What say you? I conclude it's unsustainable in the current form it's taken and when oil runs out we all are going back to preindustrial lifestyles.
Uh....no. Technologic innovation, creativity and progress will continue. Running out of oil is actually going to be a major step forward in technology - especially as it gives motivation for change.
I have been living with solar heat for 32 years now (type 2 passive). I do not see many other folks doing that, despite that it is cost - effective and non-polluting. When folks get serious about "running out of oil", I will see lots of solar. Also decent insulation and efficient furnaces.
When the price of gasoline really gets too high, I will see no more street racing, monster truck single commuters, dipstick housefraus racing SUV's, joyriding and the like. Until then, I just dismiss the tough talk and griping as so much hooey. :shrug:
What say you? I conclude it's unsustainable in the current form it's taken and when oil runs out we all are going back to preindustrial lifestyles.
Nothing can replace the oil. Technology isn't energy. While I don't think technology will suddenly end, there will be less and less investment in this area as the energy available to us diminishes.
However someone pointed out we'd be idiots not to have taken advantage of it
What say you? I conclude it's unsustainable in the current form it's taken and when oil runs out we all are going back to preindustrial lifestyles.
Exactly.Don't fool yourself into believing we'll fret much about arctic wildlife when we're confronted with a lack of fuel, widgets, medicine and food. [/FONT]
You would think. But those other sources of energy were there waiting for us. And they were increasingly more convenient. This trend is about to end.
This thread is going in a good direction.
Originally I thought/felt creating an entire system based on oil was a poor idea, and any idiots that did this were foolish more-ons. However someone pointed out we'd be idiots not to have taken advantage of it....... so......... perhaps both are true, I think it allowed us a chance to develop technologies that allow for future energy development, that is a good thing. However it should be MUCH further along than it is today, infact we should've gotten away from oil after the great depression IMO. Now we're fucked and jobs won't mean shit when your fuel cost to get to work is so high it makes going pointless. Same thing with food transportation, why wouldn't we have just centralized food development in villages with surrounding ones connected by high speed rails thus allowing for efficient distribution?
As far as I'm concerned industrialization and modernization will FAIL and when it does all of us are fucked, nobody can grow food in cement (cities like LA, NY) everyone there will die of hunger......
Villages are where it's at in the future
We are quite dependent on technology now; take away the technology and more than half the population of mankind will perish. The current trend of destructive modernization cannot continue, that we can agree on; but modernization of technology (along with sustainable development) is necessary for the survival of human beings, and increasingly as the population keeps growing.