Well Orlander,
It very likly that a female will release more than one ovum each month, as with most females animal or human. Some animals release as many as 50,000 ovum. And that is just about the maxium form ovum release. even in the male such as the human male only so many sperm cells can be release within a given time frame, for example the development of a mature sperm cell takes about 72 days, on average the human male releases about 250 million to 500 million sperm cells each normal release. if you do the math you find that the male produces about 3,000,000 to 7,000,000 sperm cells a day, at the end of 72 days only 7,000,000 spermcells are mature, the remaining developing sperm cell reach maturity each day after the 72 day mark. For the human male to have a complete sperm cell count of developed mature sperm cells it takes almost 6 months.
Just as a male releases many sperm cells a female as a rule will release more than one ovum from the same ovary, even though she may release more than one ovum, the ovums have to make it into the falliopian tubes. in some cases the ovum does not make it into the falliopian tubes but the sperm cell makes it pass the opeaning of the falliopian tubes and still is successfull in penetrating, and fertilizing the ovum of a human female, this results in what is called adominal pregancy(where the fertilzed ovum attaches to the stomach lining of a feamle). At any time when a female ovulates she may release more than one ovum, potentialy the female may release as many as 20,000 to 50,000 ovum. the success of the ovum is to make into the falliopian tubes, where it can be fertilized by a sperm cell. at the same time some ovums that make it into the falliopian tubes where the others did not could poteinally be missed by sperm cell and the sperm cell pass them and travel through falliopian tube and fertilize another ovum resulting in a abdominal pregancy.
This would be the behavior of just one ovary, most of the time the ovaries alternate in the emmission of ovum, however it is not uncommon for a human women to release ovum from both ovaries.
early periods are mostly likly the release of a ovum by the secondary ovary. one release of a ovum from one ovary usally results in the faliure of the release of a ovum from the secondary ovary, as the first ovary causes chemical hormone changes before the secondary can become active and release the second ovum in the same month. Even so it remains that the second ovary is active been treated with hormone flux and so has begun the partail release of the ovum from the ovary, so within the next month the secondary will release a ovum in stead of the one that released the last ovum(completeing the alternation cycle of the two ovary in a female). If the hormones that are release are strong enough both ovary can release ovums at the same time in one month.
The cycle of ovation can be altered greatly from month to month by diet, women with poor diets have irregular ovation, as well menstral cycles.
Can a women release a ovum every other day, this occurrs in normal ovation each month, as said before a female normally will release more than one ovum, each ovum leaves the ovary at a slightly different time within several hours of each other. if a female has a large does of a particule hormone it is possible that the ovation release time will be exstended, as is seen with fertility drugs.
Regardless the ovums are only good for so long after they are released from the ovary, having a normal life span of about 14 days and can only be fertilzed in a very short time frame of 24 hours, if lucky 48 hours.