Nice Joeman. I thought of making some such comment and decided that disgression was probably "more proper".
However, I don't attend the porn sites. Nothing there but a method to suck up your money. To many times I have been hi-jacked into such sites. I got caught into one that was a bitch of a thing to get rid of while looking for music sites. Sneaky it was. It asked, at the music site, for the permission to download a program to make true use of the site. The next thing I know it is like a virus. With blinding speed it took me through a dozen sites. The next thing you know I got a dozen internet browser windows open between the sites and their popup ads. Couldn't close them fast enough. As soon as one was closed a new one was opened. Took a good 20 minutes to get the thing shut down even using the keyboard close shortcut. Porn sites, gambling sites, and other addresses were added to my desktop, start menu, favorite bookmarks added to, and site addresses were changed. Home page was changed and display settings for the brower was changed. Even my settings with in outlook were altered. After spending a while undoing what was done, I still had not gotten everything out. Popups were coming when I didn't want them at a regular pace. To add insult to injury, somehow it assoicated with music sites. When searching for a new site this one site would always manage to activate that had the program and off I would go with a new round of this stuff. I finally found a program to alter and eliminate the pest. Needless to say, I remember not to activate that program download and have since ran across it a few more times at other sites. Welcome to the commercial world and computers...