Modern belief in nonsense?

That explains your own gullibility and impressionable attitude.
Another crappy video. I think your reliance on evidence and facts may become obsolete in the near future. They just don't appeal to the general population. But do keep making all that cool stuff, so we can continue spreading the word.:O

Sometimes the obvious is denied because our social environment demands conformity.
And far more often innovation is rewarded handsomely; our social environment puts a high value on new ideas that shatter old paradigms/methods/habits.
What will they say about us 400 or 200 years in the future?
"Thanks for the self-driving cars, but what the hell were you thinking about all that CO2?"
And far more often innovation is rewarded handsomely; our social environment puts a high value on new ideas that shatter old paradigms/methods/habits.
I think ideas are cyclical, even more so where cultural values are concerned. Science will advance our understanding of the mechanics of nature and provide innovations that, hopefully, prove advantageous, but it hasn't really changed us.
What's trending now?

Excuse me while I go flog myself...
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“...people live and die by nonsense. It's not what is so much as what people think is.”

Isaac Asimov, Forward the Foundation

"The law of conservation of energy tells us we can't get something for nothing, but we refuse to believe it."
--Isaac Asimov

and finally, the closest match to this thread:

"There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.""

That last one fits a certain presidential candidate and what he and his followers believe to some insanely high precision. This would be a conservation law of a decidedly perverse sort.

Too bad Isaac isn't still around . He would have my vote.
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Constituency of life and knowledge to faith gives hope her heavenly destiny ever after.
If hope is a woman this election year, dope would be decidedly masculine.

Ignorance may be more essential to building a useful body of knowledge than is generally realized, even by folks who have garnered a good deal of it. Theories that have been shown to be incomplete or inconsistent are discarded more than extensible truth is assimilated, even and especially in science. Choose what you ignore and what you believe more carefully than someone like Donald Trump. If nature punishes ignorance as harshly as it does, G-d probably doesn't love it very much either.
If hope is a woman this election year, dope would be decidedly masculine.

Ignorance may be more essential to building a useful body of knowledge than is generally realized, even by folks who have garnered a good deal of it. Theories that have been shown to be incomplete or inconsistent are discarded more than extensible truth is assimilated, even and especially in science. Choose what you ignore and what you believe more carefully than someone like Donald Trump. If nature punishes ignorance as harshly as it does, G-d probably doesn't love it very much either.

Ignorance is Lucifer, fallen Omniscience. Its natural for faith to be unwavering to life and reality, and he needs to be, but it doesn't make him a bigot. Same works for knowledge and ignorance.
Ignorance is Lucifer, fallen Omniscience.
Lucifer is the bringer of light. Shining a light on the truth is the opposite of ignorance.

The "fall from grace" is an understanding of the difference between good and evil, a loss of innocence but also a loss of ignorance.
Ignorance is Lucifer
No. As Sideshowbob tries to point out, Lucifer's sin is not ignorance, but pride. Ditto Hitler, and Trump. One can take pride in one's own ignorance, too. I know that I do. Pride is a violation of the first commandment, and the mistake most infamously immoral folks always seem to violate on the way to much more serious moral transgressions against more people.

Lucifer is the bringer of light. Shining a light on the truth is the opposite of ignorance.
The "fall from grace" is an understanding of the difference between good and evil, a loss of innocence but also a loss of ignorance.
Nice one, SSB. Truth is only a value, not an absolute. If you don't value knowledge about something, that's ignoring it, and that's always a value judgement.

We choose not to ignore those bits of knowledge we deem vital to our survival and ignore millions of other bits because they aren't, because that's our highest value. A ripe tasty apple low to the ground is hanging where you can easily pick and eat it, but a hungry tiger is crouched nearby, waiting for you do that because its survival also depends on whatever happens next. Which do truth do you choose to ignore in that situation; the truth about the tasty apple or the hungry tiger?

Ignorance is a vital part of knowledge that works to keep you alive. What you choose to ignore in this election is similar in some ways. Someone chose G.W. Bush to be president and look what happened. Those were our children shipped out to Iraq and Afghanistan, and the fallout from that masterstroke is still on the front page. What administration finally captured Bin Laden?

Talk about modern belief in nonsense. Like the Saudi's had the best interests of the American people at heart. We'll run out of children before they run out of oil. Believe that.
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We , as in , Humans , cannot survive if we think collectively that the whole Planet does not matter , to our survival.

We as Humans ; have to think of our survival in the bigger picture of the Universe ; as well as the political here on Earth.

We must Understand that , that our attitude towards Humanity on the whole directs our Future .

Either we are slaves to ancient History or we break it .
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We must be wise to our Ancient History . Once known , we will be free . To direct Humanties own path the way Humantity choses to go .

Humanity will be free at last .