

OH JOY!!!!
Valued Senior Member
I know its yucky but why is it considered immoral?
If you can donate your body to science to be cut up and sent out to others, why couldn't you donate it to a Necrophila club for their use?
Well, to be honest, it's just kinda creepy. I mean, how can you not see something a little... wrong... with having sex with a dead person?
I can hook you up with some great French necrophilia music, if you want.
It's because it's yucky. The immorality of it may well stretch back to the general Judaic notion of the dead being "unclean" and to the modern (largely wrong) notion that a dead body will start quickly festering with contagious diseases. (Unless the body in question was killed by a contagious disease, it's usually safe.)

On a more practical level, I fear for the psychological well being of anyone who's turned on by the notion of having sex with a dead body. The roots of such a fetish cannot be healthy ones.

That being said, I would not myself presume to tell other people what to do with their bodies after death. If they want to donate it to some necrophiliac organization, it's no skin off my nose.
Here's the thing, I've always believed this was wrong and knew it in my soul. The problem is this, I'm desperate, so much that I probably would, if able, sleep with a dead person. Now let me explain to you each how this would be done. I wouldn't sleep with someone to dead, they'd need to have died of a natural cause but one that isn't contagious. Next it would need to be someone around my age, so that may very well prove impossible.

Let us say I were an ambulance driver... if a women had just passed on... and she were hot, and naked.... well... :shrug: why not. Hell I deserve a little fun and she wouldn't be alive to call rape!

That proves a more difficult question to answer... say I sleep with a dead women 5 minutes after she's expired.... she's gone.... then later 6 minutes she amazingly recovers or they've tried CPR again and she came back. Would what I did be considered rape? Hummm
That's desecrating the dead. According to the criminal law of Latvia you can get up to 5 years in prison for that (if it's a first time offense).
For a first time rape without heavy consequences up to 7 years.
Here's the thing, I've always believed this was wrong and knew it in my soul. The problem is this, I'm desperate, so much that I probably would, if able, sleep with a dead person. Now let me explain to you each how this would be done. I wouldn't sleep with someone to dead, they'd need to have died of a natural cause but one that isn't contagious. Next it would need to be someone around my age, so that may very well prove impossible.

Let us say I were an ambulance driver... if a women had just passed on... and she were hot, and naked.... well... :shrug: why not. Hell I deserve a little fun and she wouldn't be alive to call rape!

That proves a more difficult question to answer... say I sleep with a dead women 5 minutes after she's expired.... she's gone.... then later 6 minutes she amazingly recovers or they've tried CPR again and she came back. Would what I did be considered rape? Hummm

Dude- shorty is right , you are not for real.
I've been to psychiatric institutions as a field-trip student and seen far more unreal people than darksizz
Here's the thing, I've always believed this was wrong and knew it in my soul. The problem is this, I'm desperate, so much that I probably would, if able, sleep with a dead person. Now let me explain to you each how this would be done. I wouldn't sleep with someone to dead, they'd need to have died of a natural cause but one that isn't contagious. Next it would need to be someone around my age, so that may very well prove impossible.

Let us say I were an ambulance driver... if a women had just passed on... and she were hot, and naked.... well... :shrug: why not. Hell I deserve a little fun and she wouldn't be alive to call rape!

That proves a more difficult question to answer... say I sleep with a dead women 5 minutes after she's expired.... she's gone.... then later 6 minutes she amazingly recovers or they've tried CPR again and she came back. Would what I did be considered rape? Hummm
you sir are one sick assed mother fucker.
if i gave you a gun would you shoot yourself with it?
I know its yucky but why is it considered immoral?
If you can donate your body to science to be cut up and sent out to others, why couldn't you donate it to a Necrophila club for their use?

its considered immoral because the dead person cannot give consent for sex, but its just not done, ewww YUCKY!!
Its immoral because the dead person didn't give consent? Does consent from the dead person need to be given to harvest organs?
The lovely thought here is that it isn't banned for the obvious reasons. It is banned because there are people who have the habit of banning "non-standard" activities so that they can control the "standard" activities. They ban the "indecent" to get at "decent" people.