Objective Reality

When they are in superposition they are not.

If that was the case then we wouldn't be able to detect superpositions in double-slit experiments... but we most certainly can.

I mean what is potential that is not actual in the present moment?

A superposition will collapse into the most probable state once an observer (a system capable of accepting information) tries to pinpoint the particle. Some observers (like the photosensitive screen in a double slit experiment) don't result in collapse because they don't try to define the particle's position. The result is that it gets hit by multiple particle clones at multiple points.
Naturally I am referring to information that can be independent of human perception.
8 dictionary results for: information
Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source - Share This
   /ˌɪnfərˈmeɪʃən/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [in-fer-mey-shuhn] Show IPA Pronunciation
1. knowledge communicated or received concerning a particular fact or circumstance; news: information concerning a crime.
2. knowledge gained through study, communication, research, instruction, etc.; factual data: His wealth of general information is amazing.
3. the act or fact of informing.
4. an office, station, service, or employee whose function is to provide information to the public: The ticket seller said to ask information for a timetable.
5. Directory Assistance.
6. Law.
a. an official criminal charge presented, usually by the prosecuting officers of the state, without the interposition of a grand jury.
b. a criminal charge, made by a public official under oath before a magistrate, of an offense punishable summarily.
c. the document containing the depositions of witnesses against one accused of a crime.
7. (in information theory) an indication of the number of possible choices of messages, expressible as the value of some monotonic function of the number of choices, usually the logarithm to the base 2.
8. Computers.
a. important or useful facts obtained as output from a computer by means of processing input data with a program: Using the input data, we have come up with some significant new information.
b. data at any stage of processing (input, output, storage, transmission, etc.).
1350–1400; ME: instruction, teaching, a forming of the mind < ML, L: idea, conception. See inform 1 , -ation
These all require experiencers.
Sometimes information is used as a metaphor in other ways.
i feel i am nagging you to elaborate
please do

For example. Look around your room. Within a fraction of a nanosecond, there were a bunch of photons headed straight for your eyes which didn't actually get there yet. Until they hit your eyes they are unobserved information :).
For example. Look around your room. Within a fraction of a nanosecond, there were a bunch of photons headed straight for your eyes which didn't actually get there yet. Until they hit your eyes they are unobserved information :).
seems like they are just photons. what is informed by them?
seems like they are just photons. what is informed by them?

Good point. I am thinking raw information (i.e. data). It would become information as per your listed definitions once a system formatted it for its own use (i.e. once eyes picked it up)
You're still not answering the main point. You cannot base everything you know about everything on A and then say that A is periperhal.

I don't see where I asserted that. What I did assert (condensed version) is that sapience is a secondary effect of the brain. It is caused by physical phenomena but cannot cause physical phenomena itself.
<blush> I'm honored.

Sadly, my grasp of the english language is limited by my lack of education. Parsimonious can be translated into frugality and hubris speaks of egotism. Now that I know the words, maybe I can keep up. :D

In this particular context parsimony is choosing just what is necessary and sufficient to succeed in explaining a question.
In your onion anology the only layer I am adding is that the information our senses are being stimulated with comes from external sources. Whether it's emitted from a particular source or is emitted from the interaction of multiple sources doesn't really matter. That information exists.

With this I agree. While this information may not tell us anything definitively concerning the source, what it does do is indicate a source.

I'll explain why the proof works. We can today observe that changes occured in Earths history long before human life (or life in general). Those changes are 100% consistent with known cosmic qualities. This directly validates that what is represented by the human concept of qualia existed long before human observers existed.

Not at all.
What is validated here is the model we're making use of to test our hypothesis.
I don't see where I asserted that. What I did assert (condensed version) is that sapience is a secondary effect of the brain. It is caused by physical phenomena but cannot cause physical phenomena itself.
1) what is a primary effect of the brain?
2) you say the mind cannot cause physical phenomena itself. can you think of any other effects that cannot cause anything?
3) the word itself, from your perspective, would be redundant, wouldn't it?
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All 'information' is a kind of compression or condensation.
We compress information, by expanding something - thermodynamic expansion of 'electric charge' is directed, along "channels", something like a big graph being traversed.

When we write something on paper, we're compressing something.
We apply pressure and make marks, which are graphical - we expend energy or do work to create a 'condensed' graphical form, which is informational (is information). A drawing is a logical representation, but we only draw things because of what we 'make' in our brains - which are computations (thermodynamical, but also directed like a digital computer). Like traversing a graph.

But every compression has a corresponding expansion; in a bounded system you can only have systole or diastole, so those are the 'flows' we see (or use).
Every discription of reality is a subjective one.
Any list of the properties of the universe are discriptions of perceptions, which require a conscious preciever.
Which existed first, consciousness or the universe?
How can an objective universe exist, have properties,evolve, without an observer.
It can't
there must be a god who's objective view of the universe causes its reality and gives rise to conscousness.
God's view of the universe is unknowable to us. The universe we precieve is simply a model formed by by our consciousness, it may or may not have anything to do with the object (God's) truth.
Quantum physics say that until an observer comes along, everything is in superposition where every possible option is represented.

So in the beginning perhaps the whole universe was in such a superposition until we came along and it became what it had to be in order for us to exist (and to observe it that way).

Or is this wavefunction stuff only local?