News from Gaza Part 2

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Of course they could. Now figure out how they can send it without going through the Israelis. The Arabs do send a lot of money to the Palestinians. Did you know the Sauds have planes flying the injured to Riyadh from day one? Doesn't make the mainstream news.


Oh yippy dudas to the house of shat (whoops i mean Saud)

they can do a lot fuckin more then that, dont they own like 7% of US assets in America!!!??? Apply the muthafuckin pressure, bribe the israelis if they have too!!! If they can spend half abillion quid (ok the Abu Dabai Lot) oin a football club without flinching then surely they can apply financial squeezes indirectly at Israell.

And someone needs to explain to the muthafucka leader of Hams in gazza City......eerrr no Damascus, that his tin pot missles are a waste of time and fuckin counter fuckin productive!! what have they acehieved apart from giving Israeli the excuse to fuckin pulverise Gaza and use them as a testing ground for their weapons etc etc etc
And someone needs to explain to the muthafucka leader of Hams in gazza City......eerrr no Damascus, that his tin pot missles are a waste of time and fuckin counter fuckin productive!! what have they acehieved apart from giving Israeli the excuse to fuckin pulverise Gaza and use them as a testing ground for their weapons etc etc etc

Maybe someone needs to listen to what they are saying when they are not breaking down the Rafah barrier with bulldozers or throwing rockets. Like when they accept the 67 borders, recommend a 10 year truce to give people a chance to "heal", ask that food, water and medicine not be blocked from Gaza.

Unfortunately, the only time the world pays attention is when they throw rockets. In which case, everytime they get desperate, they throw rockets.
Maybe Zak should speak to those Palestinians in Argentina who cannot send money home to their relatives without getting on the terrorist supporter watch list of the US.

Or those Palestinians who are banned from leaving Gaza after winning scholarships to universities.

Poor Zak is idealistic. Reform is all very well but it won't come from emulating the cold heartedness of the west.

well then we need to find ways of doing it........... i refuse to accept that little Israel can outwit all the Muslim and Arab countries with all their resources and financial power (well nto all fo them) but combined!!

But they can out do muslims cos of education!!!

who said about emulating the west either!!!
Maybe someone needs to listen to what they are saying when they are not breaking down the Rafah barrier with bulldozers or throwing rockets. Like when they accept the 67 borders, recommend a 10 year truce to give people a chance to "heal", ask that food, water and medicine not be blocked from Gaza.

Unfortunately, the only time the world pays attention is when they throw rockets. In which case, everytime they get desperate, they throw rockets.

Maybe someone needs to listen to what they are saying when they are not breaking down the Rafah barrier

S.A.M. that is a Egyptin problem, fellow Arabs???? Israel has no hold over Egypt.
heh 7% of assets, assets in what? That's nothing. You see here's the funny part. They cant, if they try and cut off oil supply to the US, they lose their number one money maker, their economy will colapse far before the US's will. The gross domestic product of the United States of America is 14.3 trillion, i repeat TRILLION. dollars. Afghanistan's is 930 billion dollars, India, 2.6 trillion, Pakistan, 430 billion dollars, Iran 816 billion.

Heh, your middle eastern countries can't even add up to a fraction of the US's GDP.
well then we need to find ways of doing it........... i refuse to accept that little Israel can outwit all the Muslim and Arab countries with all their resources and financial power (well nto all fo them) but combined!!

But they can out do muslims cos of education!!!

who said about emulating the west either!!!

No not really, the Israelis are not more educated than Muslims, simply because there are far more Muslims than Israelis, they just keep a lower profile. How many Americans know that the Sears Tower was designed by a Muslim, for example? Not even many people in Chicago, I bet and yet you can see Fazlur Rehman's distinctive X's in the iconic architecture of the city.

The reason the Israelis win is because they manipulate the media to disguise the truth. e.g. they spent 9 months planning how they will present this latest bout of ethnic cleansing to Americans, including and upto controlling the news that gets out of Gaza. If not for the embedded al Jazeera journalists, who would know the truth? Most Muslims will not do that, its too lowering. Its why Muslims suffer, because they always expect the best from people. The people of Gaza are most disappointed not in the Israelis or Hamas, but in Barack Obama, because he has proved that he will also sit back while they are massacred.
Maybe someone needs to listen to what they are saying when they are not breaking down the Rafah barrier with bulldozers or throwing rockets. Like when they accept the 67 borders, recommend a 10 year truce to give people a chance to "heal", ask that food, water and medicine not be blocked from Gaza.

Unfortunately, the only time the world pays attention is when they throw rockets. In which case, everytime they get desperate, they throw rockets.

so basically its the fault of us muslims for getting into this situation, cos we did not get the palestinian occupation sorted out........... how did us muslims let it evovle into such fuckedupness!!????
Shame on the House of Shat!!! So called leaders of the Arab world!!!
Unfortunately, the only time the world pays attention is when they throw rockets. In which case, everytime they get desperate, they throw rockets.

Yes, and then they get all kinds of negative feed back, from the people they throw rockets at, just like now and exactly how does all that concern you say is focused (every time they get desperate) translate into anything to help the Palestinians in Gaza?

The Money dries up and the infrastructure is blown up.
And thats what we don't want to become. I don't want Muslim nations to become like the west. Living on exploitation and fear through military force, considering "our" people better than theirs.

We can do better than that. We're Muslims.

The superiority, hatred and bigotry of your statements speaks volumes, you who now reside in and take advantage of the US.
so basically its the fault of us muslims for getting into this situation, cos we did not get the palestinian occupation sorted out........... how did us muslims let it evovle into such fuckedupness!!????
Shame on the House of Shat!!! So called leaders of the Arab world!!!

If you listen to interviews from Arabs from 1948, most of them feel very bad at what they allowed to happen. Since there has always been immigration into Arab lands, they did not even realise until the nakba was under way, what was happening to the Palestinians. Remember, this was the age of the radio and Palestine itself was remote and cut off, with the Jews living in the cities [and probably controlling the media even then].

False propaganda from the Zionist narrative that the Arab leaders asked the Palestinians to leave has been proven to be untrue by those who have gone to England and looked at the tapes of the radio broadcasts of the time. So it was only when they realised that the Jews were not just immigrating, they were putting bacteria in the wells and throwing bombs in the homes of Arabs at night while the families were sleeping and these Arabs [many of them Christians] ran to neighboring countries for shelter that those people even heard about it. Also, consider that Palestine has always been a place where people fight [Hebrews, Romans, Crusaders, pirates, Ottomans, English, French], so many of the richer people simply moved to their "vacation" homes in Lebanon and Jordan, thinking they would return after the fighting cooled down.

It was only after they tried to return and were shot at, that they realised the intentions of the Jews. By then, it was too late. They had lost their country.
No not really, the Israelis are not more educated than Muslims, simply because there are far more Muslims than Israelis, they just keep a lower profile. How many Americans know that the Sears Tower was designed by a Muslim, for example? Not even many people in Chicago, I bet and yet you can see Fazlur Rehman's distinctive X's in the iconic architecture of the city.

The reason the Israelis win is because they manipulate the media to disguise the truth. e.g. they spent 9 months planning how they will present this latest bout of ethnic cleansing to Americans, including and upto controlling the news that gets out of Gaza. If not for the embedded al Jazeera journalists, who would know the truth? Most Muslims will not do that, its too lowering. Its why Muslims suffer, because they always expect the best from people. The people of Gaza are most disappointed not in the Israelis or Hamas, but in Barack Obama, because he has proved that he will also sit back while they are massacred.

so we are being outwitted then!!!???!!??????

i know they have been planning the invasion of gaza for months of course they have BUT why the fuck has this been allowed why have muslims been so out manourvered!??.........

and how can you say muslims expect the best from others when we have situations like in Sudan and Somalia...........when muslima are killing muslims as played!!!!
How many Americans know that the Sears Tower was designed by a Muslim, for example? Not even many people in Chicago, I bet and yet you can see Fazlur Rehman's distinctive X's in the iconic architecture of the city.

Fazlur took a very dim view of the Muslim religion and instead became educated and moved to the US where he found great success as a structural engineer. He became quite westernized, the very thing you loathe. Funny how most of your nonsense always backfires on you, Sam.
Then Israel must use missiles to shoot down missiles (or perhaps fighter planes on constant patrol -as the US fleet uses CAP, the combat air patrol in "chain saw" mode* to shoot down missiles long before the surface ship radars can even see the threat coming. – This is the so called "outer air battle" - the first layer of fleet defense. CIWS is the last layer. Ship launched SM missiles are the intermediate layers.)

Israel is already very capable in defending it ships against even supersonic sea-skimmer, missile threats. - If, threaten by more adbvanced threads, then more advanced defenses are required, but they already exist and are affordable. I.e. Israel has them already - only needs to buy more, install and coordinate via the nationwide radar system, already in my suggestion (for the counter battery artillery fire at the launch points -Recall I want to "shred every living thing at the launch sites.")

*Called "Chain saw" mode as at regular intervals (say every X minutes) the battle group carrier launches another CAP plane which flies out beyond the radar horizon, and stays on station for X minutes, before returning for more fuel, perhaps a new pilot, weapons etc. I.e. there may be 20 planes, in the air flying this loop, like the teeth of a chain saw. Israel has a much smaller space to make secure than a battle group on the high seas does - very "doable." - No more than 5 planes in the air at any time required. (The entire Gaza/ Israel border is only 38 miles long as I recall – easy to keep a couple CAP planes continuously over it if required.) These “on station” planes can also help to "shred any living thing at the launch sites" within minutes of the first launch. Even before the first rocket is fired, if the launcher set up is detectable. (Isreal has some of the world's best under cover agents - I bet they often know when an where laucher are going to be set up, but if some Isrealis must die to justify high kill ratio retaliation, they are not destroyed until a few rockets have been launched.)

SUMMARY the defensive technology already exists and cost less than the tanks used in the current Gaza invasion. It is not used as Israeli wants / needs/ to let a few Israelis die to justify the killing of many more Palestinians and making life a living hell for all, so they will vacated the land (move to another Arab state as approximately half have already) or can be confined entirely to concentrations camps.

Israel has more modern version of the CIWS now installed on its ships and more than enough of the older versions just sitting in naval warehouse to shoot down 100% of these crude Gaza rockets. If you can offer some other reason why Israeli has chosen to let a few Israelis be killed annually by the crude, slow Gaza rockets for several years, instead of shooting the Gaza rockets down, I would like to hear it. (I do not expect an answer as I have asked many times before.)

PS, even cheaper than CAP would be blimps, on station for more than a day, but that is not old technology - would need to develop strike missile launch from blimp capacity. Probable very simple; Just drop the strike missile and turn its thrusters on after it is safely away from the blimp is less weight than a reloadable safe launcher inside the blimp. Polaris subs ICBMs do not ignite their thruster until they are a second or so travel above the sea from their steam pressure ejection that throws them up and thru the surface. The blimp also has space for high resolution radar that could see the Gaza rocket before it is even on the launcher! Lets kill these terrorist before they can even launch! (not may children for each terrorist killed)

Billy T going defensive is a sure war to lose, it has been the case in every war in history, the nation that goes, or is forced to the defensive loses in the end.

Fact 1 of War, you have to defeat the enemy on his own ground.
so we are being outwitted then!!!???!!??????

i know they have been planning the invasion of gaza for months of course they have BUT why the fuck has this been allowed why have muslims been so out manourvered!??.........

and how can you say muslims expect the best from others when we have situations like in Sudan and Somalia...........when muslima are killing muslims as played!!!!

Sudan and Somalia would actually benefit from education, but it won't work there as long as they have oil or diamonds or anything else that makes them more desirable as a suppressed society. Can't have educated people knowing what their resources are worth. Like the offshore natural gas in Gaza.

Its a difficult dilemma. Many educated Muslims believe, especially in the wake of 9/11 and the subsequent profiling of Muslims that we need some kind of Muslim ummah that speaks with one voice and has a consolidated power of combined resources. With one-fifth of the world's population and the communists on our side, that would be considerable power.

But I'm not sure I agree with putting that much power in the hands of a few. Although, as you said, the rich Muslims have been taking control of the wealth and power in the west through financial means for several years now. But money is a corrupting influence and combined with unlimited power, a dangerous one. I'm not certain sacrificing the simplicity of Muslim thought for the materialism of the west will work to our advantage in the long run. It did bring down the Ottomans after all
Sudan and Somalia would actually benefit from education, but it won't work there as long as they have oil or diamonds or anything else that makes them more desirable as a suppressed society. Can't have educated people knowing what their resources are worth. Like the offshore natural gas in Gaza.

Its a difficult dilemma. Many educated Muslims believe, especially in the wake of 9/11 and the subsequent profiling of Muslims that we need some kind of Muslim ummah that speaks with one voice and has a consolidated power of combined resources. With one-fifth of the world's population and the communists on our side, that would be considerable power.

But I'm not sure I agree with putting that much power in the hands of a few. Although, as you said, the rich Muslims have been taking control of the wealth and power in the west through financial means for several years now. But money is a corrupting influence and combined with unlimited power, a dangerous one. I'm not certain sacrificing the simplicity of Muslim thought for the materialism of the west will work to our advantage in the long run. It did bring down the Ottomans after all

S.A.M. I love the panic showing in your post because Zakaryia has the Courage to speak truth to the problems of Islam.

Your painic is enlightning.
heh 7% of assets, assets in what? That's nothing. You see here's the funny part. They cant, if they try and cut off oil supply to the US, they lose their number one money maker, their economy will colapse far before the US's will. The gross domestic product of the United States of America is 14.3 trillion, i repeat TRILLION. dollars. Afghanistan's is 930 billion dollars, India, 2.6 trillion, Pakistan, 430 billion dollars, Iran 816 billion.

Heh, your middle eastern countries can't even add up to a fraction of the US's GDP.

perhaps they should just start trading in euros then along with other muslim countries!!!! I wonder whether you would find it funny once you realised the implications of the dollar not being the reserve currency of the world!!

also i am bit concerned at your numbers, for example i didnt know that afganistans GDP was bigger than pakistans....

i always equate GDP to the turnover of a country similar to the turnover of a business................ am i right in assuming that????

Thank fuck then that my company is very productive and turining over profit margins of 30% excess and with a healthy cash reserve on the balance sheet!! No good having massive turnover all on credit without making any profit!! how is the US's current status in these terms!!??
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S.A.M. I love the panic showing in your post because Zakaryia has the Courage to speak truth to the problems of Islam.

Your painic is enlightning.

She is deliberately trying to kill the thread and not let Zak have his say.
He's one of those Muslims who believes in the one ummah. I don't. I think that is the road to tribalism. Success should not be measured by the number of nukes in your backyard.
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