A team at Kyoto University has found a plastic munching microbe. After five years of searching through 250 samples, they isolated a bacteria that could live on poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET), a common plastic used in bottles and clothing. They named the new species of bacteria Ideonella sakaiensis.
This discovery opens a whole new approach to plastic recycling and decontamination. The PET-digesting enzymes offer a way to truly recycle plastic. They could be added to vats of waste, breaking all the bottles or other plastic items down into into easy-to-handle chemicals. These could then be used to make fresh plastics, producing a true recycling system.
I love the potential of this, but I'm not sure it's time to get too excited yet.
This discovery opens a whole new approach to plastic recycling and decontamination. The PET-digesting enzymes offer a way to truly recycle plastic. They could be added to vats of waste, breaking all the bottles or other plastic items down into into easy-to-handle chemicals. These could then be used to make fresh plastics, producing a true recycling system.
I love the potential of this, but I'm not sure it's time to get too excited yet.