Pyramids Built Inside Out?

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DOESNT MAKE ANY SENSE.... the pictures show nothing...

it looks like smoke and mirrors...

if they had used an internal ramp..... then it should still be there.

Either the pyramids where builded 123 years ago By a long neck alien race with a piramid fixation, or it was man builded and coated with limestone, that was removed aftherwards that in combination with wind erosion has errased most of the evidence on how they where original builded.
The first one explains why their simply wasn't a manual on how to build pyramids for beginners even afther they've builded so many of them and the second theory explains what happen if you place a bunch of people together in the dessert who got nothing better to do then wait for the next flodding and not enough liqour around to pass the time.
pyramids were build using sand :) when they made first floor they filled around it with sand and then you push stones to the second floor at the end they had to get a long road because they had to make it long enough that it wouldnt be so hard to push stones up.its my theory p.s sorry for english hope you will understand ;)
I believe it was by magnetic/repulsor lifts, 10500 B.C.

Yes they had been modified several times since then I suspect. One time was approx. 150 years before Khufu according the the RC dating of the wood in side the pyramid now.

Link doesn't work - I guess big brother got it ;)
If you follow the precession of the Earth (the slow wobble of the Earth over thousands of years around the North Star) you will notice that the Sphinx points right to the constellation Leo on the SPRING EQUINOX of every year back around 12,500 years ago (10,500 BC)

These ancient sites have been rebuilt MANY times, following the ancient blueprint of the original creators of these monuments, so they are VERY ancient indeed. Today the Sphinx currently points to Taurus, the Bull, every spring equinox. So why is the Sphinx not a bull? Because it was most likely built in 10,500 BC, not 4-6000 years ago.

In a series of expeditions between 1991 and 1993 led by John Anthony West, and independent Egyptologist, scientific investigators conducted geological and seismic surveys around the Great Sphinx of Egypt. The chief geologist was Dr. Robert Schoch, Professor of Geology at Boston University, and the chief seismologist was Thomas Dobecki from the highly-respected Houston consulting firm, McBride-Ratclif & Associates.

Their conclusions: The pattern of erosion on the Sphinx indicates that it was carved at the end of the last Ice Age, when heavy rains fell in the eastern Sahara - perhaps more than 12,000 years ago. This contrasts starkly with the 'orthodox' Egyptological dating for the Sphinx of around 4,500 years ago.

A French architect says he has uncovered the secret to the construction of Egypt's Great Pyramid of Cheops 4500 years ago: Workers hauled the stones up an internal spiral ramp.

Jean-Pierre Houdin has been working on his insight for 8 years, and late last month in Paris, he unveiled it along with a video made using new 3D-visualization software.

Houdin says the usual theories of how pyramids were constructed are impractical: A giant ramp would use more stones than the pyramid itself, and a ramp spiraling up the outside would make it hard for engineers to get the geometry right. But a 2-meter-wide inner ramp solves all the problems, he says. Corners of the pyramid would have been left open, allowing workers to maneuver 2-ton blocks around them (see illustration). Houdin is negotiating with Egyptian authorities to allow noninvasive testing of his idea using microgravimetry and infrared and acoustic sensing.

The work was done in consultation with Egyptologist Robert Brier of the C. W. Post Campus of Long Island University in Brookville, New York, who says, "it's a radical new theory, [but] almost all the Egyptology experts say it should be tested." At least one native Egyptian has reservations about it, however: Farouk El-Baz, head of Boston University's Center for Remote Sensing, says, "No engineer would ask workers in ancient Egypt" to haul stones up the dim inner ramps. "These are people that live all their lives in the sun, and most are afraid of the dark."

(Copy-paste since most don't have access.)
i was going to start a new thread but i found this, so im shoving it here.

can we make a pyramid that matches the old ones today in modern times? because i have read from a few sources that we cannot re-create the old pyramids even with modern tech. and i believe thats bull because we should be able to make a pyramid right? it wouldent make sense that we cant make one now but could like 8k years ago.

Might well have to create massive pyramids in the near future

>> What would be the purpose...for that matter what WAS the purpose? >>

They were machines, no moving parts, no maintenance, and they worked until ignorance removed some of their parts.

They would have operated unattended for thousands ? tens even or more, years, unattended.

They were massive heat sinks that dehumidified the air along the Nile to manufacture clean unpolluted disease free water..... more precious (as this world is now starting to find out) than precious !

If you're going to start spamming this forum with your usual nuttiness, you won't last much longer here.
>> start spamming

well, show me proof that I am spamming.

That is why the pyramids were built, they never ever were used as tombs.

Hey this is the problem with your set in stone BS.

Just because some person long ago had an incorrect idea, we are supposed to believe that forever.
Get real lad, what you advocate is politics, not science.

Y'all into a power and ego trip, where what y'all say is true.

Well I am not sure where you get your power from, obviously by being violent, intimidating, and threatening.

nice !

hey James R, can you PROVE you have University qualifications ?

I can, lad, and I am finding your behaviour most anti-science, so put up or get outa my face.
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