What does Putin want with Chernobyl?
strategic defense point
deny terrorist dirty bomb materials
possibly existing infrastructure to build a new power plant
Russia must be pro active to prevent another situation like the beslin school massacre
with nato allowing tens of thousands of muslim extremists to walk through their borders un checked, its only a matter of when not if.
usa should never have allowed this reality to become a viable option
this is the trump administrations dirty laundry
all those middle eastern radicals swarming up through italy & greece for years
going un checked
its a waiting game for new terrorist networks to be built
while the usa pulled out of turkey
everything was pointing to a massive hole in the regional stability and the usa leader of the free world has forced russias hand
crazy that they would let it get to this
but now its done
its too late to go back in time and change things
no time machines around
i kept saying
they need to form a military line in the mediterranean and stop the illegals
now you see why
Russia must act to protect its own security from terrorist cells gaining supply's and weapons and dirty bomb materials
long lasting civil wars are magnets for extremists
and what sane person would expect russia to allow a new Afghanistan to be created on their border
i think this is a complete failure of foreign policy diplomats and world leaders
it should never have needed to go this far
but its too late now