He he he he
Wow. A marked improvement! Still lacking, but a marked improvement nevertheless. Anyway, seeing as I am in a thinking mood-- just made my sponsors proud with my "research"
, and the availability of good topics, I say we ditch this flaming bullshit. You are obviously out of your comfort zone and we are recycling the same topics-- hence, bullshit. If you maintain a high degree of maturity and intelligence in your subsequent posts within or outside this thread, you shall get the same response from me.
I will however answer to this:
In summary, I bump you up. You are still far off from the level I had previously placed you, but at least you are not a plebe.
Wow. A marked improvement! Still lacking, but a marked improvement nevertheless. Anyway, seeing as I am in a thinking mood-- just made my sponsors proud with my "research"
I will however answer to this:
You seem to associate language with mere "words", and this is false. For you see, although you are thinking of the physical images that constitutes a map, you have to associate certain graphical elements to acquire meaning. In order words, a picture of a road means nothing unless you associate that image with the abstract, road. This requires language for it is only through lanaguage that you are able to communicate the concept of a road or make sense of a map someone else drew.Case in point: When driving long distances I will look at the map and remember the lay out of the roads. While I drive and I think about where I am, I take what the road is doing( i.e. sharp turns, following a river, etc..) and compre it to that map I have in my head. I am not using words when I do this. Even though my end result might be along the lines of "ok, I'm there", I am thinking with images and other imputs.
While you may call this referencing and not thinking, I ask how the two are different in this case. I have a question and I go through a thought process to arrive at an answer. I compare and contrast details that are based on things other than words. That is indicative of higher thought. Yes, we have words to descride the quantities and abstracts that I am comparing and contrasting, but the words are not what are going through my head at the time.
In summary, I bump you up. You are still far off from the level I had previously placed you, but at least you are not a plebe.