Hmm, let's spot check their claims.
"Ever since December temperatures in the Arctic have consistently been lower than minus 20 C."
Current temperature in Barrow, Alaska (northernmost point in Alaska) - 46F.
Temperature on Jan 1 2017 - from a low of 19F to a high of 36F. (Source -
First claim -
"In April the extent of Arctic sea ice was back to where it was in April 13 years ago."
Arctic ice extent April 1, 2004 - 14.798 million km^2.
Arctic ice extent April 1, 2017 - 14.175 million km^2. (Source -
Second claim -
"Furthermore, whereas in 2008 most of the ice was extremely thin, this year most has been at least two metres thick."
If that's true, then total volume must be larger (similar ice coverage, thicker ice.) What's the reality?
2010 volume in April -25000 km^3 (earliest year they have data for)
2017 volume in March - 21000 km^3
And the data shows a steady decline. (Source -
Third claim -
OK so the first three claims are false. What's going on here? What is this source you used? The Federalist Papers?
From MediaBiasFactCheck: "The Federalist Papers Project has overt right wing bias in reporting. It often publishes misleading news stories and conspiracies that amount to fake news. Has a horrible track record with
fact checking."
From MediaMatters:
The Federalist Papers Project is a hyperpartisan right-wing website that traffics in clickbait headlines, racist content, and misleading stories. . . .
hyperpartisan right-wing website regularly pushes outlandish articles that border on fake news. Similar to websites known as fake news purveyors that share a combination of fake news and other types of content -- like real news or misleading information -- the Federalist Papers Project publishes its stories with exaggerated clickbait headlines, out-of-context quotes, and racist themes.
Sounds about right.