What in the world would anyone do that for, Andrew Banks?
Anything is possible from an invalid premise. No one has disproven SR, and, as your fix in Bugtussle tells you, it's absurd to even claim this. So far all you are doing is discrediting the principles of Geometry from which the consequences of positing a false hypothesis rejects the "math" that purports to be the proof. That's your downfall, back at square 1.
Simple minded, oversimplified, yes, but not a valid proof of anything except the admission by Andrew Banks "Hey look at me! I'm a dolt! I can prove anything simply by beginning with the premise 1=2 !"
The entire premise of this thread is contradicted by your fix on yourself in Bugtussle. Go out on your rowboat, have a few beers, and try to figure out why GPS keeps finding you. That's the thread you need to open, over in Conspiracy Theories. This one is dead on arrival. But whatever you do, don't drive drunk. Just sleep it off and face the horror of your ignorance in the morning.