I think you are just trying to bring me down
I am not trying to bring you down, I see someone suffering and try to help. Not everyone is unkind.
you know very , very well why I'm raged
I am not sure exactly but let me guess.
You feel science is a closed shop that will not accept your views and ideas.
There is a good reason it is so guarded as if not all sorts of crazy ideas could get up.
And I am not suggesting your ideas are crazy.
Science works by offering a model and making testable predictions. The way to succeed is offer a better model that makes better predictions.
That is so simple. You can't beat the church so easily where facts are ignored and followers are encouraged just to accept the authority of the church on faith...no evidence....but science lives on evidence...give it evidence and it follows you.
I don't like the big bang theory for example but I recognise I can't offer a better model...that does not cause me to hate anyone or cause me to suffer frustration that many believe something that I feel is misguided. I believe that in time someone better than me can show that it is misguided. If not just as I must accept the power of the church I will have to accept the big bang followers are here to stay...but I can still believe what I decide without hating either.
In the mean time the good thing is GR has been tested every which way and the church can find a point of creation.
Just think how happy the church must be that science does not comment on the point of creation. How happy must they be that science takes us back to a point where God is as good an answer in the absence of a definite science explanation...
Moreover like everything whilst they look for what they want to find... various answers will come for questions that were never asked.
There is no need to be frustrated or bitter and certainly no reason to let any of it cause you to suffer.
Science delivers real stuff and sure some of it may be a waste of time but that waste is nothing compared to the waste of lives and resources claimed by religion.
Imagine if instead of temples and churches all that energy went to building homes or conducting medical research, think of the minds destroyed rendering them incapable of rational thought.
Science is much better than that and sure it will have problems because humans fix on an idea and so form a bias to prove it correct. The world will never become what you want it to be and to recognise such is your main hope for peace.
When you give in to hate your enemy wins for he is taking away your peace with your concent. Stop hating and most of your enemy's power over you disappears. Just think while your enemy does his thing and not thinking of you by your hate you let him ruin your life.
Don't give them such power.