Moderator action

I couldn't be a cop. Much rather be a criminal. Fewer rules to study.

True... being a criminal is rather easy. Being a GOOD criminal though... now that's hard, and truly rewarding...

granted, by good criminal, I mean lawyer, politician, ceo, etc
True... being a criminal is rather easy. Being a GOOD criminal though... now that's hard, and truly rewarding...

granted, by good criminal, I mean lawyer, politician, ceo, etc

Yes, I suppose that would be the benchmark for success. Thanks for pointing them out. :)
granted, by good criminal, I mean lawyer, politician, ceo, etc

Wait what?

Lol I fugured that would get a good reaction. The meme image was perfect though
Quite a difference between that comment and what was said by you and Tiassa.
I said that the system was corrupt and had to end and start from scratch so it wasn't so corrupt...

Ie.. the system is shit and it breeds corruption behind that 'blue wall'.. There's even numerous videos in the thread proving that point. Perhaps you could spend some time perusing it?

And really, being upset and telling a lawyer that someone said all police could die and they wouldn't care... Umm.. Okay? No, really. Do you think I haven't heard those comments every single day? Try having someone with a knife knocking on your door on your back patio while your kids are playing in the playroom in the next room, just to demonstrate of just how all lawyers can and should die and then get back to me.

As I pointed out in that thread. The issues within police departments around the world is corruption, nepotism, lies, abuse of power and criminal acts. It's all protected and as one person pointed out, even attempting to file a complaint against an officer can see you harassed and arrested. It is a system that protects its own at all costs, no matter what they did.

Now that's what I said in that thread which you clearly continue to misrepresent.

More power to you!

No, really, I have heard so much worse, including form a knife wielding lunatic standing in my backyard at night with my kids playing inside.. I said I didn't agree with Tiassa's wording and argument and I explained my position. But misrepresent away. I mean hell, you didn't even have this kind of a go at quinnsong and Repo Man or any of the others who expressed the exact same sentiment as I did..

Knock yourself out Balerion.

I said that the system was corrupt and had to end and start from scratch so it wasn't so corrupt...

Ie.. the system is shit and it breeds corruption behind that 'blue wall'.. There's even numerous videos in the thread proving that point. Perhaps you could spend some time perusing it?

And really, being upset and telling a lawyer that someone said all police could die and they wouldn't care... Umm.. Okay? No, really. Do you think I haven't heard those comments every single day? Try having someone with a knife knocking on your door on your back patio while your kids are playing in the playroom in the next room, just to demonstrate of just how all lawyers can and should die and then get back to me.

As I pointed out in that thread. The issues within police departments around the world is corruption, nepotism, lies, abuse of power and criminal acts. It's all protected and as one person pointed out, even attempting to file a complaint against an officer can see you harassed and arrested. It is a system that protects its own at all costs, no matter what they did.

Now that's what I said in that thread which you clearly continue to misrepresent.

More power to you!

No, really, I have heard so much worse, including form a knife wielding lunatic standing in my backyard at night with my kids playing inside.. I said I didn't agree with Tiassa's wording and argument and I explained my position. But misrepresent away. I mean hell, you didn't even have this kind of a go at quinnsong and Repo Man or any of the others who expressed the exact same sentiment as I did..

Knock yourself out Balerion.


You also defended Tiassa's claim that "police are shit," even trying to claim that it wasn't a generalization. You refused to condemn his statement that only his "pacifism" (lol) was preventing him from the endorsement of the mass-slaughter of everyone wearing a badge. You said "You know where he's coming from."

But yeah, I'm "misrepresenting" you. :rolleyes:
Magical Realist is my friend.


What Sciforums' moderators don't seem to realize is that Sciforums is only as good, and only as interesting, as the people that post here. A discussion board's greatest asset isn't its software, it's the conversation that it hosts. Driving participants off subverts the board's whole reason for being.

Im not sure what kind of forum the bosses want Sciforums to be (aparently kinda dull if thers no room for Magical Realist)... but i jus take it as it comes an appreciate the comedy of the bans makin it a mor "perfect" forum :bugeye:
You also defended Tiassa's claim that "police are shit," even trying to claim that it wasn't a generalization. You refused to condemn his statement that only his "pacifism" (lol) was preventing him from the endorsement of the mass-slaughter of everyone wearing a badge. You said "You know where he's coming from."

But yeah, I'm "misrepresenting" you. :rolleyes:

Come now Balerion, Bells, no reason to be at each others throats over this - it is obvious you have lived very different lives from one another and have very different experiences and viewpoints as a result. Lets just leave it at that, shall we?
Mod Hat — Policy note

Mod Hat — Policy note

Balerion said:

Quite a difference between that comment and what was said by you and Tiassa.

Members should probably be a little smarter than this. That is to say, when everything under the sun leads back to a member's everyday grudge, the issues driving such expressions seem a little less genuine.

And after a while, what those members have to say about this site is received as, "Oh, look, another tantrum to compensate for self-perceived inadequacy."

It's one of those things we can't help but notice. Like when members complain about a certain behavior, that behavior runs afoul of the staff, and then the same members decide to complain about the staff dealing with that behavior. It's not that any one person will go their whole life without making this rhetorical error, but there is a difference between human frailty and the cynical exploitation thereof. And if one does it all the time, it looks less and less like a mistake, which brings us back to the circle of people making their own complaints seem a little less genuine.

I mean, the only thing that could make such a performance go over any worse is if the member consistently committing this error staked part of his or her identity label on objectivity in order to condemn superstition. But since that never happens around here—right?—we don't need to waste our time worrying about it.
Mod Hat — Policy note

Members should probably be a little smarter than this. That is to say, when everything under the sun leads back to a member's everyday grudge, the issues driving such expressions seem a little less genuine.

And after a while, what those members have to say about this site is received as, "Oh, look, another tantrum to compensate for self-perceived inadequacy."

It's one of those things we can't help but notice. Like when members complain about a certain behavior, that behavior runs afoul of the staff, and then the same members decide to complain about the staff dealing with that behavior. It's not that any one person will go their whole life without making this rhetorical error, but there is a difference between human frailty and the cynical exploitation thereof. And if one does it all the time, it looks less and less like a mistake, which brings us back to the circle of people making their own complaints seem a little less genuine.

I mean, the only thing that could make such a performance go over any worse is if the member consistently committing this error staked part of his or her identity label on objectivity in order to condemn superstition. But since that never happens around here—right?—we don't need to waste our time worrying about it.

Insults lobbed from the perceived safety of a mod note? Say it ain't so, Joe!

As to the "point" of this cowardly diatribe...can't say that I actually see one.
Mod Hat — Response

Mod Hat — Response

Balerion said:

Insults lobbed from the perceived safety of a mod note? Say it ain't so, Joe!

As to the "point" of this cowardly diatribe...can't say that I actually see one.

Let us simply put it this way: If people wish to discuss policy and moderator conduct, and then pitch a cynical hissy-fit when moderators answer as moderators, the staff will certainly take the note, and simply bypass those discussions.
Mod Hat — Response

Let us simply put it this way: If people wish to discuss policy and moderator conduct, and then pitch a cynical hissy-fit when moderators answer as moderators, the staff will certainly take the note, and simply bypass those discussions.

When did that happen?

And how about you take your "mod hat" off, since this has nothing to do with policy, and everything to do with your bruised ego?
trippy sucks.
infraction points my ass.

my question is why.
why was i given infraction points for asking someone to support their claims, especially when they had the supposed evidence?
was this other person admonished for being a moron to begin with?
you supposedly have the PMs, where is this evidence???
honestly trippy, your ass is getting bigger, buy your underwear accordingly.
uh... huh... leopold, your post confuses and bemuses me... especially given your actions in that thread...
uh... huh... leopold, your post confuses and bemuses me... especially given your actions in that thread...
what actions might that be?
i thought it was standard practice to provide evidence when asked.
what happened instead?
ask trippy.
you know, since he gave me the infractions AND the other person involved said they provided trippy with all the PMs then i demand that trippy provide the evidence.
it was totally UNFAIR what trippy did.
listen up, the other person involved is an outright LIAR.
You contributed absolutely zilch to that thread... in fact, your first post was this:
Leopold said:
you are a fine one to say someone is avoiding challenges.

To which paddoboy said he was not going to engage in open forum with your discussion over private messages

At which point you called him a liar and a moron...

I'm not sure how/where Trippy is "lying" here... nor am I able to understand why you feel unjustly prosecuted... you were completely off-topic for that thread, insulting to paddoboy, and generally making an arse of yourself...
You contributed absolutely zilch to that thread... in fact, your first post was this:
i mean no disrespect but you aren't the one i PMed, you therefor have no clue about this.
To which paddoboy said he was not going to engage in open forum with your discussion over private messages
actually the above WAS NOT what paddoboy posted.
paddoboy implied i wanted to discuss religion with him to which i replied HE WAS A LIAR and i maintain that stand.
post the PM paddoboy where i wanted to discuss religion with you.
what happened when i asked paddoboy to post the PM?
trippy, the ho, gives me an infraction.
smooth move ex-lax.
At which point you called him a liar and a moron...
heh, heh, yeah well i'll call him that again if you'll let me.

I'm not sure how/where Trippy is "lying" here...
i never said trippy lied about anything.
you were completely off-topic for that thread, insulting to paddoboy, and generally making an arse of yourself...
like i said, i didn't send you the PMs.
*rubs temples*

You are missing the point... the reason you were given a warning was for off-topic and meaningless posting... in the context of that thread, you were off topic and contributing nothing.

If paddoboy is doing something like that, either make a thread specifically for that purpose, or (better still) report the PM's to the moderators if they are harassing in some way.

As it stands... we (the community and the moderation staff) can only see you ranting and raving about something that someone else supposedly did... and then calling people names all over the place (public service announcement - calling trippy a ho... probably not the brightest of ideas...)
*rubs temples*

You are missing the point... the reason you were given a warning was for off-topic and meaningless posting... in the context of that thread, you were off topic and contributing nothing.

If paddoboy is doing something like that, either make a thread specifically for that purpose, or (better still) report the PM's to the moderators if they are harassing in some way.

As it stands... we (the community and the moderation staff) can only see you ranting and raving about something that someone else supposedly did... and then calling people names all over the place (public service announcement - calling trippy a ho... probably not the brightest of ideas...)

I don't know you Leopold... I don't think we've ever interacted. But, dude, did you just call a mod a "ho"? That's just suicidal behavior brother. Did make me chuckle though...

Geez, this place has changed. Can't say for the better. Oh well. Don't get me wrong, I don't plan to leave this dysfunctional place, just saying changes need to be made soon.

This was my first ever forum... I frequent a few now, even moderate two of them... Yes, I know a few of you, from said forums. I always use different names, for each forum though... Hell, I've even moderated a couple of you... Lol...

But, what's going on here? This place has greatly deteriorated... Seems like it's mods vs. Posters now. Most mods are fair... Some more than others. But, how is Syne still here?... I'm just floored. I don't particularly care for all the mods here, but, wtf?... We have bigots for mods? Not cool.

Sorry for the rant... I just don't get it. Life is so hard, and so short... And, all I see is hate. Stop it dammit.