Magical Realist:
You have a very low estimate of people's intelligence. One might even say contemptuous.
This has nothing to do with people's intelligence.
You should get out more and ask people if they've ever noticed stars and planets in the sky before. They might surprise you.
I've had students in a class who weren't aware that the stars move at night, and that you can see different constellations at different times of year. Most people don't know that planets like Mars and Venus show phases like the Moon. Most people, in fact, have a hard time distinguishing planets from stars.
The point is, not many people are educated in astronomy. That's not a fault. And it's not a problem with their intelligence.
Your little contrived Mars episode doesn't come close to what those police officers witnessed that night in Portage County.
The beauty of my Mars episode is that it wasn't contrived at all! And you're angry precisely because it is close to what those police officers witnessed.
Which is why you had to enlist a meteor AND a sunlit metallic weather balloon in addition to the planet Venus to account for it. Noone buys that shit for minute.
You speak for everybody, do you? Gee, I'm glad the world has a spokesman like you, Magical Realist, to decide what they all "buy" and stuff.
And it doesn't match the eyewitness accounts at all.
No matter how much you wish it didn't, it matches quite well.
You're saying they mistook the planet Venus for an elliptical brilliant ufo that lit the ground beneath it with a cone-shaped beam and moved across the sky from east to south to north over a period of about an hour with police in pursuit. That WOULD be delusional. They'd have to be insane to make a mistake like that.
I've already discussed all this previously. They didn't have to be insane. It's an understandable mistake given the circumstances.
James has totally made up this idea that the later accounts are no good because they include details that weren't mentioned before.
No. I said no such thing. I've merely pointed out that later accounts do not completely match earlier accounts. In a number of instances, they flatly contradict them, in fact. I discussed a number of such points previously.
He likes to think these dumb hick cops are confusing their earlier memories with their later "false" memories of that night.
Memory is a reconstruction. It is not like a video recording. You obviously missed that point, which I have made several times.
Confused yet? Well get this. He also claims newspaper article and report details that are described in the second person are just made up by reporters and investigators and are not based on eyewitness testimony.
That certainly can apply to some details, as I have demonstrated above. It should be uncontroversial that reporters inject their own impressions and assumptions into their reporting.
He HAS to do this in order for his extraordinary claim of three celestial objects mistaken for one UFO to hold any water.
I have to do this because you're apparently unaware that memory isn't perfect, that people make mistakes, that journalists and eyewitnesses aren't perfect, etc. All common-sense stuff to most people, but apparently not to you.
It's what all debunkers do--cherry pick out of the accounts whatever conflicts with their explanation.
I think I've treated the evidence fairly. You, on the other hand, have barely considered it.
It's called confirmation bias---twisting the evidence and editing the accounts to fit their own theory about what happened. They all graduated from the prestigious Quintanella School of!
There's that nervous "LOL" again. It means you're worried that you have no good arguments to make, doesn't it, Magical Realist?