My email doesn't work.


Valued Senior Member
I tried everything. I need an email to do just about everything, but every email I make goes away in about a year. I don't use them but to post as useless information or download something for learning or fun. I wasn't aware not using an email could cause it to close.
Yeah it generaly seems to be use it or lose it... however... i had an email acount at that hadnt been used for several years an when i checked recently it was still active.!!!
[...] I don't use them but to post as useless information or download something for learning or fun. I wasn't aware not using an email could cause it to close.

It's especially important in this era to keep the old or existing ones alive. Due to today's sign-up demand for a cellphone number, a colonoscopy, a DNA sample, a sobriety / drug test, a submitting to being strip-searched for bot smuggling, going through a terrorist checkpoint, etc.

I tried everything. I need an email to do just about everything, but every email I make goes away in about a year.

I'd drop the name of one that has endured for years and still has easy registration, but I'm afraid it would be deluged with applicants and soon become as stuck-up and hard to get as the rest. Endangered species deserve protection.

It also would require visiting the account within every thirty days to keep it going. So probably too much a feat for most people, anyway, when it's not their main email. (I.e., for companies, websites, and so forth who you know are going to sell the address to every unscrupulous enterprise under the sun afterwards, regardless of what they claim. Or if actually upholding their standards, their subscriber / member list will still be inevitably hacked.)

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Wait.... are you saying we can't use email without some clone match dating plus company having our dna?

I thought vampires were a myth... I mean are there any people who escape these types of data checks?

I mean I want to have access to software... but I don't want an email address... I suggest we use them as bartering chips mostly gambling them for funnier ones of thems
I tried everything. I need an email to do just about everything, but every email I make goes away in about a year. I don't use them but to post as useless information or download something for learning or fun. I wasn't aware not using an email could cause it to close.

It would help if you say what kind of email you use, what kind of computer, what OS, etc.

As an example, I use POP email. That's where the emails are stored on my computer and not on somebody's website. Other than the spam I delete, I have every email I've received or sent since 1995. Never lost one.

It's not possible to provide technical advice unless you supply the specifics.
I'm just tired of signing onto everything and entering extraneous confounded system of text known as an email address. I mean on my phone or a computer.. I just don't use it don't check it don't like it. Kinda like facebook...
Wait can someone sell me the software that stores your personal information and locks in the passwords and information so everytime I log into a different WiFi or or change phones all the information is there. I'm saying like that software so I can store it on an external drive?

Yeah the magic sir mac. Watson robot. He knows all about those things
Wait can someone sell me the software that stores your personal information and locks in the passwords and information so everytime I log into a different WiFi or or change phones all the information is there. I'm saying like that software so I can store it on an external drive?

Mrs. Paranoia would definitely have to bow out of helping you with that.

I don't even activate the "Remember login information for sites" in options on Firefox. Any system storing that data and automatically dispensing it hither and thither is the last thing I want. I set everything in cookies, browsing / search / form history to be deleted after Firefox closes. I go to the excessive extreme of having javascript switched off half the time via an easily clickable app, just to hinder malware from getting a foothold. Got so many security add-ons, red-herrings, and smoke-screens installed that it's a wonder the browser isn't dragging down.

And all going to have to be revamped in November when Firefox drops its own extension format for the Web Extensions one that Chrome uses. The recent update to Firefox-54 finally introduced multi-process support, but it's supposedly a different approach that consumes fewer resources than chromium-based browsers.

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I'm just tired of signing onto everything and entering extraneous confounded system of text known as an email address. I mean on my phone or a computer.. I just don't use it don't check it don't like it. Kinda like facebook...
If that is all you want, I believe (*1) that all you need to do is get a facebook account. You can set it up to download/login to multiple sites.

If you are really talking about hardware or software issues of the email software you currently use, that is another matter.

(*1) Now, this is what I have heard, as that was an answer to a programming problem that I had a few years ago. I didn't use it then, nor would I use it now. I am not a member of facebook, nor would I ever be. From what I see, you have to put up too much private information to join. And, I don't think it wise to use a centralized place to contain all of your login information. Whether you use facebook to contain login (password) information, or a browser to contain it, I think it is a bad idea. I would never do that (and I've worked 40 years in the data processing profession). If you cannot handle your login information mentally, then I would suggest you write it down on paper. A lot of people would gasp at that, but it is not a bad idea to do that if you only use your computer from home. You can pretty much consider it to be secure as to passwords, as the only persons that could get it would be you/family or persons breaking into your home. Of course, you want to commit as much of it as possible to memory, but write it down on that piece of paper as a backup/secure copy. Hide it in your home. If it is compromised in a breakin, then you can still change the passswords on that list (store the copy multiple places).
I prayed that our monetary policy wouldn't be a form of induced socialism. We get 100,000 $ added for every baby that's born, but the child makes no decisions on how it gets spent for them ever. Unless they make 100,000 which is impossible without the government's help.

I mean atleast buy the poor kids their own phone-putter so you can track how much they can't spend faster.. F Dik.
If you are really talking about hardware or software issues of the email software you currently use, that is another matter.

(*1) Now, this is what I have heard, as that was an answer...).
It's more a matter of ease and simplicity of use... take this website for instance I push a button and it pops up with the right name and password entered. Wouldn't make any difference to me or the computer itself if my bank account information showed up on a bubble with a biometric security measure people already know how to hack.

I mean am I going to want my kid to constantly worry about security 24 7 baraged by protocols and click able improperly timed bells and whistles or is their some way to mostly forgoe these expensive securities and just plain know what is right?

I mean a world where everything is insanely publicly connected and everyone has access to everything they have earned or are capable of learning without someone coming after it.

Saying that any contry'$ monetary policy isn't somehow emotionally contrived is a fact. Setting an example by saying we care to actually give our kids freedom could be the best example our country could make, even if our example is a little extreme. I think in the form of renessance where they spoke out or made writings about potatoes.

Not really a principal of equality just having the choice to make the right decisions for yourself without alduous Huxley' $ Freudian faux-paus and other tales of extremism constantly barading the psyChe of our own moralistic obligations.

Instead life is all wrapped up in a nice clean package.... as long as kids somehow pay for their own education. I mean really excruciatingly torture themselves mentally while they are marched around carrying the boats they built while they are watching educational videos through their VR headsets.

Hah! Add in VR headsets and everyone's blood pressure goes through the roof!! Psychology is a funny thing