No, it i simply evolution...nothing more, nothing less.It is more than the fittest pad . survival of the fittest is more than braun.
No, it i simply evolution...nothing more, nothing less.It is more than the fittest pad . survival of the fittest is more than braun.
unscientific crap, would be the best I could label that statement with.ID in my thinking of ID . No god , just a being in whose mind we are all in , the Universe.
I saw the show when I was eighteen.Ever heard of a bloke named Jack Cairns Alex?
He was a rigger where I worked in my younger days and he and his brother ran a snake show exhibition at La-Perouse not to far from my abode, both became the most well known snake handlers in Australia
Well River although I doubt if you have it right, I must say that your input takes us further than any IDer to date who refuse to offer any hint as how to explain the designer they say they have determined to be "there".ID in my thinking of ID . No god , just a being in whose mind we are all in , the Universe.
unscientific crap, would be the best I could label that statement with.
The universe does not give a tuppeny f%$# about you, or me or Joe Blow over there.
ID in its conventional meaning is unscientific mythical hogwash, and in your fabricated definition and whatever the book you read it in, is also crap, and as I have shown the author another certified nut.
Why do you list "life" separately? It's just one more phenomenon that occurred because the universe happens to have all of the requirements for it to develop. Sure, it feels special to us because it's what makes us possible, but the universe doesn't care how we feel about its phenomena.ID pad is different to my way of thinking. The Universe is more than the mechanics of movement . more than galaxies , stars , planets , moons etc . The Universe has life as well .
river said: ↑
ID in my thinking of ID . No god , just a being in whose mind we are all in , the Universe.
Well River although I doubt if you have it right, I must say that your input takes us further than any IDer to date who refuse to offer any hint as how to explain the designer they say they have determined to be "there".
Unfortunately they will reject your speculation on the basis that it is not science but they will still refuse to offer anything in place.
Why do you list "life" separately? It's just one more phenomenon that occurred because the universe happens to have all of the requirements for it to develop. Sure, it feels special to us because it's what makes us possible,
but the universe doesn't care how we feel about its phenomena.
I think I understand River.Money has blinded us to being aware of what we are doing to the Earth . and to ourselves , wars , politics etc
I think I understand River.
And I encourage you to hope there is more to it than we are able to show or evidence.
You already must know that I do not believe in anything other than we find a little piece of everything in nothing and that is the only thing of which I am certain but I also understand my statement is so simple few humans will understand the significance and how that one observation dictates how everything will work.
The Universe is more than the mechanics of movement . more than galaxies , stars , planets , moons etc
The Universe has life as well .
No it is not more.
Yes it has.
Which life moves along with the galaxies, stars, planets, moons etc.
The universe is so vast that any description will be in adequate.The Universe is both life and plasma , matter , magnetic fields , mechanics at the same moment .
Believe it or not, but now we are getting somewhere, not far but a cm forward.ID pad is different to my way of thinking .
The Universe is more than the mechanics of movement . more than galaxies , stars , planets , moons etc .
The Universe has life as well .
Believe it or not, but now we are getting somewhere, not far but a cm forward.
The relevant part of course is "my way of thinking" At least you are backing away from claiming with certainty what you are thinking as fact.
You're still totally wrong of course.
You are totally wrong.I'm not totally wrong at all .
I'm not totally wrong at all .
You are totally wrong.
If not, then please show some evidence supporting a living universe, living rocks, or living whatever.?
Otherwise you are again pushing some silly pseudoscientific mystical nonsense, because you read it in some fairy tale book somewhere.
The minerals that the body needs that are in the rocks were a result of supernova.The minerals that the body needs is in the rocks pad .
see post 877First , originally I thought about my idea of ID , 20yrs ago .
Again, see post 877The evidence is in the evolution of life . and the de-evolution of life .
Humans have evolved to the point where we can put Humans in space .
We de-evolved to the point of destroying this Earth .
Nothing is guaranteed about our survival .
The minerals that the body needs is in the rocks pad .
The minerals that the body needs that are in the rocks were a result of supernova.