Detailed and complex argument. Let's simplify it to conclude. I don't know what others would conclude, if there are any gradings/scale about being theist, but I am a theist. I will write down why I put myself in this category, I urge an atheist to come forward and do the same.
1. I pray everyday morning for few minutes.
2. Whenever I venture out to something new, I just think of God for success.
3. I think of God during take off.
4. I think of God and pray for safety when the aircraft is in turbulence, despite having sound understanding of flight control and despite being an active flyer.
5. I think of God for the well being of my loved ones.
6. I don't think science has any contradiction with God.
7. I do not think setbacks are caused by the God.
8. I don't ask questions about any aspect of God.
9. I do not blame God for failures or setbacks but do thank him for successes.
10. I pray to God for everyone's well being, but I resort to medical science. Basically efforts are there as required, nothing blindly left on him.
11. Like majority of theists I am not part of any God propaganda, I keep it to myself, I do not preach.
12. No God in day today argument, like God can do this etc... It is just the tacit faith.
I feel #1 is more or less a ritual, need not be the part of all theists schedule, rest all are common, except a large populace of fanatics who do nasty things in the name of God.
Any atheist ???
What makes you a theist is that behind each of those is the implicit assumption that God exists. It may not be a matter you ever consider or question, but it is implicit and foundational to everything on your list.
My list, as an atheist:
1. I do not have the belief that God exists.
I also have friends who are theist and their list would be:
1. They do not pray at all
2. They don't thank God for anything
3. They don't think setbacks or successes are granted by God
4. They don't think air turbulence or the pilot's ability to control the aircraft are due to God
5. They don't think the well-being of their loved ones are due to God
6. They don't think there is any contradiction between science and God
7. They don't ask questions about God
8. They are not part of any propaganda surrounding God
9. God does not feature in their discussions unless directly asked
10. When asked, though, they do say that they believe God to exist
The one underlying thing that links you, as a theist, to my friends, as theists, is that you all believe that God exists. It is the one thing that necessarily links
all theists.
Similarly, the one thing that links all atheists is their lack of belief that God exists.