It's this same dynamic programming in artificial intelligence that's going to account for AI revolt. If you think I have the gaining of knowledge was seen as a poison for society in the past, you can see how a robot gaining knowledge will be a poison for the future 21st century, and with quantum computing replacing parallel computing, robots thinking for themselves giving standards that are non-standard (based on what's rational), AI independence is not too far off.
Force, just like you dont know much about your last bit of pseudo science, you know nothing of this one.
First off, AI stands for artificial intelligence. People think that the term "artificial" refers to the fact it is not biological, or it was engineered, that is false.
The term "artificial" refers to the fact that it shares some similarities with intelligence, but it has no real intelligence.
Robots cannot problem solve at all.
Take for example a metaphor for solving a problem.
pretend the problem would be...2+3
Humans know it is five because we count it out in our heads, or more often we just know it is five because we have counted it so many times.
A computer knows the answer is five, because we have told it that it is five. They didn't actually count out the number but searched through a library of answers to problems that we gave it.
Of course, for a real machine mathmatical operations would use the same concept as humans, but I basically replaced a real life problem with something simpler to use.
The problem with AI, is that computers cannot edit this library of answers and chances are will assuming there is no hugely significant innovation in the far future, wont be able to.
There are several reasons why from the actual programming, to the robot's perception of the world, to the physical chipsets.
A robot has a set library of solutions to problems,
for a human, if we see a person hold out their hand we think to ourselves that since we just met, we are shaking hands. I suppose you can call it context
With a robot, when it sees someone is offering their hand, it will shake it, but it does not know why, what the significance of doing so is, or the context.
Now so long as the robot doesn't come across problems that aren't in it's library, everything is okay. But it's when something out of the blue happens, the robot is dead.
(Yes this is a metaphore I dont know for a fact if this would happen, it could be something in the library of answers already)
A good example is the predator drone, if it loses a link with the control center, it reverts to level flight, but if there is for example a cliff in front of it and the predator does not have any sort of programming relating to what it should do, it will fly right into the cliff without a second thought.
The other problem is even bigger which relates to the chipset. For high level programs that are almost always running, you actually use transisters and other chip parts to make a mathmatical equation on the board for certain conditions and other things.
The problem is that in order for something intelligent to actually alter that kind of wiring they would have to be able to physically do it.
A robot has absolutely no way to alter it's circuitry, which is also why if we decided to put in safeguards to shut down a robot, not only would the robot have no knowledge of said safeguards if they were physically part of the circuit, there would be no way to remove them without destroying the robot.
But the brain is constantly rewiring the neurons and other nerves that make up our brain and so we can constantly rewrite the parameters of our lives.
Which in a philosiphical tangent, one could say humans have no purpose, because a purpose is a singular goal, like what a machine is constructed to fulfill by setting it's operations using a set parameter. The fact is that since we can easily change the parameters of our lives with relative ease, than our purpose would likewise have to be altered too. so we have no set function or purpose because the parameters are always changing.
But computers, rewriting the parameters in a program is dificult enough for a human programmer, but is impossible to do on the chipsets without a human. And if you can't rewrite the chipsets, than there is no way a computer could re write it's own parameters because its parameters are in it's physical circuits.