Neanderthal genes


Valued Senior Member
I have read several claims that neanderthal genes alter responses to antipsychotic drugs.

What I have not found is any details.
eg what responses, how do they differ, and which drugs, etc...

Anyone have some or all of that knowledge handy?
Most non Africans carry between 2 and 6% neanderthal dna-----collectively Homo Sapiens Sapiens has/carries 20% of the neanderthal genome.
injecting these genes would be much like carrying coals to Newcastle.(which produced coal)

no help with my original questions?
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I have read several claims that neanderthal genes alter responses to antipsychotic drugs.

What I have not found is any details.
eg what responses, how do they differ, and which drugs, etc...

Anyone have some or all of that knowledge handy?
Not directly, but I can offer that all living organisms seem to need the same amount of anesthetic drugs to become rendered unconscious. (see 24:00 )
I have read several claims that neanderthal genes alter responses to antipsychotic drugs.

What I have not found is any details.
eg what responses, how do they differ, and which drugs, etc...

Anyone have some or all of that knowledge handy?

I think these two references might be the original sources:

“A high-coverage Neandertal genome from Vindija Cave in Croatia”
Prüfer et al.
Science, 2017 Nov 3;358(6363):655-658.

“The Contribution of Neanderthals to Phenotypic Variation in Modern Humans”
Dannemann and Kelso
The American Journal of Human Genetics, Volume 101, Issue 4, p578–589, 5 October 2017
My questions:
Neanderthal genes alter responses to antipsychotic drugs.

"alter responses" is damned vague ---seems to claim a lot with out offering a single specific incident nor researcher.

and, then:
which drugs?
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Maybe some first-hand research is indicated?

There was a member at my joint that traveled extensively after his service. He said, "If you want to see proof that the Neanderthal genes are still among us, go to eastern Europe." Partly in jest, but...

These are the folks that dared to eat amanita muscaria, for God's sakes. That scares me, even though I used to be a truly serious head...

I know that there have been articles and studies supporting the idea that black folks respond differently to medicines regularly prescribed to whites. I imagine, barring cries of racism, that this is thing. Why wouldn't it be?

One of the problems with finding out about it for we unlettered is that most of the articles and data are paywalled.
One of the problems with finding out about it is that most of the articles and data are paywalled.

Extrapolating from the abstract, there is no guarantee that the paper will have the answers sought.

At my last university, I would start my research early in the term by going to "the stacks" (large books of abstracts for research papers and dissertations)
Then take a list of the likely candidates to the research librarian who would then get the papers/dissertations for me.
The process could take up a week or so, and many of the papers/dissertations failed to live up to my desires/expectations.
From those that did, I would gather more requests to present to the reference librarian............... After awhile, she became an ally in my research into other's research and occasionally presented me with unasked for though quite pithy papers.

I really do miss her and the freedom to order up anything i sought.
The web may be faster but, in my experience, it rarely rises above mediocrity.