Pro-social behavior and bullshit - some numbers are in

Can you be less concerned with me?
You mean your posting? Sure.
No real reason to deal with this, say
I don't know. Is this politics or science?
I mean, are you interested in the "science" or just voicing an opinion?
if there was no real reason to post it.

It's an interesting little study, though. Maybe the use of logistic regression recommended it - so much of the public discussion of scientific matters related to human nature has been corrupted by invalid linear regression.
so much of the public discussion of scientific matters related to human nature has been corrupted by invalid linear regression.
overt simplification to avoid animist ideological anthropromorthism as a reactive guilt trip psychosis in projective social association.
but hey... every generation has its foibles
next question...
do we let it de rail the general over all process ?
symptomatic connectivity aside
there is era-related criminology reports that show behaviours of crime that annuciate a good generic polarity of social evolution in its messy weird form.
overt simplification to avoid animist ideological anthropromorthism as a reactive guilt trip psychosis in projective social association.
but hey... every generation has its foibles
next question...
do we let it de rail the general over all process ?
symptomatic connectivity aside
there is era-related criminology reports that show behaviours of crime that annuciate a good generic polarity of social evolution in its messy weird form.

there is era-related criminology reports that show behaviours of crime that annuciate a good generic polarity of social evolution in its messy weird form.

And that's an overwritten sentence. Just ... for the record.

(I was going to do a joke about chicken eyes, but then it struck me that you might mean something else.)
One of the minor mysteries of life is the common observation

which in truth is not really that common, but common enough for a newspaper hack, who is lacking ideas to fill his section of the newspaper, to pick up on some drunken bar chat and to present it as being the answer to TOE

Let's take the orbit of Saturn as a example and use the rings of Saturn to represent the various groups found on Earth

Saturn encompassing the human race as a whole group, the rings circle around, but only make small changes to the orbit

And don't forget there are Shepherd moons (leaders) within the rings which influence the ice ring particularly if they come in close

So I hope the above explains how the American political system works

This has been brought to you by Bullshit Incorporated a subsidiary of World Wide Woo Woo

Contrabutions are welcome but we have very low standards to get down to for consideration for PUBlication

One of the minor mysteries of life is the common observation that assholes get conned more easily than average. They drive on average overpriced, unreliable cars, for example. They buy into pyramid schemes. They hire crooked lawyers, their employees embezzle from them, they marry golddiggers and social climbers who betray them, they vote for Republicans.

Assholes tend to be patsies. Why? It's possible, say, that getting ripped off all the time might make someone less agreeable, less kind, less inclined to pleasantries. It's possible that the focus on superficialities of status and gain might lead to easier manipulation by the clever.

And it's possible that some deficit of mental capability leads to both - an inability to see the big picture or mirror other people's perspectives, say, preventing one from acting accordingly.

That last fits these results:
Perhaps assholes, ought to then be called, "brainholes."