Molotov cocktail


Registered Senior Member
is the molotov cocktail the best improvised incendiary device? in four lions they use bleach. is that real?

i am posting for a discussion-i am not a terrorist.

is the molotov cocktail the best improvised incendiary device? in four lions they use bleach. is that real?

i am posting for a discussion-i am not a terrorist.

i forget the critical technical details but there is different chemicals you can add to get different effects

generally the idea is to have fire stuck to and burning on what ever you hit
i dont see how bleach would add to that.
but im not read on pyrotechnics of liquids

what i do know is your in theory supposed to [deleted] so you dont blow yourself up.
there is a type which you can separate 2 liquids in a container and then when it smashes, it mixes and ignites
but i think thats more expensive.

i would be more inclined to use some different type of system than a simple Molotov cocktail
so i would use 2
[deleted]& then maybe a 3rd one to really make sure
i would want to also throw in a paper bag ([deleted]) filled with [deleted] to warm it up a notch

i am not a terrorist
i cant afford the insurance premiums or membership fees

after watching the video & a little thought
(which is why i tend not to watch these types of videos as my inner pyro bug doesn't need the encouragement)

maybe i would make a paper bag donut filled with [deleted] and stick it around the [deleted] & throw it in 3rd so when [deleted] it sets off the [deleted].
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I suspect the best improvised device would depend on what is available. The kitchen and the bathroom are good supply closets.
if memory serves(?) circa 1971; someone opined that [deleted] made a poor mans napalm
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if memory serves(?) circa 1971; someone opined that [deleted] made a poor mans napalm

Price of petrol now making many people poor and cannot afford the [deleted]

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Gasoline is "good" for improvised weapons for the same reasons it's good for movie explosions - it's fairly cheap and readily available.

Imagine a post-carbon world where terrorists use Improvized Electrical Devices.
Gasoline is "good" for improvised weapons for the same reasons it's good for movie explosions - it's fairly cheap and readily available.

Imagine a post-carbon world where terrorists use Improvized Electrical Devices.

It goes like this

"Die you scrum" the terrorist cries as he throws a rechargeable battery, which is no longer recharging, at the dictator

It goes like this

"Die you scrum" the terrorist cries as he throws a rechargeable battery, which is no longer recharging, at the dictator


Really? :D

Apart from dyslexia, which I could have possibly blamed I do blame not having my glasses

Hospital lost them while I was in emergency department waiting for admission

Numerous requests for what is happening about the situation drew only we are checking what happened

Currently have a new pair (upgraded testing script) waiting back in Darwin

Looking at buying a pair in Bali (with the kindly supplied new script) and billing the Health Department the about $250

Gasoline is "good" for improvised weapons for the same reasons it's good for movie explosions - it's fairly cheap and readily available.

Imagine a post-carbon world where terrorists use Improvized Electrical Devices.

wires attached to a hand grenade that shoot out when it explodes like a spider web and then electrocute people
with prongs/barbs like a taser that stick in and stick people together as it electrocutes them, so if they dont get electrocuted they get tied together and fall over.

could design it like a hockey puck
to throw and explode horizontal
shooting out steel wires with taser barbs on the end
all connected through the centre
stuck together

targetting legs and body area not the head
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i would quite like to try some different types of chemicals to make some molotov cocktails but i dont want to break glass anywhere.
i guess i could use plastic bags, but i also dont want to spread chemicals and flame over plants

i use to mess around a lot with ammunition & fireworks to make small bombs which was fun
but its a bit too risky.
some things you dont get a 2nd chance with.
i was young n foolish
now im older wiser and slightly less foolish
I got to throw a Molotov for a high school project. Never mind.

Also, can you imagine the news report about some fool who severely injured himself because he didn't realize the chemical he was using would degrade the plastic bags he was carrying them in?

I know, I know, I know. But the one guy couldn't light a damn match, and the other managed to set his nuts on fire.

but its a bit too risky.

I mean, it's like disclaimers in pharma spots: The one lesson my kid apparently remembers is that the answer to her question is, "Because someone went and did it." Why do they tell you not to take a drug if you already know you can't take it? Well, y'know, you'd be amazed. I still tell the story about alligator clips, nipples, brain damage, and the point that nobody explicitly told them not to. Why do they remind us that boner pills don't protect against HIV? Well, fuck, y'know, we'd be amazed if we let ourselves. That is apparently the one lesson I managed to teach my kid.

See, if I'm going to worry about the kids today, it's that they won't have enough obscure, random, controversial knowledge to not fuck up in particular ways, like making Molotovs with [redacted], so they [redacted], but the [redacted] causes the [redacted] to [redacted] and then the [redacted], creating [redacted] and greatly increasing injury potential. And all because nobody ever made a TikTok or YouTube video about why you don't use [redacted] to make Molotovs, because, let's face it, who the fuck needs that advice.

Seriously, though, compared to the disclaimers in pharma adverts, or those seemingly extraordinary warning signs that leave you to wonder who needs to be told, and somewhere along the line between toddler shootings and professionals who don't know their gun is loaded, the biggest risk factor is people who don't understand the risks.

It's one thing if I might imagine Nazis popping off ARs and [redacted], [redacted] with [redacted]. But I'm also pretty sure that one is already outlawed as a crime against humanity. And it's also really dangerous, in and of itself, to whoever is [redacted] the Nazis.