Mirror image inversion in the 4th dimension.

Discussion in 'Physics & Math' started by eram, Jan 8, 2013.

  1. eram Sciengineer Valued Senior Member

    Let's say you're an ugly asymmetrical person, with your right hand much larger than the left.

    A 4th dimensional being removed you and "flipped" you in the 4th dimesion, then put you back.

    Would you come back with a large right hand but find your room inverted? Or would your room still look the same but you have a large left hand instead?
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  3. Crunchy Cat F-in' *meow* baby!!! Valued Senior Member

    You are a 4th dimensional being. Length, width, height, and time. If you flip yourself in all dimensions then you will be standing on your head, facing the other way, and moving backwards in time.
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  5. eram Sciengineer Valued Senior Member

    No, you're supposed to be an ordinary 3rd-dimensional being. The 4th-dimension refers to a 4th dimension in Euclidean space. Do you get the question?
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  7. Crunchy Cat F-in' *meow* baby!!! Valued Senior Member

    Seriously? You are introducing fictitous life forms taking actions (which requires past, present, and future) in dimensional space that has no time? It seems like a bad question; however, if you invert an object that looks like a person in 3d space then that object will be turned around and on its head. It don't think it matters if a higher dimensional object performs the inversion because the object being operated in is 3 dimensional regardless.
  8. origin Heading towards oblivion Valued Senior Member

    Great question! I think you would fart out of your mouth.
  9. eram Sciengineer Valued Senior Member

    Uh, nobody's head is gonna get hurt. The inversion happens in 4-D space. Time need not be involved, though it can exist separately along with the spatial dimensions.

    Just imagine flipping a tile over, but a higher dimensional analog.
  10. eram Sciengineer Valued Senior Member

    No, serious question. this was mentioned by Dionys Burger in his book Sphereland.
  11. eram Sciengineer Valued Senior Member

    There are only two possible outcomes. Are both of them equivalent?
  12. eram Sciengineer Valued Senior Member

    It is all speculation, but it is technically possible and might lead to a paradox.
  13. Motor Daddy Valued Senior Member

    Can you explain the tile situation a little more clear for me? A point on an asymmetrical tile is in space at t=0 at location (0,0,0). Now what?
  14. AlphaNumeric Fully ionized Registered Senior Member

    You need to formalise the question better. If you add an extra dimension to space and then start moving things in it you aren't going to change your 3 dimensional properties.

    Suppose you have a 3d space described by coordinates (x,y,z) and you draw some 2d shape on the z=0 plane. You then reflect the shape in the y axis (which in 3d would be the x=0 plane). This transformation is the same as if you rotated the space about the y axis (ie rotated in the (x,z) plane). You can see this by drawing some arbitrary picture on a piece of transparent plastic and then turning the page over. The picture you end up with is the same as if you're drawn a mirror image of the original picture. Hence you can describe reflections as special cases of higher dimensional rotations.
  15. Motor Daddy Valued Senior Member

    If you want to place 20 billion billion asymmetrical tiles in space I'm good with that. Just go ahead and create them in space at the points in space you choose. Once we have the geometry laid out reality is in place. We then can start the clock and watch evolution as it unfolds.
  16. GammaMatrix Banned Banned

    Yes Crunchy is right.

    A three dimensional object in four dimensional space, is still a three dimensional object. But perhaps a cube moving in four dimensional space moves slightly different to us but it does orientate to the same positions as a three dimensional object - a good example is here:

  17. GammaMatrix Banned Banned

    Keep in mind also, we hardly move around in time as it is.
  18. eram Sciengineer Valued Senior Member

    that's true. but the question is, will my body be inverted or *reflected*, and the world around me looking the same, or will my body remain the same and the world around me has become inverted?
  19. Write4U Valued Senior Member

  20. eram Sciengineer Valued Senior Member


    Haha you revived this thread.

    All the Nova shows with Brian Greene are major time wasters.

    I've seen that sphere video before, that's not what I'm referring to. What I'm referring to doesn't deal with modern physics.

    I'm just dealing with spatial dimensions. It is possible to flip a 2D object in the 3rd dimension and turn it into it's mirror image in the 2nd dimension. Just go up one dimension.
  21. Pete It's not rocket surgery Registered Senior Member

    The two outcomes are the same, from different perspectives.
    To you, it seems the world has been flipped.
    To the world, it seems you have been flipped.
    There is no way to distinguish which has actually happened.
  22. eram Sciengineer Valued Senior Member

    But there's actually only one "world", so to speak. Not two.

    Imagine you have a friend who perceives things differently. He sees text in reverse/mirror image form. He refers to his left hand as "my right hand". From your perspective, he's perfectly normal.
  23. ash64449 Registered Senior Member

    by 4th dimension,he doesn't mean time. He means 4th Spatial Dimension...

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