Pelosi Wants to Stay

Discussion in 'Politics' started by countezero, Nov 6, 2010.

  1. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    Scoreboards, and Conservative Alligator Tears

    Indeed. It seems they were looking at a different scoreboard.

    The argument in her favor apparently has to do with her efficacy as Speaker; e.g., the number of bills—something like four hundred—passed in the House but stalled in the Senate by GOP obstructionism and Sen. Reid's need to accommodate them in the name of bipartisanship.

    And despite conservative bawling about how the scary liberals are moving too quickly, we should remember that Pelosi, like Reid, is part of the reason real liberals are frustrated with the Democrats—she made too many compromises with Republicans who don't actually give a damn about the nation or its people. Their number one priority is the electoral scoreboard. Pelosi's, and her supporters in this vote, are apparently looking at the scoreboard that describes what they get done for the people, not the one that wins them votes.

    And there is certanly merit to that argument. However, I'm one of the liberals who disdains the Democratic sellout to conservatives, the attempt to compromise with people who have made clear through both word and action that they have no intention of actually compromising or even governing, but, rather, intend to spend the next couple years as they have the last—lying to voters in hopes of winning at the ballot box.
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  3. Cowboy My Aim Is True Valued Senior Member

    That's how I see it. This is an internal party issue for the Democrats.
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  5. Cowboy My Aim Is True Valued Senior Member

    Not saying you're wrong about Pelosi, but she's hardly the only person in politics who fits that description.
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  7. joepistole Deacon Blues Valued Senior Member

    I think the single most important failure of the Democrats these last two years was in letting Republicans lead them by their noses for far too long. The Dems failed to understand, despite more than 20 years of the new Republican Party, that the only thing that matters to Republican officials is power. Republicans have no interest in what is good for the country, only acquiring power and reaping the benefits thereof.

    These next two years Democrats need to play political hardball. Democrats for the time being have saved the nation from utter collapse. Now they need to replenish their politcal capital for the benefit of the nation.
  8. adoucette Caca Occurs Valued Senior Member

    And yet the majority of the people voted for this party in the last election.

    Maybe you two aren't as insightful as you think you are.

    Maybe a little introspection along with a dose of humility is in order.

    Of course neither is likely to happen.

  9. joepistole Deacon Blues Valued Senior Member

    Perhaps you should heed your own advice.
  10. adoucette Caca Occurs Valued Senior Member

    The difference Joe is that while I might not agree with some of the things that the Democrats propose I don't presume that they are doing so because they don't care about the country or its people.

    I think intelligent people can come to quite different conclusions regarding how to deal with complex social issues even if their ultimate motives are the same.

  11. iceaura Valued Senior Member

    Why would you?

    No evidence, for the group as a whole.

    The Republicans in Washington, on the other hand, fit the description and behave accordingly.
  12. adoucette Caca Occurs Valued Senior Member

    No they don't.

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