Muslim Massacre - the Game: a couple of things


and it was
Valued Senior Member
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Ok so i heard about the game muslim massacre the other day, needless to say like anyone else on these boards i wanted to know more..

Please see below link

apprarently you play a US soldier who is parachuted into the middleeast and your objective is to kill muslims, then bin lid, Prophet Muhammed and God..

the thing is what if the US solder was a muslim, or did the games developer know that Allah is in fact the same God as the christain God.. but anyway.. i was abit concerened that only a muslim group condemned it (or was reported as condeming it) and not anyone else

what was most puzzling is that this was reported on september 11th this year, but when i went on to the forum where the guy who created the game posted it, the post was actually back in january so why the fuck did it take so long to get reported and why the fuck 11th September!!???

also it is good that the link was taken down from that forum and the guy was banned
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apparently it had more blogs refered to it recently which has increased its popularity, whcib is probably why it was not reported till 11th Septmeber!!
"British Muslim youth organisation The Ramadhan Foundation expressed its "deep condemnation and anger" at the game.

The group said: "This game is glorifying the killing of Muslims in the Middle East and we urge ISP providers to take action to remove this site from their services as it incites violence towards Muslims and is trying to justify the killing of innocent Muslims.

"We have written to the British Government to urge an inquiry into this game and take action to shut down the site. This is not satire but a deliberate attempt to demonise Muslims."

The foundation's chief executive, Mohammed Shafiq, added: "Encouraging children and young people in a game to kill Muslims is unacceptable, tasteless and deeply offensive.

"There is an increase in violence in this country and some of it comes from video games. When kids spend six hours a day on violent games they are more likely to go outside and commit violence.

"If it was the other way around, with a game featuring Muslims killing Israelis or Americans, there would be uproar and rightly so."

Islamic censorship of all they deem offensive is alive and well. Their rationale is complete bullshit, but they'll use it anyways; Taqiyaa.
Yeah right. We should have some games where you can be a Palestinian who goes to Israel and pops Jews.

Bet you won't hear a peep from a single Jew anywhere.
Yeah, if you're the type who overlooks the more than million dead "Hajis" in [at least] three countries over the last seven years.

I bet a German game on "Bake the Jew" would go over like a house on fire.
Yeah, if you're the type who overlooks the more than million dead "Hajis" in [at least] three countries over the last seven years.

I bet a German game on "Bake the Jew" would go over like a house on fire.

I don't overlook anything, Sam.

What I also don't do is get upset when someone makes a game. Why should anyone care?

The reasons used by that Islamic group to censor that game are anecdotal and have no basis in fact. They are fabricating those reasons to suit their purpose and agenda of censorship, simply because they are personally offended and feel they have every right to do as they please.

This is a perfect example of the exploitation and wrongful use of Taqiyaa.
Islamic censorship of all they deem offensive is alive and well. Their rationale is complete bullshit, but they'll use it anyways; Taqiyaa.

Hi Q

what rationale would you think is appropriate to use?? we are not talking about the bullshit Teddybear case here

Fine. It's only a game. :rolleyes:

yes its only a game but please give me your thoughts on whether it is acceptable in socalled civilised societies such as the UK
No basis in fact?

You mean a game where an American soldier is killing "bearded" Muslims, the Prophet and Allah in the Middle East has no overtones of encouraging a religious genocide? At a time when US soldiers ARE actively killing Muslims in three different countries with a majority Muslim population?

You probably have the game, eh?
Hi Q

what rationale would you think is appropriate to use?? we are not talking about the bullshit Teddybear case here

No rationale required at all, play the game and have fun. If someone wants to make a game where atheists are the prime target, all the power to them. So what?

yes its only a game but please give me your thoughts on whether it is acceptable in socalled civilised societies such as the UK

What? Playing games?

Any game is acceptable. It's those who are unable to distinguish between a game and real life that is the problem, Zak. I understand that you and other Muslims might be offended, but so what? There are many things people say and do that are offensive. But, to push an agenda of censorship is not the right thing to do, and to create fabrications to justify the censorship is even worse, and that is exactly what that group is doing.

Muslim groups are free to talk about how offended they are with that game, but that is the limit; talk. They are not free to fabricate lies, they are not free to demand censorship of that game.

It's quite simple, if they don't like it, they don't have to play it.
No basis in fact?

You mean a game where an American soldier is killing "bearded" Muslims, the Prophet and Allah in the Middle East has no overtones of encouraging a religious genocide? At a time when US soldiers ARE actively killing Muslims in three different countries with a majority Muslim population?

Shut up, troll.
Sure you are. Here's an idea. Why don't you donate that game to the victims of Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan? Send it to Abu Ghraib and Gitmo, Bagram and Diego Garcia? You know, really impress them with your "secular humanism"?
Sure you are. Here's an idea. Why don't you donate that game to the victims of Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan? Send it to Abu Ghraib and Gitmo, Bagram and Diego Garcia? You know, really impress them with your "secular humanism"?

Why don't you tufftard?
SAM, the makers of the game (aussies, btw) also released two games where Christian children were the targets.
In one you're the shooters of the Columbine highschool killings, the other you are the shooter in the Virginia tech Massacre.

This is a media stunt to put their name out. They knew Muslims and Christians would go nuts on this thing