can't remember now... do you happen to know?

    As for the Qur'an. There are only a handful of people who can read the oldest Qur'an and even they don't agree as to what it means. I'm sure you are not one of those people! One expert says that the ONLY way to make sense of it is to read it as if it were written in Syriac.

    Are you an expert in 7th century Arabic and Syriac?

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