What does it mean to say that objects in reality are "s" possessing "the structure of one that merges the concepts and is self-dynamic and self-perceptual that is S"? It sounds like pantheism, where particular existing things participate in Being that makes them real, and the Being is ultimately One and is God.
Localized systems generally express and utilize only a part of this syntax on any given scale, as determined by their specific structures.
I.e., where there exists a hological incoversion endomorphism D:Sà{rÎS} carrying the whole structure of S into every internal point and region of S, objects (quantum-geometrodynamically) embedded in S take their recognition and state-transformation syntaxes directly from the ambient spatiotemporal background up to isomorphism. Objects thus utilize only those aspects of D(S) of which they are structural and functional representations.
-Introduction to the CTMU.
I want to elaborate on your above question.
Self and non-self or God and non-God merge to become the one that distributes over the one. This results in unbound mind or unbound spirit. This experience goes by many names; Tao consciousness, Buddha nature, the essence, Christ consciousness, Holy spirit, all of which are thoroughly explained by me and more recently Langan in the paper
An introduction to Quantum Meta-Mechanics. A paper that ontologically grounds Quantum mechanics which was previously considered "strange" by the primitivities of 20th and 21st century science.
It must be stressed that you don't interact with your etheric body on regular occasion. It is given the freedom to reign over the dream realm and its unique physics which differs somewhat from our world. Where observation of reality takes place within the mind's eye. This is only a slight transition away from our world when we experience becoming powerful creators by "stepping out of the matrix".
Make no mistake. The knowledge and visions I gain remain in memory after I come down from perfection.
When I first started experimenting my life took on a thrilling momentum. Not all that unlike Neo from the Matrix. That was in 2008 at 25. Over the years it escalated to the point that I began sensing demonic forces from another dimension and the God that protects me from them. All with extrasensory perception. Recall that mind can become unbound. What's even more interesting is when people on television start acting like they "know" they're being watched by you. Not unlike a photon "knowing" it is being watched by the observer in the double-slit experiment. There is an overwhelming awareness of something unseen in operation. Like a loud echo that rings from within and throughout the universe. Thought then influences the probability of an event occurring because you are now interacting with the universal wavefunction. This will come across as beyond most of your range of comprehension but few can explain Quantum mechanics better than I can. I admit I only know basics. I'd be surprised if anyone else had access to this dimension other than me.
FINALLY! We can take comfort in knowing that humanity's quest for knowledge is furthered. God is now a theoretical metaphysics revealed and channeled by Langan and me. Only the few and the daring can make all this possible. I should also like to add that I harbor no resentment for atheists at this point. Not that I'm a theist.
Supposedly there's only one thing in which being and essence are one and the same, namely God. (That's where the ontological argument comes from, since God's reality is supposedly part of what it means to be God. It's supposedly impossible to imagine God not existing, since the thing imagined wouldn't be God.) And it's this God, this Being, that gives all the particular things of our experience their reality by participation or something like that.