NY Sciforums member trip


Pollux: Glad to hear you can possibly still go! I can't wait to check out the planitarium. Of course if that's still on the agenda. I know I'm going, and if no one shows up but me, so be it. I'm still taking loads of pictures!

I know I'm going, and if no one shows up but me, so be it.

"you can see all the sciforum members who showed up in NY in this picture".

Yeah... :)
I have it marked on my calendar:D As long as something doesnt come up last minute - Im in!! Im trying to save extra money for buying crap that I dont need:)

Hey XEV! Dont you live fairly close? How come your not going? We'll have a hoot!:D
Guys...I hate to admit this and I've been putting it off...but I can't go. Because of my trip to mexico my dad couldn't get the time off from work to head down so soon after, so, it's a no go for this year. sorry
NEXT YEAR!!! (sighs) next year, I'll---I'll meet as many of you as I can, but I hope to see all of you in person at least once through one way or another.
I'm sorry to hear you can't make it Pollux. I'm still going though. I hope some of you can make it out and say hi.

we are going to be in cali

where i don't know

cara is the boss:)

hopefully near where star lives:D
Oh, you mean like that woman next to me while i'm pumping my gas. Gotcha...
aww man, I wanna go

But with Az's birthday next year and Bluesouls 10year haul, I may not be able to afford it :( :D :(

Everybody wants me to go somewhere:(