On faith

    • "Na samdrse tisthati rupam asya, na caksusa pasyati kas canainam."
Can we elevate the thread to scriptures, I can talk a bit on Upanishads and Gita ? Request no foul language, even if one wishes to counter.

Let's start with...

...What Is God?
Jan seemed to be insisting that atheists are in no position to discuss religion since they are "without God" and hence don't have a clue what they are talking about and can only 'speculate'.

Well let me clear that up so that you don't carry posting disinformation.
You are without God, which is why you need confirmation of Gods existence in order to accept that belief in God is possible.
Now if there is anything wrong in that statement please say.

Secondly you can talk about God, as you see Him/It. That is what theists do. As such you do have a clue about what you're talking about from your perspective.

Never mind that Jan's etymology is a bit misleading. The Greek word 'a-theos' doesn't exactly mean 'without God'. It's the negation 'a-' appended to the word 'theos' and can just as accurately be translated as 'no God'.

And how does that alter anything. If I have no money, it can be said that I am without money. It doesn't mean that I will never have money, or that I'm not allowed to have money because I am currently ''without money''.

What is the evidence that a 'natural explanation' of the origin of information found in the cell, factual?
The word "information" is a distraction here. Cells, DNA, life itself, is all chemistry. We can break it down into it's chemical components and see how they function. There is no special magic there, it's like a computer.
The word "information" is a distraction here. Cells, DNA, life itself, is all chemistry.

It is information. So how can it be a distraction?
We all know what information is, as we have experienced 'information'.
There is no ambiguoty here.

We can break it down into it's chemical components and see how they function.

Because of information.

There is no special magic there, it's like a computer.

Yes. Human build computers.

It is information. So how can it be a distraction?
You seem to imply that there's something special about the information. Like a cell isn't special already. Also, it's typical creationist argument to talk about the origins of information in DNA. But go ahead if you must.
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Is it fair to say that philosophical arguments are based on axioms that themslves have no percieved origin, and as such are deemed true without evidence of their physical existence?

Not typically. The vast majority of logical arguments can and do use statements about empirical observations of this-worldly states of affairs as their premises. That's what we do in everyday life and it's what science does. The exception might arguably be mathematics (that's controversial).

Do you use logic to define logic?

It would seemingly be circular to use logic to provide a logical justification for logic.

Is someome without logic (formal training) an illogical person because he or she was not trained in logic?

Not typically. I think that it's pretty clear that human beings have an innate logical ability. Logicians call it 'informal logic'. It's how people argue and make cases for themselves in everyday life, it seems to be pretty much universal among human beings and it's often implicit in the grammars of our languages.

'Without God' is like someone withoout logic. It isn't an insult, it is a position. An atheist, by definition is someone who lacks belief in God (for whatever reason).

Being 'without logic' wouldn't be a position, it would be a psychiatric illness.

Is a person who lacks belief in logic, bereft of logic, or do they apply logic naturally to everyday situations without knowing that it is the law of logic that are working with their reasoning?

Are you trying to suggest that being "with God" is the same kind of innate thing? I don't see a whole lot of evidence that's true, there's just too much religious diversity in the world. It ranges from many kinds of non-theists through immanent animism to every kind of theism that one can imagine: including polytheism and personal and impersonal monotheisms.

So I'm inclined to think that what people might innately have is less an innate monotheism than an innate propensity towards religiosity in general. The form that religiosity takes will typically be the result of cultural influences.

I see it as arogant because your assumption of the world as you see it, is the way the world is.

Except that I don't think that and have explained why in numerous threads. I think that reality probably overflows our human ability to understand it and that there will probably always be mysteries. See posts #24 and #25 here.

Everything outside of that, has to be proven ( proof is what you desire)

Again you are putting words in my mouth that I don't agree with. I have argued repeatedly in numerous threads that the word 'proof' is typically too strong for real life, more appropriate in mathematics. In real life, including science, what people want are plausible and convincing reasons, even if they don't rise to the level of apodeictic proof.

to your specification.

Well sure. If you want to convince me of anything, you have to convince me. I'm the judge of when I'm convinced. I'm sure the same is true for you.
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Logic is self-proving.

Can you explain how?

I don't see any way to logically derive or otherwise justify concepts like logical implication (the 'if-then' relation) without use of logical implication. And what premises would we be deriving these logical ideas from?
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I think you're putting too much effort into justifying ignorance and sloth.

I think you're putting (way) too much effort into name calling. It's not a persuasive way to discuss anything. Maybe it's just easier?

I'll leave this thread and maybe the theists can just discuss the finer points of theism.
I'll leave this thread and maybe the theists can just discuss the finer points of theism.

An i will re-energize the thred wit how my faith came about.!!!

Many years ago i was down on my luck an i had a short stay at a shelter (for men only)... an we all took turns cleanin an cookin... an one night i was cookin tortillas... an about that time i felt as if i was struck by lightenin an fell to the floor all jerkin an stuff... an after i gained consciousness the thang that was on my mind was that the last tortilla i cooked looked like Jesus... an thru the power of God i was re-born in the name of Jesus... an ever sinse then my faith has been unshakable.!!!

Woud anybody else like to testify now... how they came by ther faith.???


Jesus is Lord.!!!
An i will re-energize the thred wit how my faith came about.!!!

Many years ago i was down on my luck an i had a short stay at a shelter (for men only)... an we all took turns cleanin an cookin... an one night i was cookin tortillas... an about that time i felt as if i was struck by lightenin an fell to the floor all jerkin an stuff... an after i gained consciousness the thang that was on my mind was that the last tortilla i cooked looked like Jesus... an thru the power of God i was re-born in the name of Jesus... an ever sinse then my faith has been unshakable.!!!

Woud anybody else like to testify now... how they came by ther faith.???


Jesus is Lord.!!!

I could be wrong, but this sounds like a joke to me.
