Valued Senior Member
No, just an incomplete definition.Oxymoronsubjective reality
She means "my subjective perception of reality".
No, just an incomplete definition.Oxymoronsubjective reality
I don't see why these are valid criteria.
Love certainly exists. Nobody can deny that.
Objectively, everyone knows love exists.
But we all experience it differently, and it can't be measured.
There's already a term for this. It's a
No, I meant that the existence of ghosts isn’t considered an objective reality but honor, love etc objectively exist, albeit we all may define each differently.I don't think they do. One person's idea of honor might be killing a man who dishonored him years ago. Another person might think that killing that person over a stupid argument shows a lack of honor. Who is objectively right? There is no one objective right answer there.
I don't see why these are valid criteria.
Love certainly exists. Nobody can deny that.
Objectively, everyone knows love exists.
But we all experience it differently, and it can't be measured.
There's already a term for this. It's a qualia.
No, I meant that the existence of ghosts isn’t considered an objective reality but honor, love etc objectively exist, albeit we all may define each differently.
But, there wouldn’t be a requirement of proof on your part, if someone tells you “I’m in love,” in the same way you’d require evidence for claims of paranormal activity. If someone claims to have seen a ghost, if you adamantly don’t believe in ghosts, no matter what “proof” is provided, you may dismiss it. But with love, you yourself may have experienced it or you have witnessed others who have, so you can identify with the feeling of love, although you may define it differently than someone else.Such exist as concepts slash principles expressed by language or whatever symbolic or abstract system. But how those general ideas are defined specifically, locally, in different disciplines, and personally can vary (subjectivity and relativism amidst that). Some terms like "love" can also refer to immediate feelings, but that's the problem of multiple meanings sharing the same word to represent them (or our not making the proper distinctions).
I do not see where it does this.Really? The definition of qualia ((from just Google the word, denies its own existence
I do not see where it does this.
Again, none of the things you posted denies the existence of qualia.
What does any of this have to do with existence? Your "tests" are nonsense.I noticed you did not answer
What are the units of qualia? scale?
Can you have ½ a qualia?
As above would ½ a qualia equal pink?
or in the other direction a dark red?
WHAT is qualia actually measuring?
Qualia (historically called "secondary qualities" in the context below) are actually public or inter-subjective properties, in that the external world featured in human perception reliably exhibits them (green leaves, loud sounds, quality of skunk odor, etc). And those of us who have fully functioning senses usually have consensus (i.e., the sky is blue). Sans the colorblind, for instance, and people afflicted with other clinical conditions where they can have different character.
Where they aren't properties of the "external world" is in the "invisible" scientific realism version introduced by earlier thinkers like Galileo and Locke. That abstract world becomes a metaphysical proposition at any point the conception departs from being a practical conception or useful model for just "getting things done": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primary–secondary_quality_distinction
Where subjectivity or personal preferences enter the picture is with respect to how we like, dislike, or categorize _X_ color, flavor, skin sensation, sound, etc. Some men may hate the color pink, some people consider bagpipe music to be noise, the rest of the world may consider the flavor of American beer to be awful, and so-forth.
Those are "local" cognitive understandings and interpretations applied to such specific manifested content, rather than inherent attributes of the experiences themselves. Subjective evaluations which indeed vary from person to person without clinical conditions being responsible.
Rubber is a Physical Substance. It can be measured and quantified. You can have ½ the QUANTITY of rubber if you dispose of half of the amount you start withWhat is rubber measuring? Can you have half rubber?
What is swimming can be measuring? Can you have half swimming?
You make up these questions about "what it's measuring" and if you "can have half" of something, and then when I apply it to things that do exist, you change your tune.Rubber is a Physical Substance. It can be measured and quantified. You can have ½ the QUANTITY of rubber if you dispose of half of the amount you start with
So, by your logic, it does not exist. Your tests were "what does it measure" and "can you have half of it".Swimming is an ACTIVITY. As such can be defined as "actions which propel (persons rich etc) through, normally liquid
This makes you sound foolish. No one has any obligation to answer nonsensical questions just because you made then up.Noted still not answered my questions
what it's measuring
Please answer with a yes or no: have you stopped beating your wife yet?
So, by your logic, it does not exist
Who says it's measuring anything ?The question is WHAT IS QUALIA measuring
NoooooooWho says it's measuring anything ?
One form of qualia is pain.If correct what does it (QUALIA) exist as?
And the doctor can put that in my chart, and note that last time, it was a 3 and that my pain seems to be steadily getting worse instead of better."