per capita income.

the opportunity to charge a little more and take a little less profit over several decades to then allow for proper long term investment into new production and systems maintenance has been stolen.
it cant be recovered.
As long as we allow the appropriation of funds from other programs such as health care and build a 1200 mile wall (fence), instead of a massive solar array which might provide several states and a few million people with affordable electricity in perpetuity, the end result is always less for the people and more for the wealthy.

I wont see the end of oil, but I dread the thought of the chaos which will ensue unless some of our national resources are applied to future economic and social needs, instead of lining the pockets of the privileged rich.
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As long as we allow the appropriation of funds from other programs such as health care and build a 1200 mile wall (fence), instead of a massive solar array which might provide several states and a few million people with affordable electricity in perpetuity.

drug addict ego wars...
exploit is the process of manipulating personal gain from the utility at the expense of the people it is supposed to service and the utility ongoing & long-term sustainability.

That's not much clearer in the context of police and fire vehicles, but I've already answered anyway.
Multinational investment bank Citigroup has issued an explicit recession warning for the United States, advising clients to wind down exposure to risky assets and prepare to ride out the storm.

The bank’s global investment team said the US Federal Reserve over-tightened monetary policy last year, waiting too long to stop raising interest rates or to slow the pace of quantitative tightening (reverse QE).

The economy is already shot below the waterline and will most likely succumb to the textbook pathologies of a fading expansion.

“The US economy seems to be transitioning into a stagnation phase after a brief period of goldilocks on a sugar high of fiscal stimulus. We advise investors to prepare for recession,” it said. Wall Street stocks and global bourses may keep climbing for a few more months before peaking in July. “Equities typically rally a little before the cycle ends,” it said.

+ China USA trade war
+ china growth rate drop over last year
+ rise in nationalism
+ lack of governments printing money to spend on public works
+ consumer market low cost Chinese made product price to income affordability saturation point
+ all the outsourcing of jobs & production of many global company's to china