what is your question behind your question ?
I have no question behind my question.
what is your question behind your question ?
I have no question behind my question.
Does plastic ever break down in the environment? What does it decompose to?
So plastic pollution is harmful to coral reefs because plastic particle ingestion leads to starvation in coral reefs?
These preservatives include natural antioxidants such as ascorbic acid (AA, E300) and tocopherols (E306), as well as synthetic antioxidants such as propyl gallate (PG, E310), tertiary butylhydroquinone (TBHQ), butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA, E320) and butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT, E321).[162][163]
there is growing scientific data around the chemicals that plastic gets broken down into, that is then a toxin to humans as it is eaten in the food chain.
this information has probably been around for decades.
food preservatives made from petroleum oil is a good example.
simple answers do not always give you the surrounding and background knowledge and understanding to comprehend what the answer to your question means.
i have read hundreds of pages on this stuff so please excuse my quick annoyance in the subject.
it is not personal
potato chips have used a petroleum derivative for an anti-oxidant for decades.
roughly a teaspoon of the stuff will kill you instantly.
however, it is added in trace amounts to prevent the potato chips from browning with age via oxidation.
it extends the shelf life extensively.
add that to someone who eats them frequently with lots of alcahol...
maybe it has a compounding effect to metabolise the carcinogenic properties into a blood soluble solution that then deposits in places to then cause dna/cell mutation=cancer.
this type of data is only just starting to be released with longer term better quality science.
another area of common contact is plastic softeners and sticky tape adhesives.
HIGHLY carcinogenic !
organic life does not live in the petroleum compound
humans don't eat coral
fish do(they eat the coral eggs) fish require coral to exist so do some marine mammals
the trace amount of toxins in coral eggs is negligible
however the effect of starvation and reduction in spawning ability vastly increases the damage to fish breeding and sustainable use.
I still recycle, but it's more of a homegrown experience now, for me. After learning that much of the West's plastic refuse ends up in China, how is my recycling in my little corner of the world...helping the world? We have to find better ways, and stop buying so many disposable plastic products to begin with.
our water
companys are paid to remove the rubbish, they then pay someone else to dump it.West's plastic refuse ends up in China
Does plastic ever break down in the environment? What does it decompose to?
andbreak down in the environment?
Google "biodegradable plastic."Does plastic ever break down in the environment? What does it decompose to?
if it is your water, then you already own it and don't have to pay for it.
who owns the flint poison water and sold THEIR poison water to children and pregnant people to drink ? = no one(?). they are all trying to avoid being held liable in-spite of that being a capitalist hypocrisy of their own greed and failed ideology.
in that case the water is claimed to be owned by everyone to avoid those selling it being held accountable
meanwhile, to obtain clean filtered non chemically laced non medicated drinking water, you must go to a shop and buy SOMEONE ELSE'S WATER
it is not your water !
it s not "our water"
if its your water then they are not allowed to poison it
if its their water then they can poison it as much as they like and it is your fault for being poor and buying poison water to begin with(according to their morality and ideology)
are 2 completely different things
greed-ideological-fake-regulations define breaking down as "decompose" to deliver "non state items/chemicals"
what they break down into is mostly not regulated.
decomposing is neither good nor bad
non toxic to the environment(ecosystem plant & animal and insect life and food chain) is the proper term and that changes the entire debate and fake regulations.
Google "biodegradable plastic."
Hi guys!
As you may know plastic pollution is a big problem all over world and carcinogenic microplastic molecules are contaminating 85% of the drinking water and the air as well.
It's in our food, it's killing animals who eat plastic waste disposed in nature, but still the plastic production and consumption continues.
I would like your opinions on this and a discussion on possible solutions to mitigate the plastic pollution problematics. In the added poll you can answer if you sort your garbage and make sure the plastic you use goes to recycling or not. Please motivate your answers.
What motivates you to sort garbage? How much do you believe the news reports about plastic pollution and what do you feel about this? What do you think could motivate a change in consumer behavior that would leed to less plastic consumption?
What have you heard about this topic before? How do you makes sense of it?
I hope as many of you as possible want to participate in this discussion during the weekend and I will be online and participate as well.
Thank you in advance
It's complicated. It ain't just the up front and personal experience with plastic, phthalates have found their way into our food supply, and almost everything we come into contact with, including cars, furniture, etc... .
What I did was ask that phthalates be included in my blood workup. Living rural and harvesting and processing much of my food seems to have lowered my exposure.
Google "biodegradable plastic."
I believe drone technology could be used to collect plastic debris at the bottom of the ocean. For example, drones can collect plastic and place it in bags that are inflated with air so that they rise to the surface where these bags can be collected.
it would not be a solution.But that would be a temporary solution.
Unless companies are held liable for the toxic products they introduce into society and into the environment plastic pollution will never end.
You have my most humble apologies for not posting what you want me to post.posting and asking questions like a troll
im ignoring that member from now on.
childish questions with no ability to do an self study into the questions they are asking while apologizing to try and leverage victimization appeal.
You have my most humble apologies for not posting what you want me to post.