Most beautiful language

Ahh yes, the ugly twin sister of C.. C++.

*throws up a little in mouth*

You must be joking?
which language do you think sounds the best, is most beautiful and pleasant to the ear?
From what I've heard I like Latin most.

They even have a saying: Quidquid Latine dictum sit altum viditur.
Or "Anything said in Latin sounds profound".

math language is amazing. I mean just use formulas to convey everything.
Personally I never figured out the headers in C++ and al my creations look like their in DOSS.

Give me Spanish for most beatiful languege.
I do also like finish but that's more funny then beautiful

Asians seem to bark to much when they speak no offence but they seem to speak in syllables in stead of more fluwend languege.
Greek, Japanese/Chinese, Hindu, Sinhalese and Arabian (for example) have a much cooler "alphabet" than we. Greek also has cool words, that's why all planets have Greek names and all the ancient Greeks had to become geniuses to invent their language because their language looks like a big equation. And even today scientists have to use Greek letters in Mathematics to make their equations sound more genius.

The Bible tells us that language created our universe: "In the beginning was the Word".

So the only reason Japanese are obsessed with cuteness is because their language sounds cute. And Americans make cool movies and music because their language sounds cool.

English is not a big language because people spread it around, because if the language had sucked, it couldn't have been spread.

Programming and Math language are pretty cool too, but they don't count!
what about language of silence? everlasting eternal silence that never bothers the ear and makes us all understand it without need to learn?
Greek, Japanese/Chinese, Hindu, Sinhalese and Arabian (for example) have a much cooler "alphabet" than we. Greek also has cool words, that's why all planets have Greek names and all the ancient Greeks had to become geniuses to invent their language because their language looks like a big equation. And even today scientists have to use Greek letters in Mathematics to make their equations sound more genius.

The Bible tells us that language created our universe: "In the beginning was the Word".

So the only reason Japanese are obsessed with cuteness is because their language sounds cute. And Americans make cool movies and music because their language sounds cool.

English is not a big language because people spread it around, because if the language had sucked, it couldn't have been spread.

Programming and Math language are pretty cool too, but they don't count!

sucky things can be spread around if thier are enough basesuckers who like it. Mcdonalds is the number one restaurant in the world but its 95% shit for food. english is mostly pragmaticly descriptive but i think quite limited in first person full breadth nuanced communication, it talks around the issue rather than the issue.
If there is a most beautiful language, then it would be either Spanish or Mandarin. But you see, I do not know one tenth of one percent of the world's languages, so it's very well still at large.
english is mostly pragmatically descriptive but i think quite limited in first person full breadth nuanced communication, it talks around the issue rather than the issue.
Full breadth nuanced communication? On the contrary, I think one can easily adjunct any sort of subtle coloring into plain english that will transform what you say to mean what you really want to say. Take the word fuck. Depending how it's said, it will puncture surface-reality like a runaway bullet.
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Which language do you think sounds the best, is most beautiful and pleasant to the ear?
From what I've heard I like Latin most.
How can we know what spoken Latin sounded like? Everyone today speaks it with a foreign accent. Most people try to make it sound like Italian, with the palatalized soft C's and G's. The Brits of course pronounce the vowels as if they're English. The way scholars reproduce what we can deduce of the phonetics of Classical Latin, with V like W and always-hard C's and G's, it sounds rather harsh to me.
Won't a lot depend on the accent?
Oh yeah. Brazilian Portuguese and European Portuguese sound much different.
I like Asian languages, Korean, Chinese, Japanese
Hmm. You must just like them because they're exotic. Chinese doesn't have much of anything in common with the other two.
If there is a most beautiful language, then it would be either Spanish or Mandarin. But you see, I do not know one tenth of one percent of the world's languages, so it's very well still at large.

spanish is one of the ugliest languages in existence. The way they scream and so repelling. ...and everything is like ending on "cha" or "chos". disgusting.

Silence is the ultimate language.
Quenya was designed to be beautiful. (Tolkien based Quenya on Welsh and Sindarin on Finnish, apparently)

A Caita carelya ammelda ar moiana.
Lanta i lómë, utúlielyë tiëo mettanna.
A lorë si, ar óla len i epë tuller.
Entë yaitar hrestallo pella.
Manen neyilyë? Mallo niër antalyassë?
Rato cenuvalyë sa ilyë caurelyar autuvar,
varna mi inya ranqui.

(I don't understand it, mind...)
spanish is one of the ugliest languages in existence. The way they scream and so repelling. ...and everything is like ending on "cha" or "chos". disgusting.

Silence is the ultimate language.

Then you must hate staccatos in music.
Thailand's Thai language is soft, monosyllabic and lovely sounding.

In general, a language with heavy use of vowels rather than harsh sounding consonants should be the most pleasant to hear. But it is the consonants that have all the information. You can confirm this by taking some text and blacking out the vowels and anyone will be able to read it with >90% comprehension.

The Czek language is known for heavy use of consonants and it sounds harsh and unpleasant. But it sure is efficient.
I'd say Magyar or Cantonese, but I haven't been exposed to all that many languages, outside of movies.
As with most things, I have a hard time choosing one language and labeling it "most beautiful". Each language has its own character and its own sound, and they're all quite beautiful in their own ways and in their own right.

I like German and other Germanic languages because they sound distinctly rugged and manly. I'm also partial to them, German being the only other language I know fairly well.

Russian sounds similar to me, but a bit exotic because I don't know it well at all, and also cleaner because it uses the velar fricative rather than German's gargley uvular fricative. I used to not like its rolled R because I didn't think of it as particularly rugged, and I wished it used a guttural R instead. But I've grown to appreciate the added cleanliness, which seems not to retract from the language's overall rugged, manly sound. I really like Russian accents too.

Spanish sounds kinda spicy, and I like the clean, pure sound of it. Italian and Portuguese sound like this too, although more classy than spicy. But Portuguese has a vaguely Spanish class to it, almost "saucy", I guess. To me, these sound smoothest and most esthetically pleasing when spoken by a deep-voiced man, Spanish especially. Sometimes women will sound like they're squawking when they speak, but not always.

French sounds a bit stuffy, but also intelligent, and I like how the native speakers almost whisper when they talk. French seems to be somehow well suited for whispering in a way English just isn't. I think both men and women can pull off pleasing accents and pleasing French.

Although, all these descriptions of what languages sound like are largely subjective.

Greek also has cool words, that's why all planets have Greek names and all the ancient Greeks had to become geniuses to invent their language because their language looks like a big equation.

The Greeks didn't invent their language, unless you mean their written language, but even then I might disagree. And their alphabet looks just as natural and normal to them as ours does to us.

Yorda said:
And even today scientists have to use Greek letters in Mathematics to make their equations sound more genius.

Because our culture perceives the ancient Greek language and culture as sophisticated.

Yorda said:
So the only reason Japanese are obsessed with cuteness is because their language sounds cute. And Americans make cool movies and music because their language sounds cool.

I wouldn't say Japanese people are obsessed with cuteness any more than Americans or anyone else are. And American culture isn't really any more or less "cool" than any other, nor is American English. If you expose yourself to foreign cultures, I'm sure they'll seem pretty "cool" too.

Yorda said:
English is not a big language because people spread it around, because if the language had sucked, it couldn't have been spread.

English spread because the English people were good conquerers, not because their language "didn't suck". The English could've spoken Klingon and it would've spread all the same.
potentially the most beautiful language

I have always thought that Romanian is very melodious because of all the rolled vowels in the words. :p
Chinese is soothing to me and is perhaps the main reason why I became so involved with Chinese culture in the first place. It has a nice mellow flow compared to the say the more harsh consonant stops of German. However, I like Southern dialects much more than Northern because the later, such as Beijing dialect, sound more mushy and loose.