You mean like the basic principles of the scientific method and peer review?
No. I was thinking that whoever moderates the biology forum needs to have the equivalent of an undergraduate background in biology, along with the ability to teach the material normally found in an introductory biology syllabus to laypeople.
The exact same thing applies to all the other science fora.
And given that a great deal of the discussion on Sciforums, including most of your posts it seems, aren't about science at all per se, but rather about the philosophy of science, whoever moderates the philosophy and 'fringe' fora should have some training and background in the philosophy of science.
And how any claim, should be able to stand up to the rigors of such review.
Every factual proposition should be justifiable somehow. (Though that seems to commit us to an infinite regress.) But I'm not convinced that all factual propositions are scientific or that non-scientific propositions must be justified in scientific terms.
Certainly not the rantings of anti science cranks, driven by agendas and preconceived beliefs in that which the scientific method and peer review rightly reject according to the scientific method.
Although obviously that same rejection of said nonsense, then brings out the false indignation and questionable claims re there own supposed investigations etc, when in actual fact, all they have are the same chanells as the rest of us.
Which then gets down to what on the big wide wonderful world of the Internet is reputable, and what is codswallop, uploaded by cranks, religious nuts and others pushing pseudoscience.
You're ranting.
Of course there is another aspect: Some here that see the questionable claims by these same cranks being put through the wringer and subsequently discredited by the majority of sensible members, as a form of bullying
You don't know anything about epistemology, logic or the philosophy of science. You admit your ignorance and are actually proud of it (which is profoundly anti-intellectual). Yet you pose as an authority on the soundness and justification of other people's thinking. I don't respect you or take your views seriously when you do that.
Despite the ranges of topics discussed here, it is and will remain, first and foremost a science forum.
The moderators seem to devote most of their interest to the political and social issues fora. Tiassa posts about nothing else.
If you want everything to be more scientific,
stay out of the philosophical discussions, avoid the 'fringe' fora and post about science.
One difficulty you will immediately encounter is a problem that all science fora encounter: What can laypeople say about science? Are they supposed to just say "Oh, wow!" in reply to Plazma's science news reports? But if they don't know the fundamentals and the detailed context of the news story, what more can they say?
Everybody wants to post about the most arcane details of quantum mechanics, black holes, general relativity or whatever, because it seems cosmic. But most board participants seem kind of vague on the contents of freshman physics. If they want to have any hope of really understanding the cool stuff, they will have to work their way up to it, by learning the principles involved. I think that the board's moderators could ideally serve as teachers, helping people with that. (Of course, science teachers could be paid a lot more doing something else, so it's asking a lot...)