planets orbit like their stars vibrate ?

My paper was rejected, but the review comments made me feel that this reviewer lacks the most basic knowledge of physics.

The following is the reviewer comments. Reviewer #1: .This paper should not be published. It is based on a misconception of the structure of classical mechanics. Equation (1) is not a solution of the equation of motion. If one takes the Newtonian force equation together with the gravitaton force then everything is included: moving particles as well as particles at rest. The method to include the motion of particles in order to represent Newtons gravity acting on moving ojects is wrong. It is already included in the equations of motion properly applied. Since mM/r^2 is a scalar, then v is the only vector in Equation (2). One cannot add a scalar and a vector. There are many other points like this in this paper. In Equation (20) theta is an angle and r a radial coordinate. Therefore, r theta has the diension of length. Is is not allowed to take the exponental of a quantiy possessing a dimension. It is also not stadard to base a scientific work solely on wikipedia articles and a few other web pages. This paper does not meet scientific standards, It should not be published.
Here is reminder of the premise of the alternative theory of this thread:
with a recent reference:
"--Sun rings like a bell. Millions of modes of acoustic oscillations with short periods, near 5 minutes, are excited by convective turbulence near the solar surface and are trapped in the solar interior. These 5-minute oscillations --" quoted from:
Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research. "Long-period oscillations of Sun discovered: Ten years of data from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory combined with numerical models reveal the deep low musical notes of the Sun." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 20 July 2021. <>
The theory:
The sun has a basic vibration 300 seconds, 5 minutes, and the planetary system reflects that wave length, with the earth orbit of
1000 light seconds diameter, , 300 light seconds (5 minutes), corresponds to the minimal planetary spacing, .3 AU between Mercury Venus and Earth, then
doubling with every body outward, to Mars .6 AU ( 600 light seconds, Asteroids 1.2, Jupiter 2.4. Saturn + 4,8 until Uranus, when it becomes 160 light minutes or 9,6 AU, between Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. 2^4 or 32 times the inner spacing. 160 minutes also being a solar pulse.

admittedly, the above reference is focussed on the interior of the Sun, not the planetary field, and it is about even longer wavelength, but the article starts with the basic 5 min, multiple frequency sources, a situation ripe to produce a standing interference wave pattern as are correlated in the planet orbit numbers.
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Interesting connection here to the 5 minute 300 sec solar convection pulse, .3 AU, (300 light second diameter) planetary spacing : a worthwhile read:

"-- magnetically active stars, and that can then allow us to test some ideas about how these young stars and their disks interact." ( bold added) from :
Rice University. "Small stars share similar dynamics to our sun, key to planet habitability." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 9 August 2021. <>.
the present theory teaches, that somehow a standing wave pattern is present in the planetary system of stars. here is confirmation that these standing waves exist at least inside the stars: a good read. bold added

"--- the Sun -- can reflect and interact, reinforcing some waves and canceling out others. This can result in orderly motion called standing waves, which create---" from

NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center. "NASA's TESS tunes into an all-sky 'symphony' of red giant stars." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 5 August 2021. <>
here is an example of a body's quivering projected outward
from the New York Times:
Saturn’s Rings Are Like a Seismometer That Reveal the Planet’s Core
Convulsions in the planet’s interior are picked up in the region known as the C ring, and help scientists understand what lies within.
Huh. I did not know how a pebble could make ripples in a pond until nebel showed me.
Clearly he has a grasp of cosmology beyond my ken.

dave, here is evidence that "pepple in the lake" like phenomena trigger planetary orbit creations. :

"While moving around within the gas in the interstellar medium, cosmic rays kickstart the background protons, which causes a collective plasma wave movement akin to ripples on a lake. "
"Cosmic rays may help explain aspects of our galaxy from its smallest scales, such as protoplanetary disks and planets, to its largest scales, such as galactic winds," quoted from:
American Institute of Physics. "Cosmic rays may be key to understanding galactic dynamics." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 24 August 2021. <>.
  1. A. Marcowith, A. J. van Marle, I. Plotnikov. The cosmic ray-driven streaming instability in astrophysical and space plasmas. Physics of Plasmas, 2021; 28 (8): 080601 DOI: 10.1063/5.0013662
Here is how solar magnetism re-arranges matter:
How the Sun’s magnetic forces arrange gas particles "
"--in the prominence. Oscillations occurred with a period of 22 seconds,--"

"--Such conditions -- where partially ionised gas exists with few collisions -- play an important role in astrophysics. Their role is not just demonstrated in solar prominences, but also in the following: the huge gas clouds from which stars and planets form;--" bold added

University of Göttingen. "How the Sun’s magnetic forces arrange gas particles." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 13 October 2021. <>.
here is an interesting image of wave patterns around a star.

(Image credit: ESA/Hubble, NASA, and Toshiya Ueta (University of Denver), Hyosun Kim (KASI))
Here is how solar magnetism re-arranges matter:
How the Sun’s magnetic forces arrange gas particles "
"--in the prominence. Oscillations occurred with a period of 22 seconds,--"

"--Such conditions -- where partially ionised gas exists with few collisions -- play an important role in astrophysics. Their role is not just demonstrated in solar prominences, but also in the following: the huge gas clouds from which stars and planets form;--" bold added

University of Göttingen. "How the Sun’s magnetic forces arrange gas particles." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 13 October 2021. <>.

So stars are not from the galactic center and stars are not spewed out from the galactic globular core ? By the rotation of the globular galactic core ?
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So stars are not from the galactic center and stars are not spewed out from the galactic globular core ? By the rotation of the globular galactic core ?

Stars like our sun are born in standing waves, the arms of galaxies with more mass concentrations, here anyway. Galaxies are believed to have grown from the outside in, by contraction through self gravitation. There are of course the occasional spewing of goodies from supernovae. Lucky us, finders keepers.
The universe has a humm to it. pulsing even in our brains, hearts.
Stars like our sun are born in standing waves, the arms of galaxies with more mass concentrations, here anyway. Galaxies are believed to have grown from the outside in, by contraction through self gravitation. There are of course the occasional spewing of goodies from supernovae. Lucky us, finders keepers.
The universe has a humm to it. pulsing even in our brains, hearts.

Standing waves that move away from the Galactic Globular Core . A Galactic Globular Core energy release . Through the Rotation of the Galactic Globular Core . The Galaxy is spinning out Stars and the like . At various energy levels . From the seen , to the unseen .
Standing waves that move away from the Galactic Globular Core

It is true that the spiral arms appear to be wound tighter near the center of the galaxies. These arms are pressure waves with increased material in them and do not rotate with the matter in the galaxies. Rotation is what sustains material against falling into the central black hole. so:
standing waves that start out as circles and end up as radii?
Does that scale down to the star level? energy release in pulses?
river said:
Standing waves that move away from the Galactic Globular Core


It is true that the spiral arms appear to be wound tighter near the center of the galaxies. These arms are pressure waves with increased material in them and do not rotate with the matter in the galaxies. Rotation is what sustains material against falling into the central black hole. so:
standing waves that start out as circles and end up as radii?
Does that scale down to the star level? energy release in pulses?

Pressure waves ? From what cause ?
It is true that the spiral arms appear to be wound tighter near the center of the galaxies. These arms are pressure waves with increased material in them and do not rotate with the matter in the galaxies. Rotation is what sustains material against falling into the central black hole. so:
standing waves that start out as circles and end up as radii?
Does that scale down to the star level? energy release in pulses?

Standing waves move around the object .
Hubble witnesses shock wave of colliding gases in Running Man Nebula
November 24, 2021
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
Mounded, luminous clouds of gas and dust glow in this Hubble image of a Herbig-Haro object known as HH 45. Herbig-Haro objects are a rarely seen type of nebula that occurs when hot gas ejected by a newborn star collides with the gas and dust around it at hundreds of miles per second, creating bright shock waves. In this image, blue indicates ionized oxygen (O II) and purple shows ionized magnesium (Mg II). Researchers were particularly interested in these elements because they can be used to identify shocks and ionization fronts. This object is located in the nebula NGC 1977, which itself is part of a complex of three nebulae called The Running Man. NGC 1977 -- like its companions NGC 1975 and NGC 1973 -- is a reflection nebula, which means that it doesn't emit light on its own, but reflects light from nearby stars, like a streetlight illuminating fog. Hubble observed this region to look for stellar jets and planet-forming disks around young stars, and examine how their environment affects the evolution of such disks.
Hubble witnesses shock wave of colliding gases in Running Man Nebula
November 24, 2021
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
Mounded, luminous clouds of gas and dust glow in this Hubble image of a Herbig-Haro object known as HH 45. Herbig-Haro objects are a rarely seen type of nebula that occurs when hot gas ejected by a newborn star collides with the gas and dust around it at hundreds of miles per second, creating bright shock waves. In this image, blue indicates ionized oxygen (O II) and purple shows ionized magnesium (Mg II). Researchers were particularly interested in these elements because they can be used to identify shocks and ionization fronts. This object is located in the nebula NGC 1977, which itself is part of a complex of three nebulae called The Running Man. NGC 1977 -- like its companions NGC 1975 and NGC 1973 -- is a reflection nebula, which means that it doesn't emit light on its own, but reflects light from nearby stars, like a streetlight illuminating fog. Hubble observed this region to look for stellar jets and planet-forming disks around young stars, and examine how their environment affects the evolution of such disks.


What's the theory .

How does a Nebula not have light energy coming from it ? Why does this Nebula not have light energy ? .
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What's the theory .

The theory proposed here was, that, wavelengths that have been detected in the sun are corresponding to the spacings of the planets in the solar system, all linked by the speed of light "c" . In diameters,
5 light minutes, gaps between Mercury to Venus to Earth, the doubling,-- 10 minutes to Mars . doubling until 160 minutes between Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. (explaining the Neptune anomaly)
The mistake was the plural in Stars and planets. A recent New Scientist piece states that our Solar system appears to be unique. Uniquely ordered.
Alternative theory proposals are of course put out there in the hope that somebody with more smarts and resources will prove it right, support it.