Ps3 vs Xbox 360

Which of these game counsoles is the Best?

  • Xbox 360

    Votes: 17 58.6%
  • Playstation 3

    Votes: 10 34.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 2 6.9%

  • Total voters
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Yes, currently, that was my point.

Microsoft has had months of development with their new platform compared to Sony, but the prediction is that Microsoft will soon reach the ceiling of their limits. In time, Sony will develop the PS3 platform and release more titles, but will easily surpass the maximum limits of the 360, simply as a result of the PS3's superior horsepower.
i just think that at sony current sales there gona stuggel to bring out more games cuase microsoft is making consoles games out of there poket money so to say i just think sony will abondon it cuase of the lack of profit
Ok, but now you're shifting the goal posts and are making predictions based on sales, profits, margins, and what the corporations will do or not do.

I thought this thread was about the products themselves?
oh i thought it was about what would be the best choice cuase im the long run if they stop making games ur out $600
I doubt that, Sony is still making profits even though their gaming division isn't. And besides, they're going to have another price cut coupled with a change in their systems to bring down it's cost:

"Sony will target cost savings in the PlayStation 3 by introducing more advanced chips and consolidating components to reduce the overall number of parts, he said.

The company is already on the way to the first of these targets, with the recent start of production of a new version of the Cell processor built with a 65-nanometer production process. The chip in current consoles is built using a 90-nanometer process and the upcoming switch will mean a chip that is 40 percent smaller. Costs will fall in line with the size reduction, Sony said. It did not say when the new chip will appear in consoles."
Which one should I get? What has the best games, which one is worth it?

You should just pick the console that is right for you. Go to the websites and check out all of the games and hardware specifications. You could also go to websites like to get some information the games that you would like to play.

I chose the PS3 because it is the best console for me. I don’t really like the Xbox 360. The 360’s are graphics are good and there are a lot more games to choose from than the PS3, but I just happen to hate 90% of the games that are available for the 360. I hate shooters (Halo, Call of Duty, Gears of War, Ect.) and large percentage of the popular 360 games are shooters. And the fact that so many people enjoy playing those games just makes me hate them even more. I enjoy playing puzzles, sports, and fighting games. I can tell you that the graphics for all of the sports and fighting games that I have played for the PS3 thus far were better than the 360.

I use to own a 360, but I sold it to my friend after I bought the PS3. I decided to buy a PS3 because I wanted a blue ray player and I also wanted to own the console with the best graphic capabilities. I probably wouldn’t have bought it until 2008 if the 360 were capable of playing HD DVDs. I also own a Wii and I enjoy playing it more than I enjoyed the 360.
the ps3 has almost edged out the 360. and think about do you really want a system that has been plauged by major hardware problems from day one and has 2 pending lawsuits say ing in the 360 microsoft knowingly sold a defective product. you also have to remember the 360 was out for a year before the ps3. the ps3 will top out the 360 in the long run
No, the 360 will still be ahead in the long run. It's enjoying plenty of sales, and plenty of excellent quality games, not to mention price drops
No, the 360 will still be ahead in the long run. It's enjoying plenty of sales, and plenty of excellent quality games, not to mention price drops

have you been reading up on it its sales are dropping while the ps3 sales are begining to boom in june the 360 sold only 11,000 more consoles in the usa. if current trends continue the ps3 will be selling more in july that gives 2 markets to the ps3 the 2 most important the us and japan. hell i just read that in the 4 finacial quarter 360 sales dropped over 60% that doesn't seem to be enjoying good sales to me. plus a huge number of titles are getting ready to come out for the ps3 with halo 3 still a while off. and considering youy don't have to worry bout your ps3 crapping out on you like you do for a 360 thats advantage sony in fact the main reason the 360 numbers are slipping is all the hardware issues
not really

Bioshock? Gears? Nah, they are 360 only, and alot of others too, for instance forza, or saints row,etc and not to mention Halo 3
Xbox live is way more advanced than any other online system. They have alot more games. Saying that PS3 will "eventually" win is .. stupid. "Eventually", the hardware will be outdated and games developers won't bother. Anyway, MS is already working on the next gen xbox.
opinion has changed ps3 will beter graphics in long run but the xbox is a good high end console for the price so get a ps2 if u can afrod it and you are preapered to waite for the decent games on the way
the ps3 has almost edged out the 360. and think about do you really want a system that has been plauged by major hardware problems from day one and has 2 pending lawsuits say ing in the 360 microsoft knowingly sold a defective product. you also have to remember the 360 was out for a year before the ps3. the ps3 will top out the 360 in the long run

Just like dreamcast.
personaly i prefer the playstation 3, not just for the games though. the xbox is better for shooting games and driving games 100%, but i love fighting games and hands down the playstation wins in that genre. it depends what type of games you enjoy playing i think. but ontop of that the playstation gets my vote because you get a built in blueray player, thats the cheapest blueray you can get alone, not to mention that its built into a great console.

wii is the best because it has sold as much as 360 even though its been around for so little time.

but if you want some good reasons to buy ps3, check out this video, this guy has some good points.
From what I can make out from the two there really isn't much difference. If you don't have a HD television then go with the cheapest (XBOX currently), If you want a Blueray player go with PS3. If you want HD then the original XBOX 360's don't have a HDMI port, the XBOX 360 Elite (and ones released after Aug 1st 2007 according to the Wiki article) do now have a HDMI output.

This was the main difference in regards to the video's on the internet and their overall look, as the XBOX wasn't using HDMI in most of them. If you were to test the XBOX 360 Elite against a PS3 you'd find that the graphics is now even tighter.

As for Support, the XBOX 360 is known to have had it's original problems and Microsoft does give a 1 year warrantee on their console. If you have a problem with it and it can't be resolved through support they will (after some hassling) send out a box to pickup your console and for the most part defective goods aren't repaired but replaced. (It's a damn shame that the one year warrantee didn't see the HDMI addition for the most part it was only the First batch of consoles and a few of the DVD drives that were inbuilt.)

XBOX 360 is as stated good for multiplayer's (Although a seperate purchase is necessary for XBOX live connection), the XBOX 360 also now connects to MSN Messenger and the Core firmware is constantly being adapted and modified, It is possible to connect the XBOX 360 to Windows Media Center and this allows more trailers and a few other bits and pieces to be accessed by your computer, it also allows you to play certain media formats from your computer through the XBOX 360 and utilise the HD output for Television. There are a few other tricks that I haven't become totally familiar with as of yet.

As for the PS3, I can't honestly conclude all it's "Extra's" since I don't own one, so to make a conclusion about it would be biased without a doubt. However since I have an XBOX 360 and don't have a 1080i HD television set or better, there hasn't really been any point with me going out of my way to get either PS3 or the HD-DVD drive that the XBOX can have as an accessory.
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