Paul McCartney is actually dead conspiracy


Consular Corps - "the backbone of diplomacy"
Valued Senior Member
What conspiracy do you lean to believe?

Even though tribute bands like Rain have significantly demoted the feeling, I still occasionally marvel at William Shears Campbell's musical and composing skills [at least, as far as a pop reputation goes; Zzzzzz...]. It's one thing to select a bloke to replace and physically / behaviorally emulate a celebrity, but quite another notch upwards if he also excels at the latter's profession.

Yet OTOH, when one considers that the real Paul died in 1966, before or just around the start of the Beatles' maturing into their finest creative phase... Then it was actually Billy Shears who made those contributions. The "pod person" was arguably and ironically the superior talent in this case!

And yeah, it can be said that due to the Fab Four no longer touring and playing in public during that period, it was accordingly a "convenient" circumstance that made it easier for Billy to pretend being Paul. Another faction will also assert that John Lennon was the sole or crucial genius of the group anyway, and simply carried its songwriting and recording sessions during those final years the same as he would have if the legit McCartney had survived.

But that line of thought overlooks Paul's (or faux Paul's) own post-Beatles career with Wings, etc. Even if the later activity only received attention because of McCartney's lingering reputation, Campbell did indeed have to finally appear on stage; and sing, play the guitar, keyboards, etc -- as well as compose songs.

Now, here he is in his seventies. Billy has been pretending to be Paul for far longer than the original Paul was himself! He successfully fooled the mainstream public all these decades, in spite of the fact of the conspiracy having been exposed back in '69 or earlier.

Heck, one might even venture that such turned out to be the best protection / camouflage for Campbell. Just let the truth leak out, and if the details are portrayed in a fantastic and outrageous enough context (along with plenty of red-herring disinformation clouding and confusing matters), then the majority will shrug it aside as opportunistic myth-making. More or less carefree coasting over the minefields from that point on. Only the occasional fixated conspirator addict left to stalk the imposter -- and after a couple of decades, even they are happy to just receive an autograph, they have become so impressed by the persistent success of the fraud.

Disembodied voice to Ray Kinsella's niece: "If you get your Sarracenia purpurea to take root, they will come. The lovely chitinous robots and spiders and frogs will come and fall in."

"Oh no, no, no. I would lose all respect for this place if that kind of sonic boom occurred." :bugeye:
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Even though tribute bands like Rain have significantly demoted the feeling, I still occasionally marvel at William Shears Campbell's musical and composing skills [at least, as far as a pop reputation goes; Zzzzzz...]. It's one thing to select a bloke to replace and physically / behaviorally emulate a celebrity, but quite another notch upwards if he also excels at the latter's profession.

Yet OTOH, when one considers that the real Paul died in 1966, before or just around the start of the Beatles' maturing into their finest creative phase... Then it was actually Billy Shears who made those contributions. The "pod person" was arguably and ironically the superior talent in this case!

And yeah, it can be said that due to the Fab Four no longer touring and playing in public during that period, it was accordingly a "convenient" circumstance that made it easier for Billy to pretend being Paul. Another faction will also assert that John Lennon was the sole or crucial genius of the group anyway, and simply carried its songwriting and recording sessions during those final years the same as he would have if the legit McCartney had survived.

But that line of thought overlooks Paul's (or faux Paul's) own post-Beatles career with Wings, etc. Even if the later activity only received attention because of McCartney's lingering reputation, Campbell did indeed have to finally appear on stage; and sing, play the guitar, keyboards, etc -- as well as compose songs.

Now, here he is in his seventies. Billy has been pretending to be Paul for far longer than the original Paul was himself! He successfully fooled the mainstream public all these decades, in spite of the fact of the conspiracy having been exposed back in '69 or earlier.

Heck, one might even venture that such turned out to be the best protection / camouflage for Campbell. Just let the truth leak out, and if the details are portrayed in a fantastic and outrageous enough context (along with plenty of red-herring disinformation clouding and confusing matters), then the majority will shrug it aside as opportunistic myth-making. More or less carefree coasting over the minefields from that point on. Only the occasional fixated conspirator addict left to stalk the imposter -- and after a couple of decades, even they are happy to just receive an autograph, they have become so impressed by the persistent success of the fraud.

Disembodied voice to Ray Kinsella's niece: "If you get your Sarracenia purpurea to take root, they will come. The lovely chitinous robots and spiders and frogs will come and fall in."

"Oh no, no, no. I would lose all respect for this place if that kind of sonic boom occurred." :bugeye:

I wrote a story about Paul McCartney for the Heretic Magazine issue 7 -

Entitled - The Death and Occult Rebirth of Paul McCartney.

Something did happen to him. He did NOT die physically but he was reborn.
I wrote a story about Paul McCartney for the Heretic Magazine issue 7 -

Entitled - The Death and Occult Rebirth of Paul McCartney.

Something did happen to him. He did NOT die physically but he was reborn.
I think it is pretty clear that Paul is a zombie. Not the crazy kill and eat everyone kind of zombie, but more like the zombie girl in the TV show iZombie.
Another faction will also assert that John Lennon was the sole or crucial genius of the group anyway, and simply carried its songwriting and recording sessions during those final years the same as he would have if the legit McCartney had survived.

I know you wrote this some two-odd years back, but I'm curious as to your thoughts on this faction. In my youth (the '80s), I was on board with this--for some inane reason I thought John (and Ringo) was the "cool" one. But I was an idiot then, and there wasn't the abundance of material on every aspect of the Beatles that made appearance from the 90's onwards. Since, I've revised my thoughts considerably.

John was a talentless hack, with minimal competence on any instrument, and the "creativity" of someone working in the financial industry. "Carrying pictures of Chairman Mao..." For fuck's sake, I wasn't around in the 60's, and barely cognizant in the 70's, but to my knowledge noone carried pictures of Mao--they carried about the Little Red Book. And, arguably, the Little Red Book contains much distilled wisdom comparable to The Book of Job, or Xenophon's exegetics on horses (title?), or the collected writings of Nietzsche and Dostoevsky--so what's wrong with that? You'll make plenty of friends--and the right kind!

Nevermind that, the music's all that matters. And John wrote a lot of shit. Can you imagine "A Day in the Life" without Paul's--and especially Ringo's--contributions? Seriously, give the isolated tracks a listen: Ringo's delicate cymbal and hi-hat work is transcendent--and Ringo very rarely had to do a re-take. And John wasn't the one absorbing the brilliant creativity of acts like Soft Machine, Crazy World of Arthur Brown, AMM, et al--that was Paul, and the influence is evident.

John was very self-consciously "provocative," "avant garde," and "edgy"; the rest were very 'umble about all this, and just went about it with proper workman-like attitudes. Frankly, Yoko Ono was the best thing that happened to the Beatles at the time, as she reigned John in and at least tried to keep his bullshit to an absolute minimum.

Honestly, I don't know why I have such strong feelings about this.
Honestly, I don't know why I have such strong feelings about this.

Actually, I do:

"Imagine no possessions..."

Yeah, right--that's like Clinton talking about "reining in Wall Street." The net value of my personal possessions does not exceed (or even approach, for that matter) one thousand U.S. dollars--and I acknowledge nothing but "personal property." The rest belongs to all of us, critters and flora included. Now John, on the other hand...
Actually, I do:

"Imagine no possessions..."

Yeah, right--that's like Clinton talking about "reining in Wall Street." The net value of my personal possessions does not exceed (or even approach, for that matter) one thousand U.S. dollars--and I acknowledge nothing but "personal property." The rest belongs to all of us, critters and flora included. Now John, on the other hand...

Well Lennon did write these words without McCartney

So, Sgt Pepper took you by surprise
You’d better see right through that mother’s eyes
Those freaks was right when they said you was dead
The one mistake you made was in your head.
How do you sleep? How do you sleep at night?
You live with straights who tell you ‘you was king’
Jump when your momma tell you anything
The only thing you done was Yesterday
And since you've gone you’re just another day.

John is asking How does he (McCartney) sleep.

Interesting when you consider that McCartney spent a long time living in the same house as a leading Doctor of Psychiatry, who had written in the prestigious Medical journal The Lancet about his experiments with hypnosis and who is also known to have conducted early experiments on patients with LSD under the watchful eye of the London Metropolitan Police. This Doctor hung himself in 1969, he left no note.

Oh and this place of residence for McCartney was less than 100 yards from the Medical practice of Steven Ward, who with his prostitute assistants Christine Keeler and Mandy Rice Davis eventually brought down the UK Harold Macmillan government.


Mandy Rice-Davis and Christine Keeler in the Beatles' Free as a Bird video.
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And if you think this is nonsense then perhaps someone could explain this to me.
I don't quite know how to explain it better than to say this is nonsense, you know, goofy, silly, absurd, childish, insane.....
I can't watch the video now. What's the story? Paul took a bunch of lsd and it changed his personality? I don't get it.
CC said:
Another faction will also assert that John Lennon was the sole or crucial genius of the group anyway...
I know you wrote this some two-odd years back, but I'm curious as to your thoughts on this faction.

The other facetious stuff set aside, this was just a noting of the usual, biased meme that circulated around for years when the four were referenced in various pop culture media, when the topic of which was the better songwriter or whatever popped-up.

Though external to the meme, I do recollect that Paul himself mentioned during an interview about how John was the best he'd ever seen at contributing to melodies that he was having difficulty figuring out where to go with after getting snagged at some point. That Linda was a good substitute in other ways but no match in that area. John would also pick up or introduce new gimmicks to the group (like learning fingerpicking style from Donovan); and had a knack for recognizing and borrowing good riffs from the performances of mundane or little known artists and modifying them enough to escape an accusation of theft. (Which is something virtually all famous celebrities who write / play have jokingly or casually confessed as part of their success, when they thought they were finally safe or had one foot in the grave).

However, Paul ably demonstrated himself on his own. As well as George when it came to more novel / risky instrumental twists in his compositions (whether the latter's role and solo work ever got fully appreciated by the public or not as much as the other two).

EDIT: I got an alert explaining that this thread was split-off or something from another one due to action on either a later poster's or mod's part (or whatever ???? reason). Which maybe resolves the puzzlement of why I don't remember ever starting this thread, especially in light of it beginning by my quoting R1D2.
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Oh and this place of residence for McCartney was less than 100 yards from the Medical practice of Steven Ward, who with his prostitute assistants Christine Keeler and Mandy Rice Davis eventually brought down the UK Harold Macmillan government.
And there are 4 letters in Paul and 9 letters in McCartney. 4 + 9 = 13. Coincidence?
The other facetious stuff set aside, this was just a noting of the usual, biased meme that circulated around for years when the four were referenced in various pop culture media, when the topic of which was the better songwriter or whatever popped-up.

Though external to the meme, I do recollect that Paul himself mentioned during an interview about how John was the best he'd ever seen at contributing to melodies that he was having difficulty figuring out where to go with after getting snagged at some point. That Linda was a good substitute in other ways but no match in that area. John would also pick up or introduce new gimmicks to the group (like learning fingerpicking style from Donovan); and had a knack for recognizing and borrowing good riffs from the performances of mundane or little known artists and modifying them enough to escape an accusation of theft. (Which is something virtually all famous celebrities who write / play have jokingly or casually confessed as part of their success, when they thought they were finally safe or had one foot in the grave).
But was that really Paul?

Seriously though, I’ve heard much of this but I don’t really hear much evidence of it in the recordings. I’ll concede, I haven’t parsed through every singly freakin’ recording, with whatshisname’s book by my side, but I’ve made a fair go at it:

It’s hard to comment on whose head/hands certain melodies emerged from, but any decent fingerpicking comes from Paul. The wacky and avant shit, which runs more to my general musical tastes anyways, seems to have come from Paul and George (Martin). Rippin’ riffs and the like, well check out George bein; Chet in this awesome video of “Act Naturally”—

Then there’s the aspect of being “influential”:

Every great progger—and I’m talking serious ones like Hugh Hopper, Bill MacCormick, Jannick Top, et al, as well as the proto-arena rocker types—cite Paul as influence. And certainly, George had his share of ardent and earnest admirers—Steve Hillage’s take on “All Too Much” is brilliant. And Ringo, for all his senseless detractors, exerted enormous infuencle over the likes of Phil Collins (the drummer of proper Genesis and Brand X, and guest on Ant Phillips, Eno, and others' records, NOT the evil bot he was replaced with around ’81 or ’82), and, more importantly, Charles Hayward and Chris Cutler.

Who ever cites John as an influence? People often allude to his truly and remarkably hypocritical and contradictory, erm, “activism”—or whatever the hell it was. But as a musician? His lyrics were soooo bad: his attempts at absurdity were beyond absurd, and his serious stuff always evokes a bit of nausea. And I’m simply not convinced that he could play any instrument.

So my wack theory, since this is a thread for wack theories, is that they simply kept the guy around ‘cuz it would be weird to get rid of him. And people would complain. Then Yoko came around and suggested they all go check out AMM at the Roundhouse, or something, so it became even more imperative to keep him around. And, of course,he got shot, so you have to say nice things about him.

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I can't watch the video now. What's the story? Paul took a bunch of lsd and it changed his personality? I don't get it.
McCartney was given LSD whilst he stayed at 57 Whimpole Street. LSD will change your personality. The others were given LSD when they went to a party at Pattie Boyd's dentist. George Harrison said that he was not aware that McCartney had taken LSD until McCartney admitted it to a journalist.

After the "more-popular-than-Jesus" tour of America, McCartney took a trip alone across France in his Aston Martin. He met Mal Evans in Bordeaux. Mal Evans had been a doorman (bouncer) at the Cavern Club and had been on the America tour with them. They both went on the Spain and then to Kenya. When they flew back from Kenya they both moved into McCartney's new place in Kensington and sacked his maid and butler. Here they BOTH conceived the Sergeant Pepper album. In 1976 Mal Evans was shot dead four hours after he had got off the phone saying to his publisher that whatever happens make sure his book "Living the Beatles Legend" was published. He was shot dead by the same policeman that had stopped the investigation into the second shooter in the Robert Kennedy/Sirhan Sirhan trial. Mal Evans' manuscript has never been found.

McCartney had met Yoko Ono in the Indica bookshop before Lennon had met her. Lennon and Starr was in Spain making "How I won the War". McCartney was a principle benefactor for the Indica Bookshop and their underground publication 'The International Times'. McCartney wrote articles for the PAPERBACK The International Times under the pseudonym Ian Iachimoe. Ian Iachimoe is Paul McCartney SAID backwards. The writer of the song PAPERBACK WRITER is credited as Ian Iachimoe. The Indica Bookshop crowd consisted of people like William S Burroughs a member of the BEAT generation known in France as LES BEAT. He is featured on the Sergeant pepper album cover. Also at the Indica bookshop was Robert Fraser (Groovy Bob) also known as DOCTOR ROBERT. He was the principle supplier of drugs in the so-called swinging sixties London scene. Dr Robert was once filmed famously handcuffed to Mick Jagger during their Redlands drugs bust February 12, 1967. Doctor Robert corresponded regularly to Kenneth Anger using Occult language and references. Anger was the man who had made 'Lucifer Rising' starring Marianne Faithful and Bobby Beausoliel one of Charles Manson's 'Family' both are currently serving a life sentence for murder. Mick Jagger wrote the music score for Lucifer Rising.

I haven't touched on the Sharon Tate murders yet, but Lennon was shot outside the Dakota Hotel where Sharon Tate's husband Roman Polanski had made Rosemary's Baby, a story about the birth of a Moon Child. Polanski was, until his death, wanted for making child pornography and having under age sex with an 11 year old.

For more on this read The Heretic Magazine issue 7 - The Death and Occult rebirth of Paul McCartney.
What do you suppose she means by "You know why I've left you - PROTECT ME and I will say nothing"

Why is she so scared?

These videos are made by someone who calls himself iamaphoney. Which in the Occult world means the opposite of what is said.

John Lennon school friend and Apple CEO Neil Aspinall said that he will not say anything about the Beatles until after his death. Aspinall died in 2008.

But McCartney didn't die in a car accident. That was Tara Browne heir to the Guinness fortune.

There's more to this than meets the eye.
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The Winged Beetle

was a book by Aleister Crowley.

They mention plastic surgery. McCartney did have plastic surgery to remove a scar he sustained when he came off his scooter that he had been fooling around with with his friend Tara Browne, heir to the Guinness fortune and the person who "blew his mind out in a car" in the Day in the life song.

He also had a false moustache for a while to cover the scar.

Apple Star It was a fake moustache is the words Sergeant Peppers lonely Sergeant Peppers lonely played backwards.

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If Paul is actually dead then I have to say he is looking pretty damn good for a dead guy.
I can't watch the video now. What's the story? Paul took a bunch of lsd and it changed his personality? I don't get it.
I took more acid than 'a lot' and it didn't change my personality. The OP sounded like he thought that was a neg on Paul's record. Oohhhh he admitted he dropped acid.
I took more acid than 'a lot' and it didn't change my personality. The OP sounded like he thought that was a neg on Paul's record. Oohhhh he admitted he dropped acid.
Same here. I don't think it had any real effects on my personality either. Lots of misinformation out there regarding acid.